
14 Reviews
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Better than I thought it would be.
1 December 2021
This was a little different than most love stories. All the actors did a good job and were believable. One reviewer mentioned that Rachel jumped in bed with Dex too soon, but she had been in love with him for six years. I found myself rooting for everyone, even Claire. I give it an 8 for: Different, acting, twists and ending.
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Them (2021– )
Stephen King said that scared him? I think he was just being kind.
18 October 2021
This was not scary, not believable (with the way they overtly showed racism--not even back then), and just plain stupid. For Stephen King to say this scared him is ridiculous, Steven King is about the only author that has ever scared me and that was only a little bit. This was NOT scary.
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Message Man (2018)
Better than expected
4 April 2021
I didn't really think I would like this movie but I decided to give it a try. What a surprise. When Ryan is not in the middle of a "job", the scenery is so beautiful and calming. Casting did a great job finding the right actors for the characters in this film. The Adi and Doni characters were a treat to watch. Adi's joy at seeing the photograph at the end was heartwarming and showed the good heart that we knew was there, along with his bravery.

I've seen a few reviews rated with a one star but these reviewers go on to say that they turned the movie off within the first 15 minutes. How can they give an accurate review if they didn't even watch the film? I always ignore a reviewer's rating if they haven't actually viewed the film--it makes no sense.
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Hustle: Lest Ye Be Judged (2009)
Season 5, Episode 3
Albert's Con. :)
12 March 2021
This was a great episode and I must agree with reviewer "coryandginger-79132". Albert's con at the end was brilliant and the smug (but very charming) expression on his face was something to see. Although I miss Danny and Stacie, the replacements are well casted. I love the twists on each episode and the fact that the gang not only con their mark, they almost con the viewer--until the end when they explain.

This series has so many great episodes. I recommend all of them ,but if you only pick one to view, try and make it this one!
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Monk: Mr. Monk and Sharona (2009)
Season 8, Episode 10
I love Sharona..!
29 January 2021
It was great to see Sharona back with Adrian. I've really missed her on the show. I don't want to take anything away from Natalie, or dis her in any way because she has been a great replacement. However, Sharona was a huge part of the appeal of this show. I am so glad they brought her back for an episode before retiring this awesome television comedy/drama. I'm thankful that Sharona ended up with some much needed finances AND I loved that she hooked up with ____________(spoiler). Watch the episode to see who I mean. I know Monk is coming to an end soon and I'll have to find another series for comedy. As far as the mystery/detective stories, I've already found an awesome one, "The Mentalist". It's a wonderful series with a lead that is just as smart as Monk, but he also "reads people's minds", not literally but somehow he can sense what they are thinking. This was a great episode that would score high anyway but, with the addition of Sharona, I give it a perfect 10..!!
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Monk: Mr. Monk Gets Cabin Fever (2005)
Season 3, Episode 12
4 January 2021
This was a good episode which would have been great had Sharona been included. Natalie isn't awful by any means but she just doesn't have the empathy and true understanding of Monk's psychological problems. Also, she sometimes treats him like a pet instead of a flawed human being. The plot of the story is well written and has several comical "Monk Moments". It was quite clear where the story of Randy's hot date would fit in the storyline. I wasn't sure how the story of the neighboring couple would develop but it was a nice addition. As you can see from the heading of this review, I'm really missing Sharona. Ms. Howard is a great actress and does a good job but she will never be an adequate replacement for Sharona. The latter truly loved Monk and taking care of him wasn't just a job for her. The show went on without her and it was good. However, it would have been a better show had they kept her as Monk's assistant who was also a loving friend who seemed more like a family member.
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The Conners (2018–2024)
Love Jackie, but show just isn't good
27 December 2020
I tried to like the show without Roseanne. I just love the actress who plays Jackie (and her daughter who stars in "Sheldon", which is a great show) but she can't pull this off by herself. Sara Gilbert used to be decent, I have no idea what happened. The guest stars have helped slightly but it's just not going to work. I'm giving up and will watch something else.
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4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know that if a child is 14 or older they can be tried as an adult, but this was not an intentional murder. I do believe the boy should have spent three years in a juvenile correctional facility but not an additional four years in an adult prison. Also, the two other boys (who stilled seemed unrepented) should have been convicted of assault. They were harassing and assaulting the transgender as well. Why did they get off with a slap on the wrist? During that assault any one of the three could have caused Avery to be knocked off the bridge. The law says that when someone dies in the process of a crime that all involved in the crime are guilty of the murder/manslaughter. Did Justice prevail here? No, it did not.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Doubt (2004)
Season 6, Episode 8
I think the defendant was.....
16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I believe he was guilty. He was so manipulative. She acted oddly but she had been raped. I've seen so many different responses women have had after being raped when I worked as a counselor many years ago. In response to reviewer myspecialparadise, who went on about the actress and weather or not she would sign autographs, I say "Is that how an actress is judged now?" Celebrities are hunted down by paparazzi, hounded by fans, criticized on social media. Why do people think we have a right to their private life? She doesn't have to make herself available to the public. She did her job acting, now she is entitled to privacy. Calling her a tasty appetizer was uncalled for. But back to the story. I saw where someone wrote he should not be found guilty if there is ANY POSSIBILITY of him being innocent. Maybe they don't understand that in most trials there is always a possibility of the defendant being innocent. Unless it is filmed on video or they have a full confession, we never know 100% if someone is guilty. That's what the jury is for, to conclude to the best of their ability.
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Ozark: Reparations (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
Series aimes to involve like breaking bad?
24 July 2020
I'm writing this in response to a previous review. I'm not sure I understand what they are trying to say. It just doesn't make sense to write "series aimes to involve like breaking bad". If they had written " the series aims to evolve like Breaking Bad", It would be understandable. I'm not sure they are using words correctly or even spelling them correctly. We'll see what exactly they are trying to convey here as the episodes continue. I just still have a feeling that poor grammar and vocabulary was used.
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The Craft (1996)
How is "Charmed" a rip off of this show? It's NOT.!
19 July 2020
This was an interesting movie, especially for teen girls, but older men and women can enjoy it too. It seems to start off as a comedy but then gets a little dark. I watched it because I'm a fan of the TV series Charmed and heard that it was a rip off of this movie. That is ridiculous. Yes they are both about Witchcraft but that's the only thing. If you think Charmed is a rip off of this show then you would have to say that this show is a rip off of any past witchcraft shows that have a dark haired witch. I'm a huge fan of Robin Tunney but she is wrong when she makes this claim about "Charmed". I also think the reason fans think she was on "Charmed" is because it is a show about Witchcraft with an attractive dark haired female actress (Shannen Doherty) who Robin greatly resembles. Robin and Shannen are both gorgeous with high cheekbones and stunning eyes. If you like shows about witchcraft you may like this movie. However, "Charmed" is more about young strong women trying to save the world and "The Craft" is more about selfish teens maybe coming of age.
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Charmed: There's Something About Leo (2004)
Season 7, Episode 9
Why didn't she Freeze him?
18 July 2020
This episode shows how much Kyle is obsessed with the Avatars. Suspicions about Sheridan's whereabouts makes us wonder if Kyle is one of the good guys. The episode also makes us suspicious about the Avatars. What are they up to?

When the demons tricked the Charmed Ones we got a sense that demons run in gangs, like it real life. We know demons don't exactly pal around with each other but The Book of Shadows doesn't usually show "gangs".

The reason I'm writing this review is because any fans of the show would know that Piper can freeze someone, so why didn't she do that in this episode? It just didn't make sense. They should have come up with a different way here. I liked the episode but it was not one of my favorites.
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The X-Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Worst episode of X files EVER
20 April 2020
This was just garbage. I like some of X files fun episodes, like the one Burt Reynolds was in. That was great. .....This one was just plain stupid. Not just the boring silly babble but another attempt by Hollywood to show their hatred of our President. Wow.
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Mom was gonna fight
22 March 2020
If you like Lifetime movies, you will like this one. However, as a long time viewer of LTM, I knew the minute the daughter was introduced that she was.....well no spoilers, you will have to see the end to know.
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