
17 Reviews
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12 January 2024
Season 4 is the slowest and most boring TV show ever made. It is so sad to see such charming actors/actresses/farm animals to be placed in such a position. Perhaps the creators could wait a bit longer for better and more creative story lines or just more stories before producing this season. The problem is that so much is placed on the basket of just a few primary characters. Where are all the other folks and their stories! The previous seasons were more inclusive of the community and their problems, successes and triumphs making a much more engaging show. Perhaps that is something the producers can go back to if planning on continuing with future seasons.
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Fröken Frimans krig (2013–2017)
This is fantastic !
8 January 2024
Absolutely fantastic, engaging and charming. Loved this show in every way. It's for everyone. Too sad that many people the issues still remain unresolved to this day. What I like the best is that it shows the growth of individuals opinions and personal development of its characters skillfully played by a group of talented actors/actresses. There is a lot to learn from this show while also being entertained. I highly recommend this show. Thanks to PBS we are being exposed to a variety of cultures and languages and we see that we are all just humans no matter where we come from. What beautiful lesson.
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Seaside Hotel (2013– )
Fantastic show
14 October 2021
Absolutely love this show. It's pure joy and entertainment to watch it. I wish that more of such shows were made to engage and entertain TV watchers. The story in the seaside hotel has up's and down like the waves of the sea and Carrie's you with it.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Beyond Imagination
14 August 2021
This show is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. It is so hilarious that we keep reminding each other of this or that scene and crack up.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
31 July 2021
The show is so funny and entertaining that we watch each episode several times back to back. Love it. Love it. Love it.
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Professor T. (2015–2018)
Love it...
3 June 2021
Absolutely love this show. A simple idea wrapped with superb acting, magnificent music & incredible literature.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Too much for a role model
22 May 2021
How is this for a role model?! When will we move women to the 21st century and stop presenting them as hapless creatures waiting to be governed by men?
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Once again
18 April 2021
Once again we see the story of a man acting like an a**w***** and the women welcoming him back with open arms.
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Made in Italy (2020)
Watch "Under The Tuscan Sun" instead
6 February 2021
If you have seen "Under The Tuscan Sun", you are 80% there plus spoiled American youngster and tons of Tuscan views.
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Don't Let Go (2019)
What did just happened?
24 January 2021
It is hard to believe that somebody actually provided funding for this movie and then somebody else will pay for it.
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Boring, boring, boring...
30 December 2020
The whole story could have been told in 10-12 minutes.
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Downsizing (2017)
17 December 2020
This movie will make you laugh, it will make you cry and it will make you think. What else is there to ask.
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Very funny
31 October 2020
Another amusing and hilarious British production. Love Maggie Cole's ever changing facial expressions. Her determination to put things right after hurting some is what we need in our pre-election hyped up climate leading to the holiday season.
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14 September 2020
The Henzo the Razor series of three movies present the lowest of low of men and bares their illusion of what the other 50 percent of humans cherish, love, and want. It's unfortunate that the actor who became beloved by his Zato Ichi series has chosen to produce and act such despicable series.
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Selena + Chef (2020– )
Fantastic show
7 September 2020
Selena has just thought us how to teach cooking. The manner in which each episode is presented with step by step instructions together with the demo By the actual chef followed with the demo by a novice clearly proves to be the best method for teaching cooking.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
5 August 2020
Fast pace, engaging, sharp and different. What else one can ask for.
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Bastille Day (2016)
What happened to Zoe?
14 May 2020
How so conveniently everyone uses Zoe and how conveniently she disappears at the end of the movie. Without her help the ending wouldn't have been possible and she disappears just In time for guys to celebrate their glory.
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