
9 Reviews
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Hannity & Colmes (1996–2008)
An unpardonable and inexcuseable travesty of justice. AND THAT IS THIS SHOW'S POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES
20 November 2001
And that only scratches the surface. Mindlessly distortionistic of fact and truth. as is FOX TV News in it's entirety. None the less this excuse fo a show is given worldwide acclaim. Just goes to show you how some people cannot think for themselves. Anybody watching this show, do yourself a favor and stop it.
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Jesus (1999)
With the sole exception of "The Last Temptation of Christ" The Worst movie ever made about Jesus.
29 September 2001
Since when does "A man acquainted with sorrows and grief" as Jesus was grin like a total idiot? Since when did God Give man free will. That doctrine is an absolute lie from hell itself. Pure and simple. "THY Kingdom Come, THY will be done , on earth as in Heaven." (THY meaning that of God Himself) Shame on you Jeremy Sisto. -1 on ascale of 1-10 , 1 being low.
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Here I am, not far from 40 years old and I absolutely revere the ground those 2 young people walk upon.
28 August 2001
I dont know Leo or Claire Personally, but I'm sure they're Okay too. What's in a name? A question that has been around for 400 long years. The Old Story so contemporarily yet so beautifully told. "Swear not at all" This is a line of Juliet - Taken from The Holy Bible. This just goes to serve an example that , to my notion, not all the young people of America are basket cases. And the ultimate sacrifice, as we well know by now, they made, for it was the only way their families would stop hating each other. Miss Daines finest effort , [so far] , to my notion anyway. Them kids, gotta love 'em!
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The ever changing state of national and world affairs
20 August 2001
Sure the media receives a lot of flack. They always have and they always will. Just keep in mind that the media, CBS, and all the rest of them , is in the business of reporting FACTS! The TRUTH, whatever that may be, does not live on the surface. You have to dig for it. Kudos to the First AMendment of the Constitution of These United States of America.
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Ben-Hur (1959)
Indignation surrendered. And just in time
20 August 2001
Heston returns 3 years post Moses in Cairo as the wealthiest man in the Province of Judaea in the Roman Empire. Stephen Boyd in his bread and butter role here, to my notion. Boyd portrays Masala, Centurion of the Roman Empire whose loyalty is to the emperor. Thusly his attempt is to crush his one time best friend, Ben - Hur. It backfired in the Chariot race. All the while a Silent Man whose face we could not see is watching over Ben Hur - sometimes face to face , sometimes from distance. Ben Hur then realizes thios man was just like him IN THAT He was also a wealthy man but became a slave.

"Father forgive them. They dont know what they have done." The silent faceless man did. I believe Ben Hur did as well.
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Leadership Personified
20 August 2001
"Until he learned that he was Hebrew, and slew the Egyptian". A gutsy and gritty story about a MAN adopted into an ancient royal family, then finding out the truth, thusly having to surrender all right to the throne. Heston at his absolute finest, to my notion anyway. GO! PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT ALL THE LAND! UNTO ALL THE INHABITANTS THERE OF! 'nuff said!
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Touched by an Angel (1994–2003)
I've changed my mind (see 7 August 2000)
6 August 2001
This is a nice show after all. I admit that some episodes hit a little bit harder than others, but as it is now, to me anyway, this is a nice little show after all. I dont watch it all the time, but I do video tape it a great deal of the time. My initial mistake (Date: 7 August 2000)
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Texas Terror (1935)
The Young Duke!
6 August 2001
Wayne portrays a Texas sheriff at around the turn of the 20th century who is framed for the murder of his best friend. His best friends daughter finds out about what is believed to be The Sherriff's brutal act, yet Wayne finds out the truth and brings the real killers to justice. Kudos to the Duke!
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I'm not going to be able to look at a $5 bill or a penny the way again!
4 August 2001
Marl Wahlberg plays a USAF astronaut on a space station. While going into space to find Pericles the Chimpanzee, he is transported via time ward to a dark and mysterious planet where simians are the masters and humans the slaves. Pericles the chimpanzee lands on this globe and is revered as a deity. The simians accept humans as their equals. Wahlberg is again caught in the same time warp , and reversed, only to find out the awful truth about The Planet of The Apes! Not as great as the first original, but definitely worth a go and see.
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