I'm reading all of these negative reviews about The Hulk, and I don't understand what type of movie these people thought they were going to see? This is not some art-house film. This is not "The Ice Storm" or "Sense and Sensibility."
This is The Hulk. The Incredible Hulk. A character featured in a comic book which has lasted over 40 years. And this movie does the comic book, and all of its true fans, justice.
I think people believe that they were going to see 2 hours and 18 minutes of the Hulk running around and smashing everything in sight. Of course, that's what the movie could have been--and it would have been boring and overdone after the first 30 minutes.
No, what Ang Lee and his crew has given us is a tragic story--paced out like a real-life event. A child loses his parents and the sins of his father have been passed onto him without his knowledge or consent. His world has never been normal and now, due to an accident, his life has just went up 1000 points on the abnormal scale.
Anyone who complains about the split-screen and the comic book look is just complaining a little too much. . .it doesn't happen much, but when it does it looks really cool. These are probably the same people who didn't like "The Matrix Reloaded" because Neo "fights too fast". . .Lee is just trying to do something cool here and people are reaching out too hard to find something wrong with this picture (or condemning something different--just like the Hulk is condemned because he is different).
No, this is not Spider-Man. . .this is a different character. . .not a geeky teenager bitten by a radioactive spider, but a man afflicted with with a hidden terror that takes physical form.
Everyone whining and crying about how the movie is a fantasy--give me a break. . .it's the Hulk! Not Othello. Not Schindler's List. Don't get me wrong--there is a plot. The dialogue is fine. There is a good story. And then the Hulk smashes!!
Ang Lee directed a great film. Eric Bana and Jennifer Connelly did a great job (plus Nick Nolte, Sam Elliott and the rest of the cast). The Hulk looked fantastic. (Enough already with "the Hulk looks like the Jolly Green Giant" dribble). In the comics, the Hulk is really huge--and not the size of Lou Ferrigno (though Lou was cool). The fight scenes with the gamma-dogs and the Army was great.
I just saw a 50-year-old man jump out of his seat and yell like a little kid--he was extremely happy because the child inside of him finally was seeing what he had read so many years ago in a magazine--the Hulk was alive and showing his unstoppable might.
People who believe the Hulk story is just a drama about a man who turns into a 15-foot green beast when he gets angry only know half of the tale. There is much more to the Hulk mythos (including character development and emotions), and this movie covers all of those bases (and then gives you some big time action).
This movie gets 3 thumbs up! Great visuals. Interesting story. Great and innovative CGI. And the silver screen debut of Green Goliath. I cannot wait for the sequel. I want more Hulk!
This is The Hulk. The Incredible Hulk. A character featured in a comic book which has lasted over 40 years. And this movie does the comic book, and all of its true fans, justice.
I think people believe that they were going to see 2 hours and 18 minutes of the Hulk running around and smashing everything in sight. Of course, that's what the movie could have been--and it would have been boring and overdone after the first 30 minutes.
No, what Ang Lee and his crew has given us is a tragic story--paced out like a real-life event. A child loses his parents and the sins of his father have been passed onto him without his knowledge or consent. His world has never been normal and now, due to an accident, his life has just went up 1000 points on the abnormal scale.
Anyone who complains about the split-screen and the comic book look is just complaining a little too much. . .it doesn't happen much, but when it does it looks really cool. These are probably the same people who didn't like "The Matrix Reloaded" because Neo "fights too fast". . .Lee is just trying to do something cool here and people are reaching out too hard to find something wrong with this picture (or condemning something different--just like the Hulk is condemned because he is different).
No, this is not Spider-Man. . .this is a different character. . .not a geeky teenager bitten by a radioactive spider, but a man afflicted with with a hidden terror that takes physical form.
Everyone whining and crying about how the movie is a fantasy--give me a break. . .it's the Hulk! Not Othello. Not Schindler's List. Don't get me wrong--there is a plot. The dialogue is fine. There is a good story. And then the Hulk smashes!!
Ang Lee directed a great film. Eric Bana and Jennifer Connelly did a great job (plus Nick Nolte, Sam Elliott and the rest of the cast). The Hulk looked fantastic. (Enough already with "the Hulk looks like the Jolly Green Giant" dribble). In the comics, the Hulk is really huge--and not the size of Lou Ferrigno (though Lou was cool). The fight scenes with the gamma-dogs and the Army was great.
I just saw a 50-year-old man jump out of his seat and yell like a little kid--he was extremely happy because the child inside of him finally was seeing what he had read so many years ago in a magazine--the Hulk was alive and showing his unstoppable might.
People who believe the Hulk story is just a drama about a man who turns into a 15-foot green beast when he gets angry only know half of the tale. There is much more to the Hulk mythos (including character development and emotions), and this movie covers all of those bases (and then gives you some big time action).
This movie gets 3 thumbs up! Great visuals. Interesting story. Great and innovative CGI. And the silver screen debut of Green Goliath. I cannot wait for the sequel. I want more Hulk!
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