
3 Reviews
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Don't understand...
13 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how "A Woman of Paris" has received a good deal of bad publicity. Sure, it may have been because Chaplin wasn't in it, but I found the movie to be pretty good. The plot itself isn't all that exciting, considering the basic love triangle has been overused in recent years, but in 1923, this was fairly new- for movies at least. I enjoyed highly "A Woman of Paris".

Adolphe Menjou is fantastic as a rich, snobbish, playboy who treats women like toys. Edna Purviance did good as well. Some may say that her character was "confused". Well, yes. When you're in love, you do strange things. Same thing applies to anger. Marie St. Clair simply was in love with Jean and had feelings for Pierre. She didn't know what she wanted, though. Did she want luxury or did she want true love. She obviously chose true love, even if didn't mean physically being with Jean. Great movie!
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Hell in New York
31 July 2002
Well, this was indeed a very good movie. Now, this hopefully will not deter people from visiting New York City. It's certainly improved since the horrid '70s. And back in the late '60s, early '70s, many people went through hell. George and Gwen were two. As they finally land in Boston (not their destination) they miss the train to Grand Central Station, finally get on a crowded one with nothing to eat, get caught in the rain, held up, kidnaped, mugged, slept in Central Park, chased by policeman, kicked off bus,- no money- and a hell of a lot more. So, looking for a bad time? Go to New York. Dont forget to watch your travel video-"The Out Of Towners". This should cover every aspect.
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Election 2000 (2001 Video)
Suprised people voted it down
23 June 2002
I have ordered this video and found it to be quite interesting. I'm thus suprised people voted it down as poor. What was wrong with it? They covered basically everything important in the 36 days after November 7, 2000. So, excuse me, but I found it to be a great video.
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