
13 Reviews
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Go Bosch
17 February 2014
Just loved this gritty start adapting Michael Connolly's crime series with Harry Bosch as the central character. Acting is great and can't wait to see his characters and stories transferred to the silver screen. Titus Welliver, who plays an LAPD homicide detective, is just the right choice of actor that one imagines when reading Connelly's books, he could have stepped right off the page! The scene settings around LA make me want to go back and visit all the places i missed on my holiday there! My only criticism of this pilot is that stories from 3 books were used to weave into one story about a serial killer. One book can stand on its own but I understand the logic of immediately trying to capture the audience in this pilot. I really recommend this series to viewers who enjoy a good who "dunnit!"
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The Departed (2006)
Excellent a must see movie
23 January 2007
Both my wife and I were wrecked from nervous tension, the movie held you from beginning to end and can't say enough for di Caprio's acting, it is certainly his best yet as he moves into heavy weight roles and shows that he can handle them. The whole cast were really excellent and of course the director Martin Scorcesse scored an absolute triumph...can he ever top this one! The realism was gripping and you forgot that there was a camera crew filming because you were drawn into the action. No question a great movie and well deserves any awards going. One can really imagine the great stress of being an under-cover policeman and di Caprio drew us into his great torment by his psychiatrist sessions and pill taking. Ray Winstone was another classy piece of acting. I left Jack Nicolson until last because his acting is just head and shoulders above just about everybody in the business. This was a portrayal of a gangster supreme and did he love blood, he was so scary and someone you just don't want to meet because you never know which way he will turn!
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Hornblower an excellent series!
31 December 2004
I was so surprised by the excellence of this movie which is the third I have seen and now look forward to seeing the complete series. Even my wife who is not particularly interested in naval history was entranced by it. Having read Patrick O'Brian's naval history Aubrey & Maturin series I have become fascinated by this period of history. Master and Commander was a movie made from a combination of two of O'Brians's book and also was a realistic portrayal but somehow Hornblower has given another dimension to life and living in these wooden ships. The Hornblower filmed series adds a memorable visual quality to this history and I can heartily recommend them.
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Read the book forget the film!
28 June 2004
I was totally put off by casting Nicholas Cage as Capt. Corelli, he was completely the wrong choice.Why don't the casting directors read the book and see how the characters are drawn? This is a soft gentle man, a musician whom Cage has no chance in a month of Sundays of being. First of all you need someone to look like the short pudgy character and Cage is anything but what Hollywood thinks will fill the seats! Oh and his accent was terrible!

At least the scenery was authentic and of course the romantic interest was cast well but whenever the movie makers try to make a popular book into a movie they rarely get it right because they think the book does not stand well enough on its own. They think the audience are dumb and don't think! Forget it enjoy the book.
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Don't miss this great film.
25 January 2004
A wonderful story brilliantly acted and all the better for it being a true story. I loved every moment of it and laughed till the tears ran! Don't miss it! Maybe US viewers will find some of the quaintness of the women's organisation a bit strange but it really is true, the WI do all the things depicted in the film. It was wonderful to see such a great team of actresses given the chance to act in a tailor made movie for the over 40's!
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What a yawn!
25 January 2004
Great visuals and great acting by Bill Murray but I didn't pay all that money to see a travelogue? OK so people get lonely and disorientated in a foreign situation but is it worth making a movie about it? Sorry I couldn't see what all the hype was about. Too long and too little dialog, I almost fell asleep I was so bored.
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Hero (2002)
A Movie that will remain a classic, don't miss it!
15 November 2003
I thought that I had reached the summit (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) of movies in this genre but HERO surpasses even this. This is a magic movie on all levels from the amazing direction to the incredible camera work which captured colours and action that were quite unbelievable. We wish we could have seen it on the big screen but at least we had the chance to hire it and now I'm going to buy the DVD with its interesting interviews by the director and actors. If you can't hire it then buy it but don't miss it.
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Frida (2002)
Fantastic movie, great direction
24 March 2003
I saw this film last night not knowing anything about it or the central character in the history of art. It was an amazing film and true to the word I was seduced by the fine acting of Selma Hayek and Alfred Molina and of course the true story of these larger than life characters. The direction was excellent and the photography breathtaking. The vibrant colours and wonderful costumes were overwhelming. The fine acting was not limited to the central characters for the supporting cast too were wonderfully portrayed. I cannot recommend this film too much. Of course this morning I read that it won two Oscars, it should have won more but maybe there weren't enough trophies to go round!
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The Criminal (1999)
The good guys don't always win!
20 March 2003
For a first movie by the young director one can only say "great" even if he were an old hand it would still be a great thriller and one that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I loved the camera work and the ideas in telling the story. Gritty with some fine acting, a very British movie without all the usual gloss and fancy fashions! Highly recommended.
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A movie that sneaks up on you!
20 March 2003
We watched the DVD of this movie and wished we'd had the chance to see it on the big screen. It really draws you in and slowly enfolds into a thinking persons film. We loved every moment, the direction was superb and so was the acting from all the protagonists and supporting characters. Kevin Spacey really got to grips with his character and showed his great skill as an actor. A great movie from a great book in our view.
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Amazing bird photography
9 April 2002
A totally absorbing and wonderful film about bird migration with outstanding photography however one must say that it lacked (for me) detailed information about what we were seeing. I saw it in German so perhaps the English or French version supplied more but somehow I doubt it! Perhaps the whole project was so ambitious having filmed some 350 hours of film it was difficult to decide what to cut out and what to leave in. We followed main migrations and then suddenly took off in other directions to watch other types of bird which became confusing. We didn't know where we were during the flight so in all there was a whole lot of detailed information I would like to have known. When I went for a walk in our park today and saw Canada geese in the ponds I had a whole new respect for them! The bird and scenic photograpy is worth it alone.
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Rebus: Black and Blue (2000)
Season 1, Episode 1
30 October 2001
Being a great fan of the John Rebus series I was interested to see the TV production but sadly John Hannah just does not add up to the part. I have admired his previous work but the fault lies with casting -he is simply too young! His accent should also be Edinburgh and not to close to the Glaswegian one that comes across, he is from East Kilbride after all but the character is from Fife so why not a Fife accent? OK this is all academic especially when lines are mumbled and one can hardly understand what is being said, I pity anyone south of the border (Scottish) and those overseas! Apart form these points I have really enjoyed the series, I just wish that the Directors would read the books a little more closely and fine tune the characters.
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Intimacy (2001)
Gritty excellence
23 June 2001
This is a mind blower for realism and film craft. The story of life in London for the no-hopers with a very French feel to it. The fast moving camera work gave the added agitation and stress to life there and one forgot that this was a movie because you were right in it experiencing the emotions of love and despair. The acting was brilliant from the two main characters and move over the porn industry for this was the most realistic love making I have ever seen in a main stream movie. (Never seen an erect penis in mainstream before!) Highly recommended.
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