
12 Reviews
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Civil War (I) (2024)
Pretty boring and bad actually
3 August 2024
The title and promotion of this movie are very misleading. It's not a war movie, it's about a group of journalists traveling during a hypothetical Civil War in the US. There's a few minor fire fights in the first hour with no explanation as to what's going on. A few encounters with some "bad" people and soldiers but you don't know what sides they are on or what the sides even are. It has one or two ok scenes but overall the pace is very slow. There's finally some action at the end but it's not that believable and neither are the characters. I'm not sure who the people are giving it great reviews. They should probably watch a movie like "The Killing Fields" if they want to experience a believable movie about journalism during war.
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The Beyond (2017)
Great potential and concepts
20 August 2023
A Visually stunning movie with some really great sci fi concepts. The first hour is much too slow, they could have easily edited out 30 minutes of it and they should have added those 30 minutes to the end of the movie. The movie has some great plot twists at the end. I liked the choice of actors also but you never really connect with them as characters due to the film's mockumentary format. They probably could have turned this movie into a mini series if they added a few good script writers. It's worth watching if you're a real sci fi fan but you might have to fast forward a few times during the first hour.
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Not bad had great potential
17 December 2021
This movie is fairly entertaining, it could have used a bit of editing but I really liked the plot and characters. I think that the biggest problem is that the cinematography. It's just bad. The movie picture is very dark toned. This is supposed to be the American West? How about showing some stunning landscapes? Just watch Pale Rider to see what cinematography should look like.
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Robots and AI are cool plot sucks
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the preview of this and thought that the robot CGI looked really good. It's excellent. Their movement and actions are really believable. The AI dialog even makes some sense except for some plot lines like a hard drive that falls out of a robots head. The plot with the people in the jungle is just garbage. Like these robots wouldn't kill them all immediately. But overall the movie provides some entertainment based on the robots themselves. What if instead of Asia the government sent them to Central America to fight drug lords or the crime that's driving illegal immigration? Then you would have had one hell of a movie.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
I don't understand all the bad reviews
25 October 2021
I watched the first three episodes and I thought that they were very suspenseful. The cinematography is excellent and they are developing characters and stories. Didn't these bad review people ever see "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" or even "Stranger Things"? Those took their time to develop the stories. I'm not saying that this series will be as good as those but geeze give it a chance or go play video games.
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11 July 2021
Did Tarantino really direct this or just collect money on it?
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Good but why only 6 episodes?
31 May 2021
Season 2 was good but only 6 episodes then we have to wait another year? Come on Netflix...
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For All Mankind: Triage (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Best episode in a long while
14 May 2021
First episode out of many that I didn't have to fast forward through long boring soap opera side plots. I have a serious love hate relationship with this show. It has unbelievably great special effects, good characters and great inspiring plots related to the action. But many episodes are dragged down by politically correct soap opera sub plots. If this show was edited down to 45 minutes per episode of the good stuff it would rank as one of the best sci fi dramas of all time.
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For All Mankind: Bent Bird (2019)
Season 1, Episode 9
Best episode of the first 9
4 March 2021
All action in this episode with incredible plot twists and story. I have to remember that this is Sci-Fi and not real.
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For All Mankind: Rupture (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Heartbreaking episode
3 March 2021
Another great episode this one is a total heartbreaker. A bit too long however. If they could edit all of these down to 45 minutes it would be excellent.
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Total garbage
25 October 2020
The original was offensive but funny. This movie is offensive and not funny. Totally degrading of women. Some people say that is the whole point of the movie but it's very strange to disgrade people to an unrealistic degree to make a point.
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Best series since Black Mirror
9 April 2020
Unique SciFi plots with twists and turns and deep characters. You will remember each episode and think about them afterwards. Stylish retro look and feel in a beautiful rural town setting. I gave it a 9 instead of a 10 because some episodes are a bit slow in developing, and there seems to be lots of really dangerous things lying around the town that shouldn't be but it's excellent overall.
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