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Corner Gas: You've Been Great, Goodnight (2009)
Season 6, Episode 19
14 March 2024
Actually this was an excellent finale for the series. For yours truly this is the numero uno sitcom to come out of Canada.

Not at all a review of the episode. As stated before an excellent finale. ...but when some shows end I get an empty feeling inside. This was one of those shows. You know there are no new episodes coming. Yes there was a movie and the animated series. ...but I had a strong attachment to the show.

For me this was a show you could watch with anyone and it's unlikely anyone would feel uncomfortable or offended.

Many hearty laughs from the series from a skilled company of actors, writers, directors and producers.

Just my two cents worth.
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Three's Company: Macho Man (1981)
Season 6, Episode 11
I'm Big Eddy! I'm Little Jack!
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't the first episode where Jack feels embarrassed he can't defend one of the girls. In Season 1, Jack couldn't defend Chrissy from a "masher" at The Reagle Beagle.

This time it's Teri's turn. For me this is funnier of the two episodes. Jack tries to defend Teri but gets subdued by the creep. Teri uses some self defence and basically beats up that creep.

Of course, Jack is embarrassed again. To make matters worse, Larry comes to the trios apartment and is in awe of Teri's fighting prowess and that makes Jack feel even worse. A funny scene.

Reluctantly Jack asks Teri to help him learn some self defence skills. That will lead to the comedic chaos for the remainder of the show. Beginning when Furley alerts Jack & Teri a mugger is beating up a smaller man.

No more spoilers but a very funny episode.
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The Dog Didn't Eat My Homework
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of good fun in this episode. Sally needing Snoopy's help for homework is priceless. Usually the dog is blamed for homework assignments not being completed.

Schroeder trying not to lose concentration while tickling the ivory's despite Lucy clearly fawning over him. Of course that is a reoccurring theme with The Peanuts since the beginning.

Another fun episode of a Peanuts show that IMHO could have went much longer. This would have been great in syndication. Sadly there are simply not enough episodes.

No real spoilers here as you can read most of this in the synopsis. As you can see by my rating I enjoyed this episode! In.
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Bob's Burgers: Cheer Up Sleepy Gene (2018)
Season 8, Episode 12
Gene was right to be nervous
23 August 2022
Actually this was a very funny episode. Lots of good one liners.

Turns out Gene's instincts were correct.

If you're a fan of the show, I believe you'll enjoy this episode.
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Homer's Bucket List
3 August 2022
A very funny & poignant episode. For me this and "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" would be my personal favourites.

IMHO this episode would appeal to Simpson's fans of all generations.

I have no problem recommending this show!
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Bob's Burgers: Glued, Where's My Bob? (2016)
Season 6, Episode 19
Bob gets stuck
3 August 2022
Didn't see this episode coming. This would easily be in my top 10 favourite episodes.

No spoilers here. Just a very funny show. Extremely well written & performed.
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The Equalizer: Past Imperfect (1989)
Season 4, Episode 10
One of the best in the series
2 August 2022
No question this would be in my top 5 episodes of The Equalizer. Well written, acted, directed, etc.

No spoilers but If you enjoy the show put this episode near the top of your list.
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Bob's Burgers: Turkey in a Can (2013)
Season 4, Episode 5
In the can is right
29 June 2022
An excellent show. Poor Bob can't seem to figure out what is happening to his turkeys.

Actually lots of laughs.

A very enjoyable episode.

Very well done. Kudos!
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Dear...: Laird Hamilton (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Surfs Up!
1 April 2022
A real nice story of inspiration & innovation. IMHO easily in the top 3 for this series.

A heartwarming story.

I have no problem recommending this episode.
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Rizzoli & Isles: 5:26 (2015)
Season 6, Episode 12
Very Good Episode
15 February 2022
Actually one of the top episodes from the series. No spoilers here.

This is an episode that should keep your eyes glued to the TV from start to finish. Vey well acted & directed, with an interesting script.

Definitely recommended.
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Three's Company: Jack's Tattoo (1984)
Season 8, Episode 16
The Love Butt
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent episode from season 8. Jack went out with his Navy pals and had a bit too much to drink. He woke up with some pain on one of the cheeks of his derrière.

Sadly he got a tattoo of a heart with the words "The Love Butt". Everyone who saw the tattoo had a good laugh and Jack became the "butt" of quite a few laughs.

There are multiple misunderstandings as Janet & Mr. Furley find out Jack is going to the hospital for some surgery. (It is to have the tattoo removed). Both Janet & Mr. Furley jump to different & incorrect conclusions.

The scene in the hospital bed had some great physical comedy from Jack & Janet. We all know Jack was likely the best physical comedian of his generation but Joyce was criminally underrated.

A very funny episode.
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Charlie's Angels: Rosemary, for Remembrance (1979)
Season 3, Episode 21
Cheryl Shines In More Dramatic Role
7 January 2022
No spoilers here as other reviewers summed this up very well. This certainly did not follow a formula seen in any other episodes I've seen so far.

You get to view the range of Cheryl Ladd as an actor. More than than extremely pretty face.

This would definitely rank in the top 3 episodes I've seen in the first three seasons. It will be interesting to see season 4 without Sabrina.

Very highly recommended!
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Corner Gas: Get the F Off My Lawn (2009)
Season 6, Episode 18
Get Your F & E off my lawn...
7 January 2022
This episode is a hoot. No spoilers here. Easily one of the top episodes from the series. Lots of belly laughs here. Fun watching Davis's detective work.

Highly recommended!
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Three's Company: Good Old Reliable Janet (1978)
Season 3, Episode 2
My Personal Favourite Episode From Season 3
12 May 2021
Trying not to give anything away here. Lots of laughs in this episode between Janet being tagged as reliable, the sub-plot of Stanley's new "hobby", Janet & Helen taking a stand, the scene in the Greek restaurant, etc....

Very well played by all cast members! This one is a 10/10 for me!
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