
6 Reviews
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Us (II) (2019)
Not what you might expect
14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was way too long. The concept was enticing in the beginning and i really looked forward to watch the movie. But then the doppelgangers started to make weird animal-noises. It would have been so much better if the doubles wore the same outfits and hairstyles and spoke with same voices. This would have made for a much more interesting and psychological film - but of course that would have needed a solid and thought-out script. That's the most important problem: there is no real story or a plot. The twist in the end does in my opinion not make up for 2h of film that didn't manage to tell me motivation or character of anyone. There was neither character/story-development nor exciting visual effects (that could have made up for that). I do not recommend to watch this movie.
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The Third Day: Monday - The Mother (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Of course, air bnb
13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mum acts strange all the time and snoops around everywhere, leaving the kids alone. Not much is happening but the islanders seem to have invested in a radio tower and their online presentation for they have air bnb now. In the end we get the info that sam is hisband and father of the family. But wasn't there a son who was as blonde as it gets? I credit myself as to at least understand Mendel's rules of hereditary transmission enough to know that this is unlikely. But anyway, very very slow story and not really tension, bc we already know that the people on the island are crazy.
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The Third Day: Tuesday - The Daughter (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Too slow
13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I must say, there is just not enough happening. It is quite interesting to get to know the kids better, but as before most of the time everyone is standig around not really doing something. The birth should have been happening much earlier (pregnant woman which we know from earlier episodes just disappears for a while and is found later, why?) Protagonist mum get's that everyone is lying to her. Big daughter converses with an unfriendly strange girl, little daughter states pretty valid things (dad's a psycho) and nearly get's killed by pregnant woman (why? It takes a lot to want to kill a child, more than just that it's also the daughter of Guru-Jude). In the end we get Jude with a Beethoven-haircut. Not enough for 1h.

What is up with cowboy-man?
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The Third Day: Sunday - The Ghost (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
What did the artist want to tell me here?
29 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We have again a lot of running through the woods. It's hard to summarize the story because there was none. The protagonist didn't go through any developemen, the visual effects still make no sense (besides to make it seem like there's tension). We just get the reveal that the boy was taken by the cult-members. And i was just told that, not shown, not built up to. But is that a story? No. Sadly, i also couldn't empathize with the protagonist because all time that could have been used to tell me about him was wasted on shaky close ups and weird angles of him running through green. Wasn't creeped out either bc i was bored at nothing making sense and not caring for anyone. In the end i don't know what the message behind the series is supposed to be, can't be "dealing with loss" or "stranger danger". It was too dull for that.
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The Third Day: Friday - The Father (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Weird choice of effects
20 September 2020
I personally found the editing very distracting. Will have to wait what comes next and if the weird pacing and overall mood will have some sort of revelation
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You won't get what you're expecting
3 June 2019
The story of the movie is over the top, every scene seems to be too much. Everything comes of as random but is then connected to the detail. But not in a good way. On the other hand its really surprising and entertaining, no one can expected such a confused way of telling a story. There are some very trashy looking rewinds, meanwhile the overall look is very appealing. First you may think it's a psychological thriller when the splatter kicks in.

The acting was fine.

In conclusion: i really enjoyed watching the movie but from a rational point of view "The Perfection" is a pretty bad movie.
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