
4 Reviews
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House M.D.: Everybody Dies (2012)
Season 8, Episode 22
House M.D. - Sherlock Holmes till the end.
12 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Sherlock similarities went on till the very end. It was beautiful.

I'll start with the big one, House and Holmes are very close in personality. The writers have spoken about that on several occasions. How else could it have ended?

House faking his dead was his last big thing. House choosing to leave everything behind just so he could be there with Wilson during his final days was selfless. He screwed up but he still wanted to be there for his friend no matter what.

The hallucinations were also done pretty well. It was nice to see Kutner and Amber again.

I was also very thankful that House saw Stacy as one of the last hallucinations and not Cuddy. I didn't always hate her but man season 7 she was just terribly written. I do feel like Cuddy was so stupid thinking House would seriously change his ways for her. Stacy understood House the best. It made sense to see her there and I was very thankful for that. In a perfect world House and Stacy would have ended up together.

My one big regret of the series is that they didn't develop House and 13's relationship as much as I would have liked. I would have loved to have it develop into a father / daughter relationship. It would have been so much better then house cuddy in s07. But this is not the place to talk about that.

I was very glad she showed back up and had a talk with House in the previous episode.

Foreman learning House survived and that he can laugh about that was amazing.

Chase being the new guy in charge made so much sense, although I do found he dressed to formerly.

Seeing Cameron again, and that she is happy at her job with a family was perfect.

The original team became better because of House.

One of the very first things House says in the pilot "Brain tumor boring." His literal last words are "Cancer is boring." It was just an icing on the cake for me.

House and Wilson driving off into the sun set, it's not happy ever after. It's only five months which well end in tears. Bittersweet.

Some personal head canon: -House euthanized Wilson, not letting him die in to much pain.

-House then did the same for 13 later as he promised to do.

And the last personal head canon is that House became a private detective in some big city.

1940's inspired detective noir spinoff House P. I?
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Doctor Who: Time Crash (2007 TV Short)
Amazing! Awesome!
24 August 2020
Never had any idea this brilliant mini episode exist. The 10th doctor meeting 5 was something I never knew I needed but can't live without now.
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The Head (2020– )
Pretty good but a bit flawed
4 August 2020
I had a blast watching this show mainly because I love shows or movies set in one location and it being in the snow was even better. The one thing that really bugged me was that I saw the major twist already in episode 3 so that sucked a bit for me
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Minecraft Epic (2019–2020)
This is awesome
6 August 2019
Go watch this epic story right now! The plot is amazing, the characters brilliant, the pacing is perfection. 10/10
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