
22 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
Don't Waste Your Time LIke I Did!
26 May 2024
I managed to sit through the entire movie, but aside from some impressive CGI and futuristic tech, the plot was riddled with clichés and predictable moments. It felt like a rehash of countless other action films, just with different faces.

To sum up the chaotic mess this movie presents: crucial military decisions are made based on a character's emotional whims, which is hardly convincing or practical.

This movie had potential but faltered in execution. It heavily relies on the lead actor to carry the story, and unfortunately, Jennifer Lopez doesn't quite fit the bill. Her performance is one-dimensional; whether she's cracking jokes or facing intense fear and sorrow, she maintains the same expression.

Another actor with a knack for nuanced performances would have been a better choice for this role. "Atlas" ultimately feels like a missed opportunity, bogged down by superficial execution and uninspired acting. Seriously, don't waste your time like I did.
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Madame Web (2024)
Oh, boy...
17 March 2024
As an avid fan of comic book movies, I walked into Madame Web with high hopes, even after hearing some less-than-stellar reviews. Unfortunately, my optimism was quickly dashed as I realized that this film truly lived up to its negative buzz. It's not just bad-it's catastrophically so.

Dakota Johnson, bless her heart, seemed to be operating on a completely different wavelength from the rest of the cast. Despite her valiant efforts, she couldn't salvage a script that was so woefully inadequate that it could sink even the most talented of actors. Adam Scott, who usually delivers solid performances, was sadly underutilized, leaving me wondering why they bothered casting him in the first place.

The story, such as it was, felt like it was just getting started when the credits began to roll. It's as if the filmmakers forgot to include the actual plot and opted instead for a haphazard collection of scenes loosely strung together.

My curiosity led me to investigate the writing team, and what I found was alarming. It took four people to pen this disaster, two of whom were responsible for other cinematic disasters like Morbius, Dracula Untold, and Gods of Egypt. Combine that with a director who seemed to have lost their way, and it's no wonder this movie ended up being such a trainwreck.

There were moments where I found myself chuckling at the unintentional humor stemming from the cringe-worthy dialogue. It's as if the writers had never heard a real conversation in their lives.

Even the usually reliable Sydney Sweeney couldn't escape unscathed from this mess. It's a shame to see such talent wasted on a project like this.

And let's not even get started on the special effects, which looked like they were lifted from a mid-2000s video game.

In conclusion, Madame Web is a comic book movie that fails on nearly every level. With a disjointed plot, uninspired performances, and laughable special effects, it's a film that should be avoided at all costs. Here's hoping that the next outing for this iconic character fares far better in the hands of more capable filmmakers.
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The Shift (II) (2023)
It's a Movie
19 February 2024
"The Shift" had the potential to be an intriguing exploration of its concept, but unfortunately, it falls short on several fronts. While the premise is captivating, the film gets bogged down by its heavy-handed religious overtones, leaving little room for the plot to develop organically. What begins as a promising storyline gradually loses steam as it becomes overly focused on delivering its religious message rather than fleshing out its narrative arc.

One of the film's major drawbacks is its lack of coherence, with numerous plot holes and an ending that feels rushed and unsatisfying. The mechanics of the "shifting" are inadequately explained, leaving viewers feeling bewildered rather than engaged. Despite attempts to clarify certain aspects, the overall execution feels convoluted and disjointed

In conclusion, while "The Shift" boasts an intriguing premise and commendable performances, its overreliance on religious themes, narrative inconsistencies, and lackluster soundtrack ultimately detract from its overall impact. While it may resonate more with viewers of the same faith, for others, it falls short of delivering a truly compelling cinematic experience.
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A Challenge
15 February 2024
Kevin Bridges is undoubtedly a talented comedian, but his latest comedy special left me torn between laughter and frustration. Entering the world of Bridges' humor is like navigating a thick Scottish fog - you can catch glimpses of brilliance, but it's often obscured by the density of his accent.

Bridges' comedic timing and wit are unmistakable, and his material covers a wide range of topics with sharp observational humor. From everyday absurdities to personal anecdotes, he weaves a tapestry of laughs that could easily leave the audience in stitches. However, for those unfamiliar with the nuances of the Scottish accent, myself included, deciphering his rapid-fire delivery can feel like trying to crack a particularly perplexing code.

While Bridges' accent adds authenticity and charm to his performance, it also serves as a barrier for some audience members, myself included, who may find themselves straining to catch every punchline. Despite my best efforts to tune my ears to his cadence, there were moments where I found myself laughing along with the crowd, not entirely sure what I was laughing at.

That being said, Bridges' humor transcends linguistic barriers, and there were plenty of moments where his physicality and facial expressions conveyed more than words ever could. His charisma shines through, drawing the audience into his world and making them feel like they're sharing inside jokes with an old friend.

In conclusion, Kevin Bridges' comedy special is a mixed bag for those not attuned to the Scottish brogue. While his humor is undeniably sharp and entertaining, the thickness of his accent may pose a significant challenge for some viewers. However, for those willing to lean into the linguistic adventure, the rewards are plentiful, with plenty of laughs to be had amidst the linguistic labyrinth.
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Roseanne Barr: Cancel This! (2023 TV Special)
Someone Please Get Roseanne Help
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Roseanne Barr's new comedy special falls far short of the mark, showcasing a comedian who has lost her comedic touch and appears to be grappling with mental health issues. Once celebrated for her sharp wit and fearless humor, Barr now delivers a performance that feels disconnected and lacks the comedic brilliance that once defined her.

The special's jokes often come across as forced and outdated, relying on tired stereotypes and offensive humor that no longer resonates with today's audience. Barr's attempts at humor frequently miss the mark, leaving the viewer cringing rather than laughing. It's clear that she struggles to adapt to the evolving landscape of comedy, and her material lacks the cleverness and insight that once made her a comedic force.

Furthermore, throughout the special, Barr's delivery seems erratic and disjointed, raising concerns about her mental well-being. Her once-confident stage presence is replaced with an unsettling energy that leaves the audience questioning whether this performance is a cry for help rather than a genuine attempt at humor.

While comedians often push boundaries and challenge societal norms, Barr's attempts at edginess come off as desperate rather than daring. The audience is left feeling uncomfortable rather than entertained, highlighting the stark contrast between her current work and the groundbreaking comedy she was once known for.

In conclusion, Roseanne Barr's new comedy special is a disappointing and disconcerting departure from her former comedic glory. The lackluster material and apparent struggles with mental health make it difficult to find enjoyment in what was once a celebrated career. This special serves as a stark reminder that even the most iconic comedians can lose their way, leaving audiences longing for the brilliance that once defined their humor.
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Craving (2023)
Why? For the love of God, why?
21 October 2023
"Craving," the 2023 film, left me thoroughly disappointed, and I regret to say that I can only give it one star. This movie is, in a word, bad, and not just your run-of-the-mill bad, but "REALLY bad." It falls short on multiple fronts, making it a truly underwhelming cinematic experience.

The most glaring issue with "Craving" is the abysmal acting. The performances felt wooden and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth necessary to engage the audience. The characters came across as one-dimensional, and it was challenging to connect with any of them on any level. This lack of character development only exacerbated the feeling of disconnection.

The dialogue in the film was equally problematic, with lines that often felt silly and forced. It seemed as though the screenwriter was striving for profundity but ended up with cringe-worthy clichés and awkward exchanges. This added to the overall sense of artificiality and detracted from the movie's intended impact.

Perhaps the most significant flaw in "Craving" is its confusing storyline. It meanders through a convoluted narrative, making it difficult to discern the characters' motivations or even the central plot. The film introduces seemingly random subplots and elements that go unresolved, leaving the audience perplexed and unsatisfied.

Furthermore, the pacing is agonizingly slow, with many scenes lingering on with little purpose. The prolonged moments of stillness and silence only add to the tedium, making it a test of patience to endure the film's entire runtime. It feels like a two-hour film stretched unnecessarily, leading to numerous moments of boredom.

In the end, "Craving" is a disappointment on every level. The wooden acting, silly dialogue, confusing storyline, and excruciatingly slow pace all contribute to a film that is, in my opinion, "really bad." I cannot recommend it to anyone seeking an enjoyable cinematic experience.
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Perpetrator (2023)
What Did I Just Watch?!?
15 October 2023
"Perpetrator" is a 2023 movie that left me thoroughly disappointed, earning a dismal one-star rating. This film fell short in numerous ways, making it an unpleasant viewing experience.

The most glaring issue with "Perpetrator" is its contrived and nonsensical storyline. It fails to engage viewers with a plot that is riddled with inconsistencies, leaving you puzzled and frustrated throughout the entire film. The narrative lacks depth and coherence, making it impossible to connect with the characters or their predicaments.

One of the major letdowns of "Perpetrator" is the abysmal acting. The performances are wooden, uninspiring, and void of any emotional depth. It is evident that the cast struggled to breathe life into their characters, further distancing the audience from the story. The lackluster acting is a major detriment to the movie's overall quality.

Moreover, the dialogue in "Perpetrator" is cringe-worthy at best. It feels forced and artificial, often coming across as contrived and unrealistic. This dialogue not only fails to create meaningful connections between the characters but also hampers any attempts at character development, leaving you disengaged from their struggles and journeys.

In summary, "Perpetrator" is a movie that fails to deliver on multiple fronts. Its poorly constructed plot, unconvincing performances, and cringe-inducing dialogue make it an arduous and unsatisfying viewing experience. Regrettably, this film does not merit a recommendation, as it falls far short of even the most basic cinematic standards.
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Deliver Us (2023)
Could have been much better
3 October 2023
"Deliver Us," the 2023 movie, presents a tantalizing blend of cinematic beauty and an intriguing premise, but ultimately falls short in its execution. With a visually stunning backdrop and promising story elements, it had the potential to be something truly special. However, a disjointed and poorly executed narrative left me somewhat unsatisfied.

One of the undeniable strengths of "Deliver Us" is its visual appeal. The cinematography and art direction are nothing short of breathtaking. Each frame is meticulously crafted, capturing the audience's attention with its mesmerizing aesthetics. The use of color, lighting, and camera work creates a vivid and immersive world that draws you in from the very beginning. In this regard, the film is an absolute triumph.

The premise of the movie also offers a unique and thought-provoking concept. It delves into themes that could have been explored in depth, challenging the audience's perceptions and sparking meaningful conversations. Unfortunately, the potential of this premise is never fully realized due to a muddled and convoluted narrative.

Where "Deliver Us" falters is in its storytelling. The plot is plagued by pacing issues, awkward transitions, and a lack of clear direction. It often feels like the movie is torn between multiple narrative threads, leaving the viewer struggling to connect the dots. This disjointed storytelling detracts from the overall experience and hinders the film's ability to engage and captivate the audience.

Character development is another area where "Deliver Us" falls short. While the cast delivers commendable performances, their characters are not given the depth and complexity they deserve. As a result, it becomes challenging to invest emotionally in their journeys, and their actions may appear arbitrary at times.

In conclusion, "Deliver Us" is a movie that possesses undeniable cinematic beauty and a tantalizing premise. However, its narrative execution leaves much to be desired. The film's pacing issues and lack of clear storytelling direction diminish its overall impact. Despite its potential, I found myself unable to fully immerse in the narrative. While it's worth watching for its visual aesthetics, "Deliver Us" ultimately falls short of being the exceptional film it could have been. I.
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Consecration (2023)
A Captivating Journey of Spirituality: Consecration Shines with Jena Malone
21 June 2023
Consecration is a film that sweeps you away on an ethereal journey, blending the realms of spirituality and self-discovery with a mesmerizing performance by Jena Malone. Directorial finesse and thought-provoking storytelling make this movie a true gem in the realm of introspective cinema.

One of the standout elements of Consecration is undoubtedly Jena Malone's exceptional portrayal of the film's lead character. Her nuanced performance immerses us in the depths of her character's emotional turmoil and longing for spiritual connection. Malone's ability to convey complex emotions with subtlety and authenticity captivates the audience from the very beginning, holding their attention throughout the film.

The film's exploration of spirituality is both thought-provoking and refreshing. Consecration delves deep into the complexities of faith, inviting viewers to question their own beliefs and embark on a personal journey of self-discovery. The narrative strikes a delicate balance, presenting multiple perspectives without ever becoming preachy or dogmatic. Instead, it fosters an atmosphere of introspection and encourages viewers to reflect on their own spiritual paths.

Visually, Consecration is a feast for the eyes. The cinematography skillfully captures the mysticism and beauty of the natural world, enhancing the film's overall atmosphere. Each frame is composed with care, creating a visually stunning backdrop for the emotional and spiritual exploration taking place on screen. The use of light and color further amplifies the ethereal quality of the film, immersing the audience in a transcendent experience.

The supporting cast in Consecration deserves commendation as well. The chemistry between the actors feels genuine, adding depth and authenticity to the relationships portrayed on screen. Their performances elevate the narrative, drawing viewers further into the intertwined lives of the characters and their shared quest for enlightenment.

Furthermore, the film's pacing is well-balanced, allowing moments of introspection to breathe while maintaining a sense of momentum. The screenplay skillfully weaves together the various narrative threads, unveiling layers of emotional and spiritual growth with each passing scene. The result is a cohesive and engaging storyline that keeps viewers invested from beginning to end.

While Consecration is undoubtedly a captivating film, it may not appeal to those seeking a fast-paced, action-packed experience. It requires patience and an open mind to fully appreciate the subtle nuances and philosophical themes it explores. However, for those willing to delve into its introspective depths, Consecration offers a rewarding and thought-provoking cinematic journey.

In conclusion, Consecration stands as a remarkable film that invites audiences on a profound exploration of spirituality and self-discovery. Jena Malone's outstanding performance, combined with the film's visually stunning aesthetics and engaging storytelling, makes it a must-watch for those seeking a thought-provoking and visually captivating experience. With its powerful blend of introspection and emotional depth, Consecration earns its place among the gems of contemporary cinema.
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A Derivative and Disappointing Experience
20 June 2023
"The Crucifixion" promises an intriguing premise rooted in religious horror, but unfortunately, it fails to deliver on multiple fronts. With a lackluster script, uninspired direction, and subpar acting, this film falls into the category of forgettable horror experiences.

One of the most prominent issues with "The Crucifixion" is its overwhelming sense of derivativeness. The plot treads familiar ground, offering little in terms of originality or fresh perspectives. It borrows heavily from better-executed films in the genre, ultimately leaving the viewer with a sense of déjà vu. If you've seen other possession or exorcism movies, you'll find nothing new here.

Furthermore, the movie struggles to engage its audience due to its slow pacing and lack of tension-building moments. The narrative fails to sustain a consistent level of suspense or dread, leading to a rather dull and uninteresting experience. Instead of capitalizing on the potential intensity of its subject matter, "The Crucifixion" falls flat, leaving viewers unenthused and disinterested.

The acting performances in this film do not aid its cause either. The cast's delivery feels lackluster and fails to convey the depth or emotional investment necessary to draw viewers in. The characters come across as one-dimensional, making it challenging to empathize or connect with their experiences. The overall result is a lack of believability and immersion within the story.

While "The Crucifixion" may possess some visually eerie moments, they are few and far between, unable to compensate for its overall shortcomings. The cinematography and visual effects fail to leave a lasting impact, and the movie's attempts at creating a sinister atmosphere are overshadowed by its numerous flaws.

In summary, "The Crucifixion" is a forgettable horror film that fails to bring anything new or exciting to the genre. Its derivative plot, unimpressive acting, and lack of originality make it difficult to recommend. If you're seeking a genuinely thrilling or thought-provoking horror experience, there are undoubtedly better options available that have explored similar themes with much greater success.

Overall Rating: 3/10.
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Black Sands (2021– )
13 January 2023
I difficult to like a show when you don't like any of the characters but that's exactly what happened to me when I watched Black Sands. The lead character is so dumb I have to wonder how she became a detective. I don't think she could even cut it as a beat cop. She also had a habit of throwing herself at men who seemingly had no interest in her at all. Her mother was pretty much a monster and the chief of police was lazy and not very intelligent. The one person with a little bit of a brain was the doctor but he was a bit weird at times. At times I felt like I was watching a parody of a noir-type drama. At least the scenery was beautiful.
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Killing Eve: Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey (2020)
Season 3, Episode 1
Not off to a great start
15 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that they killed off the funniest character (Kenny) was just horrible and the way they did it was monstrous.
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What was the point?
31 March 2020
If there was a point to this movie, I missed it. It was well-acted but the story was dull and very slow.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
26 March 2020
Too much exposition (which is a LOT) and not enough character development or action. BY far, Guy's worst film.
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Great first episode
17 March 2020
The acting is amazing and the production value is fantastic. The lead actor is probably the best but everyone does a great job.
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I liked it
18 February 2020
It was a bit draggy in places but overall, it was quite good. It was beautifully shot and well acted. The monster was pretty cool looking and original.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
What did I just watch?!?
13 February 2020
I don't get the hype. I LOVED the Witch and I generally like Robert Eggers but The Lighthouse is one long and boring movie.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
23 January 2020
Picard is back and as good (if not better) than ever before. The show is excellent!
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The Outsider (2020)
19 January 2020
Hollywood has finally learned how to adapt Stephen King stories to TV/film. With the exception being The Dark Tower movie.
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68 Whiskey (2020)
17 January 2020
Honestly, this is THE worst show I've seen in a long, long time. There aren't any good characters to like or identify with. Fight scenes are fake looking and amateurish, acting is horrible, not funny at all and so much more that's wrong with this absolute trash. This is like a bad 80's show.
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The Gloaming (2020– )
Loved it
11 January 2020
Don't ya just love it when other reviewers proclaim that any favorable reviews must be fake? Guess what? Some of us DO love the show and we don't try to tell others how to think!
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Dracula (2020)
2 Good Episodes
7 January 2020
The first episode is fantastic and the second is good but the third episode seems like a different show. The first episode is pretty scary but the third is laugh out loud stupid.
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