
14 Reviews
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Wow, wow!
9 December 2024
Another disaster from the braintrusts at 60 minutes. How can this even be passed off as journalism. It is activism in disguise. Whatever shred of credibility the show had, has completely evaporated.

The segment on crypto, especially BitCoin, was laughable to anyone who understands the blockchain. The people interviewed really didn't seem to have any grasp on how crypto could be used to support their premise. It was a long shot but it looked as though the hosts were grasping at straws.

It's sad to see network television implode before our very eyes. Sadly most network news or "investigative journalism" is pushing a narrative.

Sad, so very sad.
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8 December 2024
Once agains this needs to be filed under the this has aged unbelievably horrible category. I gave an extra star as the worst Hollywood scriptwriters couldn't have pulled off anything this bad. It takes something very special to come up with anything this pernicious.

Basically the cast at MSNBC and friends are not engaging in any journalism whatsoever. There were no serious legal opinions to back to their claims throughout. Yes, I managed to get through all ten episodes. Although it seems very few watched due to the complete lack of ratings.

You can now see why NBC will have no corporate connection to either MSNBC or CNBC. Effectively they are on the chopping block for next to nothing.
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Meanwhile 4 years later...
22 November 2024
...let's face it, Hasan Minhaj's target audience are progressives. His premise for this episode was based on not ignoring the Asian vote. A very good premise as you certainly do not want to take anyone for granted.

So he is correct, hence the extra star. Sadly his reasoning for this is built on extremely faulty logic. This is the basic rationale of why the episode falls incredibly flat and aged unbelievably poorly. On top of that, the interviews were carefully cherry picked. There was no room for an intelligent voice of dissenting views.

Fast forward to 2024 and his premise for the show was the demise of the party Hasan is openly cheering for.
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Completely Startled
20 November 2024 what the chefs can conjure up in a short period of time. Their skill level is nothing short of astonishing. I enjoy watching some Food Network chefs and favorites competing against each other. In some episodes, I find myself cheering for one of my faves but at this level you can merely have a good day....but to win a great dish is in order. Some days the chef I'm cheering for comes up a bit short.

In other reviews people have mentioned really enjoying the "Randomizer". You can pencil me in as well. That makes things very interesting.

Guy is an excellent host. He does his level best to make sure the show is fun without all the drama or hosts who take to screeching at the chefs.

Two big ladles up!
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The Chosen One
20 November 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This would easily be in my top 5 episodes from the entire series.

Jake happens to mention to Evelyn that he spent about a week at Judith's parent's place. Evelyn, of course, now would like Jake to come for a sleepover at her house.

Well it takes quite a bit of spoiling and negotiating for Charlie and Alan to get Jake to spend a night with Grandma. ....but he agrees after being bribed with a bike, the latest video game and an iPod.

Jake and Evelyn certainly have different taste in culinary cuisine. The comedic chaos at Evelyn's begin when she serves Jake sushi & wasabi.

No more spoilers. You'll have to watch the show.

It is worth nothing that Charlie and Alan are astonished that Jake did more to "break mom" in one evening than both Charlie and Alan did in years of growing up with their mom.
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60 Minutes: The Promise/Aussiewood/Bhutan (2024)
Season 57, Episode 10
A Cherry Picking Bonanza!
18 November 2024
How low can 60 Minutes go? I can't answer that as I haven't watched the program in over a decade.

I received a e-mail from a friend telling me I'm not going to want to miss this episode of 60 minutes. Through the magic of time shifting I recorded the episode in a different time zone.

Well I have to say Scott Pelley embarrassed himself on national TV. Not only was it a hit piece but pure propaganda that lacked any substance other than opinion and quite a bit of misinformation.

Having not watched 60 Minutes for such a long time....did the show do a hatchet job on Obama's or Biden's picks? My educated guess would be a resounding NO!

It seems the legacy media is in tatters. Some podcasts are bringing in much larger audiences than a show that was number 1 in the Nielsen Ratings many times over its run . You can clearly see why. JMHO.
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This Aged Like Fine Milk
16 November 2024
Actually this came out at a time when more and more people were waking up to the "baiting" grift. I'm being generous when I say this show was no more than a grift. No substance. A revisionist dream come true.

I'm really surprised that someone at Showtime (Paramount+) gave this mini-series the green light.

There is nothing uplifting or entertaining about perpetuating hate towards one group of people.

When the synopsis reads "prominent voices from various communities across the country", I had to shake my head as I only recognized one or two people.

The premise that people would create a society that benefits only one group also falls flat.

Quite honestly this entire exercise was nothing more than a grift to try to drive a wedge between people.....and continue the grift.

On a positive note, it looks as though very few watched this hate filled folk tale. The ratings reflect the quality of the narrative.
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Saturday Night Live: Bill Burr/Mk.gee (2024)
Season 50, Episode 6
Very cold open
12 November 2024
Well....even Bill Burr couldn't save this mess.

The "cold open" had both the smug and cringe meter running full blast. None of the "sarcastic jokes" landed. It was cannon fodder for critics. Just simply lazy having the cast come out in their "street clothing". Let's face it, the ensemble hasn't been good since about the mid 90's.

Weekend update was an epic failure. Jost and Che have never been better than adequate. For this episode they were simply bad. Mean spirited jokes that didn't land.

We were spoiled with Norm MacDonald and no one has even come close since he was taken off Weekend Update.

I turned it off Weekend Update. I'm being charitable when I call the show dismal. JMHO.
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The Daily Show: Ken Buck (2024)
Season 29, Episode 53
This aged rather poorly...
7 November 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let's face it, Jon Stewart's act has worn extremely thin. There was the abject failure of his show "The Problem with Jon Stewart". Really the problem was Jon Stewart's lack of humor....add to that the show was extremely preachy.

In this episode, the opening was a train wreck. Tired old jokes that don't stick.

Jon brings trots Ken Buck for an interview. I was interested as I do not share Ken Buck's vision for the right. The conversation was quite dull. Jon used his usual talking points. Quite frankly neither told the truth and their synopsis was completely wrong. The prognositcations of DJT's legal matters now look even more foolish than when this episode aired back in June.

Outright hate for the newly president-elect is not an effective outlet for comedy or for articulating your position.

I gave 2 stars to be charitable.
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Bev and Mamaw's excellent adventure
4 November 2024
Once again I'm shocked the critics were wrong again. (Dripping with sarcasm).

Maybe not quite on par of another movie mauled by the critics, "Where the Crawdads Sing". ...but nonetheless this movie seemed to trigger critics.

This is not a review at all. As you can see by my rating that I really enjoyed this movie. Try as hard as you can to make Amy Adams look dishevelled but she still manages to look good.

To me this is a movie that in 2020 didn't tick enough boxes to appease the critics. Simple as that. It's hard to find fault with the story or the performance of the company of actors.

Give the movie chance and you be the judge. JMHO.
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This aged rather poorly...
3 November 2024
The basic premise for this episode has been done over, over again. It really is too bad, as viewers we would be looking for comedy, rather than promoting stereotypes.

The "victim card" is on full display here. Most recently I saw the same premise in a sitcom called Superior Donuts. It had very little comedy in the episode either. As stated before, you can find many sitcoms over the decades promoting the same old "cliche" premise. Nothing "fresh" here. Pun intentional.

Most of the sitcoms that have stood the test of time were not topical. In fact the most successful sitcoms, in syndication, generally shied away from social commentary. There are few exceptions though. JMHO.
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The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror XXXIII (2022)
Season 34, Episode 6
Marge is possessed
31 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Actually this is not really a review. Just, more or less, a commentary. I missed this episode in 2022 but it's being replayed as we are approaching Halloween.

Not to shabby at all. I would put it in the lower tier of my personal favorite Top 10 Treehouse of Horror episodes. After about Season 12, I stopped tuning into The Simpsons religiously. ...but I tried not to miss the Treehouse of Horror episodes. This is one I missed. What a nice surprise though.

The Pookadook parody was the segment I enjoyed the most. Some funny moments with Homer.

Death Tome was very strong as well. A parody of the anime series Death Note.

If you're a fan of the show, it's likely you'll enjoy this show. JMHO.
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Mika breaks down in tears?
31 October 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The View continues to sink into the abyss. You could see the anger in the faces of Whoopi and Sunny as they commented on the rally at Madison Square Gardens. Joy has pretty much resigned herself that it's extremely unlikely the DNC can will the election next week.

This episode had the cringe dialled up to 11. There was no meaningful conversation. Only plenty of yelling and pleading. In some ways the show could be rebranded as a comedy. I'm not sure a company of writers could come up with the absurdity we've witnessed from the show lately.

Mika Brzezinski was kind enough to join the conversation. Then the crocodile tears started. It was sad to see how badly The View has sunk. JMHO.
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Castle: Target (2013)
Season 5, Episode 15
One Of The Top Episodes
16 February 2022
This one certainly is on the darker side. You will see something not seen in Castle to this point.

It does make for a great story and your eyes should be glued to the TV throughout the episode. Well directed, written & acted.

Kudos on this excellent episode.
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