
13 Reviews
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Constantine (2005)
7 March 2005
It was a slick entertaining demony good time. It wasn't the Exorcist but then it wasn't supposed to be.

Let me make something absolutely clear here, I don't approve of who they cast simply because I read Hellblazer (the Comic this movie is based of) and Keanu is not a blond englishman. However that is not to say he did a bad job, he managed to impart a nice dosage of bitter black humor into the role and should be commended for that.

Weisz is forgettable, sorry kiddo, everyone else is kinda meh though Tilda as the androgynous angel Gabriel (remember kids, Angel's have no gender according to a few texts) was pretty good. Decent soundtrack though Brian's Children of Dune and Bubba Ho Tep is better.

This, like Van Helsing, Hellboy and others does what it's suppose to do: it entertains.

Plus the exorcism scene was pretty cool.

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (2002 Video Game)
Don't waste your time
20 July 2004
Cute for about 10 minutes before it becomes a mindless laserfest. No map so its easy to get lost. The "Bounty Tracking" system is poorly laid out. Which results in getting shot a lot. The money you get from bounties really serves no purpose.

Overall a disappointment. Something that could have been very cool, such as a Manhunt with better controls a star wars theme became a mindless shoot 'em up. Rather indictative of most of Lucas's work. Lots of flash, very little substance.

You want a good star wars game? go play X-Wing, TIE fighter, Dark Forces or Knights of the Old Republic

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A cliche but an entertaining one
24 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Look, don't take this movie too seriously. It's a cliche full of cliches but entertaining cliches. Scarlet is hot as the obligatory scary chick, Leonardo plays the spaz narrator and while yes most of us could have written this plot in our sleep, its still carried off well.

Relax kids, its just entertainment. I want blindingly hysterical, I get Mel Brooks. This was cute. And ...

*SPOILER FRIGGIN ALERT!!!!!* ...The scene when the best friend (Matty) sacrifices himself and gets busted to keep everyone else safe was kind of cool.

Anyhow watch it for some laughs. A nice cameo by Vanessa Angel incidentally. (We miss you, Lisa)
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Wasabi (2001)
2 June 2004
Highly entertaining. A lot of wincing humor (Pain is funny). Jean Reno is great as always though he seems to keep getting saddled with little girls that need protecting. (See LEON if you have no idea what I'm talking about).

The best friend is good too. And the kid is cute. I liked it and I'd see it again. Violent enough to be exciting, funny enough to spark some laugh out loud moments. Any deeper meanings or higher purposes need not apply. This film is FUN.
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Asoka (2001)
14 April 2004
This is my first experience with Bollywood and it was quite entertaining. Yes, they ripped off Gladiator in terms of editing and yes, the film drags and some parts and then wraps up far too quickly.


It is thoroughly entertaining. The fight scenes are all right but perhaps I've been spoiled by films such as Braveheart and Gladiator. What surprised me was the comedic elements found in the film. Also the byplay between lead actor Shah Rukh Khan and lead actress Kareena Kapor is handled well romantically. (The fact that Kareena is gorgeous doesn't hurt matters either)

Overall, I enjoyed it. It was fun, the costume design was interesting, the acting was well done and it was just an overall entertaining experience. It's not Henry V, but then it doesn't have to be.
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Touching Evil (2004)
Very nice
12 March 2004
With a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails and a cast featuring Zach Grenier from Fight Club, Peter Wingfield from "Highlander: The Series" and headed up by Jeff Donovan (From Blair Witch 2) "Touching Evil" is a unique and oddly human crime drama.

Donovan plays his characters obsession and insanity with a deep sense of passion, focus and humanity making him more than simply "another crazy cop"

I intend to watch more of this. I enjoyed Donovan's performance exceedingly. I'd like to see the character continue to evolve. He's unpredictable which makes for cliché breaking television and he's very human and humane which makes for a sympathetic and invocative viewing experience.
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Hysterical timeless
16 February 2004
A wondrous romp with some biting social commentary specifically on race issues and especially during the times it which it was made.

However humor is timeless and so this film works just as well today as it did when it was made.

Gene Wilder and Cleavon Little have a phenomenal rapport as the gunfighter and the black sheriff, Harvey Korman is unrepentantly wicked in his comic performance as HEADLY Lemarr. Slim Pickens and Mel Brooks add a deliciously zany element to the entire film.

And of course the exceedingly talented Madeline Khan's sexy and funny turn as Madame Lilly is beyond contestation.

This film reminds us all not to take things so very seriously, relax and have a few guilty laughs, all done in good fun.
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Final Fantasy X (2001 Video Game)
A sweeping epic "The Return of the King" of RPG's
28 January 2004
A sweeping and very human game that snatches you up with its visuals and more importantly, its heart, and never lets go. Better than any game I have every played before or since. Flawless in its humanity. A truly important game with size, scope and soul.
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A life changing film
28 December 2003
This film is sweeping and epic yet never manages to lose its human touch. It has a message for each and every one of us and is as varied and personal as the many faces of Middle Earth.

If you take nothing from this film other than this, you will be the richer: this is an important, a VITAL film because it has something to teach everyone and we are all the better for it.
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12 June 2003
A glorious rendition of Vlad's life, Mr. Martin plays the Impaler Prince with wonderous accuracy, his tooth-rattling intensity is in keeping with the most accurate historical documents regarding Vlad Tepes. Jane March is beautific as Lydia and the rest of the supporting cast excels as well. A must see.
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Genuine Thrills
30 April 2003
Clever little flick. Well shot and well played. Some genuine thrills if not chills. Lacks the edge of menace I like in my films but the PG-13 rating could have something to do with it. Worth a rent, purchase at your own discretion.
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From Hell (2001)
Astonishing, Rich and Disturbing
22 October 2001
Amazing film, beautifully stylized. Solid performances both in front and behind the camera. Johnny Depp is, as usual, pure magic and utterly convincing. This film will knock you on your ass and kick you while you're down. Do NOT see it before going to bed.
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When good girls go bad.
9 August 1999
Cheesy SFX. Nun poisoning. Catholic school girls performing black rituals in the nude. ...What's not to like?

Check out Clea DuVall, from the highly cool and woefully underrated THE FACULTY.
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