
8 Reviews
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A great classic!
25 February 2001
The opening sequence of this film was the proof that I was going to enjoy it. The bodies of every living creature in the village, lying limp and lifeless throughout the village. (When I first saw the film I thought they were dead, but....) There are bodies in the middle of the street, bodies in vehicles, a woman lies limp on the floor as her iron burns her clothing, while a magnetophone skips as it plays and slowly dies to a stop. This is a wonderful prelude to a mysterious plot that is not entirely revealing until almost the very end. The pressure of the mystery is also stressful for the characters as they try to figure out the horror that is knocking the adults unconcious, thus adding to the emotion of the film. Altogether a great mystery classic (though not a horrifying film, in my opinion) with some creepy parts. A sort of subtle way of saying, "Watch out for the little people." I give it an 8 out of 10 (considering the time it was made)
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Mars Attacks! (1996)
Why can't we all just get along?
22 February 2001
I've never been able to understand why it is so hard for some people to watch a film just for fun. I've heard way too many "That was stupid," or "What was the point of that?" And I have heard those sayings directed mostly to films like "Mars Attacks."

The fact is, "Mars Attacks" is not a great film. It's not even a classic film. The special effects are horrible. The acting is way overdone. These are a few of the reasons why most people hate this movie. Well, guess what? ALL OF THOSE THINGS WERE ON PURPOSE!!

"Mars Attacks" is a fun film meant to spoof old cheesy science fiction. We've all seen those film. The special effects were horrible. And, of course, the acting was away overdone. Gee, that sounds familiar. "Mars Attacks" is not meant to be taken seriously. It is a blast of a film that is meant to make us laugh. Those who do not get the joke hate the film. But those of us who do love it.
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Frankenweenie (1984)
Wonderful and creative
22 February 2001
Though this is one of Burton's earlier, shorter, and less popular films, it is perhaps one of his most creative and early "spoofs" (though I would not truly call it a spoof.) Burton created a wonderful, childish look at the classic horror film on which this was based. The greatest scene of the movie is the pet cemetery, with the small tombstones displaying the types of pets buried there (a fishbowl for fish, a cat with X's as eyes, etc.) And the putt putt golf course that serves as the famous windmill scene. I must also commend Burton for choosing to make this film in black and white. During the first few minutes I was not sure if it was going to work, but after most of the film, I realized that it was perfect. Original, cute, and obviously Tim Burton, this film is good for everyone, regardless of what Disney thinks (I guess they were afraid that kids would start digging up the graves of their old dead pets and end of shocking themselves.)
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
16 February 2001
I may sound a little preachy, but viewers of this film who did not like it simply do not understand its ability to be pure art. The set design, the cinematography, and the story is a horror tale, an urban legend, a drama, and a mystery all rolled into one. Most of all, I like how the color red stands out from all other colors, giving the film an almost "black-and-white-and-red" look. This, of course, brings out the red blood that shows up in the film from time to time. Burton surprised me in this film, as well, with the twisted story line and his choice of cameo actors. Burton films are not well known for being presenting a surprise ending, but this one proved to be effective.

A film is much more enjoyable if you try to find its full potential and don't hold so many expectations of it. Sure... it has a few flaws... but so does "American Beauty" and it was voted Best Film in '99, not to mention it is my favorite. "Sleepy Hollow" is a wonderful and creatively creepy retelling of the classic tale that we all remember. It is a mature look at the tale and though it is not entirely scary, the film is a work of art good for a night of popcorn and scary movies.
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Fight Club (1999)
We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.
3 January 2001
Over along enough time period, the possibility rate of a really good movie coming along drops to zero. But every now and then, there is a film that gives the world a great big sweaty slap in the face and says, "Hey, this is the way thing really are." Fight Club has proven to be one of those films. David Fincher once again has presented us with a flick that forces us to ask, "What if?" The scary part is that it is all possible. There might really be a Jack out there who takes part in a lot of anarchical acts, but imagines that it is someone else who is doing it. Schizophrenia, multiple personalities, etc. These things really do exist. But enough about psychology, on with the film. Brad Pitt employs a performance that is not at all surprisingly fantastic. His acting style proves once again that he is a method actor, different in every film whose credits bear his name. The character of Tyler, however, is not one that I would have expected Brad to play, but it seemed to be made for Brad and only Brad. His lines are not entirely funny, but he makes them hilarious. Though his character is generally serious, there is a humor in him and Brad displays that fantastically. The real performer in this film, I think, is Edward Norton. His role is also much different from his usual (Let's not forget "American History X".) Norton made me believe in his character. I, too, suffer from insomnia, as do a lot of people. Jack could be any of us. I think Norton tried very hard to make us feel like his character WAS all of us, all of the crappy parts of our lives rolled into one. The character of Jack changed throughout the movie, as he was supposed to, and Norton performed this change perfectly. Fincher remains somewhere at the top of my "Favorite Directors" list, and his films are some of my favorites, "Seven" and "The Game" included. "Fight Club is a film that will remain in the minds of those who have seen it, especially the ones who did not like it.
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...look closer
30 October 2000
I knew... when I saw the theatrical trailer a few years ago that this film was going to be one that would remain wedged in film history. All who have seen it speak of it. Those who love it can not stop watching it. Those who hate it can not stop thinking about it. "Sometimes there much beauty in the world...I feel like I can't take it...." The film is a melting pot of emotions, from dark comedy to a descent into the angst of humanity. How many Lester Burnhams are out there, next door to us? How many of us know a girl, blessed with beauty but unaware of it? Look closer.... What is it that you see? It is a very real film, so real that it hurts to think about it. Sam Mendes is full of insight and talent and I can not wait until his next film. I recommend this film to anyone who feels that the world is all bad... look closer. Because beauty is there, subtle and innocent. Look closer.
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Stand by Me (1986)
8 March 2000
As a lover of Stephen King's writing style and Rob Reiner's directing techniques, this movie leaves me speechless every time. It is an almost forgotten film about a time and a youth nearly forgotten, as well. And I will say, as a writer, the novella that this film was based upon, "The Body" has and always will be the inspiration for my style of writing.

First of all, I enjoy the title that was chosen for the film. "Stand By Me" fits what the characters in the story are facing. I think that all who have seen this film will agree that the problems are all things that we can relate to. All of us know someone like these characters. Most of us have met the boy down the road who had a brother with a bad name and a father with an alcohol problem, automatically being labeled as a "bad kid." And the boy with the military father, abusive and a little whacko. The fat kid, picked on and ridiculed for his weight.

To me, Gordy represents all of us. I found myself seeing a little of me in Gordy as I watched the film. I don't know if any one else shares this, but it was true. Gordy was not very strong, at first, and was not sure what he wanted, except to be with his friends. Still coping with the loss of his brother and the fact that his father was disrespectful to him, Gordy still stood up for what he believed in. And, in the end he surprised the characters and the viewers by standing up to the bullies that had plagued them all.

This film is certainly one of my top favorites. In fact, it lies in my top three, probably at #2 or #3. I feel that it is a film that everyone should see at some point in their life due to the fact it changes your look at youth and their trials. Few films are able to do that and I think that this one was an inspiration for others that will do the same in the future.
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The Haunting (1999)
A special effects masterpiece...but is it worth the time?
14 February 2000
An overall good film, The Haunting stirred movie-goers months before its release with its seemingly eerie previews. From brief sights of objects moving in the house to the fact that it did not say much about the film at all, The Haunting's previews perhaps mislead some of its interested viewers.

The slogan "Some houses are born bad" caught my eye and my interest, so naturally I went to see the film and I loved it. It was a great film but I was a little disappointed. I had expected an R rated horror movie that would go all out to scare the audience. Instead, it was a PG-13 special effects party that used computer effects to scare the audience. The special effects did create a creepy scene for viewers to admire. And such frightening scenes as the fountain statue that came to life.

The lack of rated R horror was made up for by stunning visual effects that purely express talent. Not to mention the surround sound of voices and strange noises all through the house. All in all, it was a good film and worth seeing again and again. In spite of its down points and perhaps too overly dramatic ending, it is a film that will sit in its video case in my movie library soon after its release.
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