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Corner Gas: Get the F Off My Lawn (2009)
Season 6, Episode 18
Where's my F 'n E?
26 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hank shows up at the Ruby Cafe after a bad windstorm from the previous evening and asks Lacey where her F 'n E is. Lacey thinks Hank is cursing. Hank takes Lacey outside and points out the F and E are both missing from the CAFE sign. Well Davis will get on the case to find the missing F and E.

In a subplot, Karen is asked to judge a jam contest by Mayor Fitzy. Karen replies "What is with this town and contests"? Fitzy assures Kaen it will be a breeze as Emma wins the contest every year. Does she win it this year? You'll have to watch the show to find out.

Another subplot has Wanda with the list of demands for Brett regarding her employment at the gas station and goes on strike when Brett doesn't comply. Eventually Hank will have his own list of demands and join the strike.

Lots to unpack and I can't do the episode justice with my review.

One of the best shows of the series IMHO.
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Laverne & Shirley: Guinea Pigs (1977)
Season 2, Episode 14
The Institute Of Behavioural Sciences
25 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While Shirley is giving Edna a hand to get ready for her date, Edna hands Shirley two passes for a fancy party in return. The tickets are $20 each, which was a lot of money back then.

Laverne has to break it to Shirley they simply can't afford it. Shirley really wants to go to this party and is determined to do so.

They convince Lenny & Squiggy to take them to the unknown place where they make a bit of extra money. They all wind up at "The Institute of Behavioural Sciences". Lenny & Squiggy leave the girls there. Essentially they are Guinea Pigs for experiments in the name of science.

Laverne winds up in a sleep deprivation experiment, while Shirley is sent to an experiment where food is limited but also extremely strange. Anyone for "mud dumplings"? Yikes! The girls did make $50. Enough to go to the upscale cocktail party.

No more spoilers. You'll have to watch the show. This is easily in my personal top 3 episodes for Season Two. Some very funny stuff in this show.
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Three's Company: Grandma Jack (1983)
Season 8, Episode 7
Mrs. Doubtfire?
24 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent episode from the final season of Three's Company. IMHO

Larry entered Jack's chocolate chip cookie recipe into the Landers Baking Company contest and it won the $10,000 prize. Not so fast. There's a catch...

The contest is only open to women. They are anticipating Grandma Tripper will be coming to receive the check. Jack (eventually) agrees to dress up like Grandma Tripper to collect the check. Oops another catch.

That Grandma Tripper is one of 3 finalists that has to make and bake the cookies in front of company executives to win the prize.

Some very funny scenes on the set of the baking contest. Brilliant physical comedy as we've come to expect from John Ritter with a simple egg. I love the wind up of Jack's kick...that never happens.

You'll have to watch the episode but cough drops become an emergency ingredient in the recipe.

End of spoilers. Highly recommended show.
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Three's Company: Strangers in the Night (1982)
Season 6, Episode 12
You are so beautiful to me!
13 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Jack appears to be singing the song, while holding a guitar in hand, while trying to win back the "southern belle" he lost at the Reagle Beagle. Meanwhile it's Larry, in the bushes, who's really singing and pretending to play the guitar.

There was a misunderstanding at the Reagle Beagle when the southern girl (Arabella) Jack was dating left the table to make a phone call. Lily, the waitress, was fooling around and sat on Jack's lap to rest her tired feet. It was all in good fun. ....but Arabella didn't think so when she returned to the table and saw Jack with Lily in his lap. Arabella walked out and dumped Jack.

The rest of the episode is the trio, along with Larry, helping Jack make a plan to win Arabella back. There is some excellent physical comedy with Jack climbing to the 2nd floor of the apartment that he believes Arabella resides in. Jack throws a bouquet of flowers with an invitation for dinner through the window.

The comedic chaos ramps up when Jack opens the door for his romantic evening planned for Arabella. End of spoilers. There are some hilarious bits during this sequence.

There is a nice "Gone With The Wind" reference right before the tag.

So many good episodes from Season 6. I really enjoyed this one.
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Pure Genius
24 December 2023
This is not at all a review of the pilot but I truly loved it! Hence the 9 out of 10 stars. For the record I have two episodes rated a perfect 10!

Every now and then I watch the episodes again. I've seen them too many times to count. They never fail to make me laugh. Pure comedy gold!

You really have to watch the show carefully as there was so much time taken to have things carefully crafted in the background....that were hilarious. On occasion I notice something I didn't notice before. Just fantastic.

Police Squad deserved much better than six episodes....but fortunately we would see Frank Drebin again later in the late 80's in the "Naked Gun" franchise.

Highest recommendation!
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Hunter: City of Passion: Part 1 (1987)
Season 4, Episode 6
15 February 2022
No spoilers here. This is certainly one of those episodes that will keep your eyes glued to the screen.

Well acted, great script and inspiring direction make this one of the top episodes in the series.

Highest recommendations No disappointments here.
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A Great 2 Part Episode
6 February 2022
A fine whodunnit. Not exactly what I was expecting from Laverne & Shirley.

No spoilers here. .....but these two episodes, IMHO, are among the best in the series. Every now and then I dust off the DVD's and watch these episodes. Always makes me laugh.

A classic!
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Dollhouse (2009–2010)
Over A Decade Late...
6 February 2022
It took a few weeks, I don't have the time to binge watch, but I finished watching the 2 seasons. I have the same question, why in blazes was this canceled.

An innovative show that will generally keep your eyes glued to the TV. Excellent scripts & direction. Eliza shines as Echo.

Not a lot of episodes but highly recommended.
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Hunter: Rape and Revenge: Part 1 (1985)
Season 2, Episode 6
A Powerful Episode
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Tough subject matter. While attempting to get justice for McCall, they are stymied due to "diplomatic immunity".

Extremely well done episode. For me one of the top episodes in the series.

Part II is the "vigilante" episode. Also very good.
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Charlie's Angels: Counterfeit Angels (1979)
Season 3, Episode 14
Two Sets Of Angels
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well not exactly. Three Angel lookalikes essentially doing exactly what the Angels wouldn't do.

This episode is is quite a bit a fun and completely unexpected when I saw the show in syndication years later.

Kudos to whoever cast the "fraudulent Angels". Excellent script, direction and acting.

Season 4 was a personal favourite for me.

Highly recommended.
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Three's Company: Janet's Promotion (1977)
Season 2, Episode 3
Chesty.....I mean Chloe!
16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of good one liners in this episode.

Janet went to a plastic surgeon to see about a breast augmentation.

For me the highlight was when Janet came out of the bedroom and was extremely well endowed. Jack thought she had a bust job. Janet asked Jack what he thought of her new physique. Of course Jack was speechless. He did mutter that he didn't think the operation could be done so quickly.

The whole time Janet was flaunting herself in front of Jack. Phenomenal eye work by Joyce DeWitt and great facial expressions. Jack would get a surprise and the end of the exchange with Janet.

Excellent episode.
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