
10 Reviews
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Saturday Night Live: Elon Musk/Miley Cyrus (2021)
Season 46, Episode 18
Best episode this season
9 May 2021
Easily the best episode this season and in the last couple of seasons.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
Great show
1 May 2021
It was great with Charlie Sheen. I haven't seen that many with Ashton Kutcher but they are still not that bad.
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High Anxiety (1977)
I think it is misunderstood
8 March 2021
I think of this movie as the least comedic of all Mel Brooks's movies but that is not a bad thing. It's more of a homage to Alfred Hitchcock movies than a spoof.
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31 January 2021
Your better off watching cape fear or silence of the lambs.
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
Good but needs improvement
14 January 2021
At the time of writing there are only two episodes. It has started out as a genuinely funny show but as with the first season of most sitcoms it definitely needs some improvement.
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Bad Santa (2003)
It's good
14 January 2021
In terms of comedy it has its moments but I would recommend watching it without thinking of it as a comedy and as a drama.
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It died
13 January 2021
The first half is really good but then it just kind of died.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Not overrated at all
13 January 2021
Before I saw this I assumed it was probably overrated. I was wrong. It lives up to and surpasses its reputation in pretty much every way. I would definitely recommend.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
13 January 2021
It's not bad just a little overrated. I also think it didn't deserve the 1995 Oscar for best picture (Pulp Fiction should have gotten it).
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The Three Stooges Show (1960–1972)
14 November 2020
It is easily the best slapstick show ever made!!!!
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