
9 Reviews
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The Sisterhood (2019 TV Movie)
I think the sisterhood have been revieing this!
23 September 2020
No, just no. This was so bad and obvious that it failed to engross at every turn. The acting was O.K at est but there were so many truly awfully acted moments the mediocre stuff was completely white washed... I get that it is a lifetime movie, but it is one of the weakest i have seen... Watch if you are really bored, have a broken leg and the remote is the other side of the room!
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White Lines (2020)
Bad acting, script and lacking nostalgia and story
2 June 2020
Where do i start... Well i advise yo all to not watch. episode 3 you think you are on to a winner but it dives so far down that when it tries to resurface it has the bends. Terrrible acting, pointless fillers, no empathy created for any character, flashbacks for no reason... it's a pot noodle of drivel and tat. Avoid.
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Cliche but good fun
14 May 2020
This is a well used story, you know the ending straight away but it's a fun watch with some real funny moments. You probably won't watch it twice but you will like that you watched it. Feel good, fun little rom-ish com. Sit back and let your mind not have to work and enjoy with some snacks!
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Absolute Fear (2012)
Absolute mess!
14 May 2020
Well... This doesn't even make it as a B movie. It is awful from any angle you try to view it at, it is just woeful in every way! Acting, script, story-line and sound are really haphazard and messy. Visually... ... ... ...the same, I just added a bit of drama to my review so you experience some if you do go ahead and watch this tripe.
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
10 May 2020
This film tries that hard to be artistic (Vrey poorly!) it forgets the story. Avoid.
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Incredibly bad through and through
7 May 2020
Within the first ten minutes you will be introduced to some of the worst acting and script writing you will have seen in a long long time. If you are able to, stop the film there and choose anything else to watch... i unfortunately have an OCD which means i have to see a film through once started. It does NOT get better. Abigail Cruttenden and Sam Gittens do a good job but they are not enough to carry the frankly cardboard, amateur attempt of the rest of the cast whom would have easily been out acted by a naughty movie star if you catch my drift. Even David Bradley a seasoned pro... terrible! The writing is woeful, the story is just plain all over the place. Avoid it.
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Offensive (2016)
Surprisingly good fodder
4 May 2020
Just watched this on Horror Channel, although i don't necessarily class it as horror per se it is a great little watch. You really get on the side of the "Victims" and are really rooting for their revenge! It was a smudge stretched how it ends but it was juuuust enough to put closure to it! A good gory revenge jaunt!
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Clever little film with a satisfying end
2 May 2020
I watched this a little while back but after watching Get Out again with Allison Williams i felt it only right to come back and score (Excuse the musical pun!) this as she truly is a great actress and brings this film to life much like she did with Get Out.

This is a film that keeps you guessing all the way through, you climb on board with the protagonist, a musical prodigy that has had heartache and sadness dictate how life is going and you feel her emotional and torrid journey from start to finish as she tries to get back on her feet in a cut throat business of classical musicianship and fame and you truly do get on her side. The ending is just perfect for the premise of this film.

Just watch it, you won't be disappointed
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Deadcon (2019)
Sketchy, unfinished and more holes than edam
2 May 2020
So I joined this morning to review this shambolic attempt at horror because I don't want anyone else to waste their time on an unfinished, plot hole full, poorly explained and badly ended pile of rubbish.

The acting and cinematography was actually OK, which is a massive shame really because there was clearly talent, it was just wasted on a very awful script, a back story that had no back story, a ridiculous ending and more loose ends than a frayed bell ringing rope.

I can't spoil anything because the whole film is that haphazard and sketchy that i wouldn't even know how to spoil it for you!

Another half an hour, a better writer and director and the premise of this film could work... at present it really, REALY DOES NOT.

Please don't waste your time!! I already did it for you!
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