
4 Reviews
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100 Girls (2000)
Caution: Dork waxing philosophical about relationships.
30 December 2002
I always felt sorry for the virgin dork who fell in love with the first whore who touches him. But here's a whole movie that at its core attempts to celebrate the dork/slut relationship.

I think the saddest thing about this movie is this: Here's a movie that tries so hard to be hip and cerebral when it comes to relationships, but the movie's sophomoric premise is about a guy falling for a girl who A) He's never spoken to. (B) took his virginity without talking to him.

What did they have in common? It doesn't matter, they had good sex.

Do they share similar beliefs and dreams? It doesn't matter, they had good sex.

What amazes me, is that every time I come across some lame little movie on cable, no matter how utterly terrible it is, I always watch the whole train wreck all the way through and then I can come here and read its praises.

I mean seriously, here's an actual quote from the movie,

"Without you, I'm as lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway..."

Yeah, you read that right,

" lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway..."
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Bamboozled (2000)
I liked it better 15 years ago, when it was funnier, and called "Hollywood Shuffle"
3 May 2002
Have you ever accidentally started a conversation with a slobbering drunk over a subject that the drunk feels very strongly about? They start out with their initial point. Then you'll say, "Yeah, I know." Then they'll proceed to go on and on about a point that you've already agreed with.

They'll make big sweeping generalizations. They'll repeat themselves. They'll point. They'll cuss. Then they'll repeat themselves some more in order to make sure that you're 'getting it'.

The initial point in turn, gets mangled and clouded in their clumsy, drunken delivery and the only realization left is that the drunk sure had a lot of conviction.

That's what 'Bamboozled' felt like. It felt like a drunk going off on the initial point that America used to be really, really racist and then just running with it, subtlety be damned.

The disturbing or troubling aspects of the movie are the real examples of how racist America used to be. The fact that those examples ARE so disturbing and troubling to the modern audience, undermines the movie's assertion that our modern society could ever be tolerant of such blatant stereotypical characterizations.

So like a drunken lecture; 'Bamboozled' just isn't as intelligent as it perceives itself to be. Like most "message" movies, the plot is a caricature and an afterthought, as are the characters.

What makes it such a chore to watch, is that 'Bamboozled' is a "message" movie that doesn't offer any new insights and then doesn't have a real plot to fall back on.
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Guess what "Freddy Got Fingered" and a vacuum cleaner have in common...
21 December 2001
Good Gravy this movie was a waste of time. I even liked Tom Green's show on MTV, I thought it was hysterical. However, I wasn't sure how his style of comedy would produce laughs in a motion picture. After seeing this movie, I realize that it doesn't.

"Freddy Got Fingered" is unlike any movie you've ever seen. However, that's not a good thing. Weird does not equal good.

I'm even a big fan of 'gross-out' humor. Baseketball, South Park, There's Something About Mary, Scary Movie, Man Bites Dog; None of those movies offended me. Freddy Got Fingered however, did offend me. It offended me by not being funny.

Before I saw this movie I genuinely liked Tom Green. Now, after he stole 87 minutes out of my life. I long for his career to end.
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Aren't independent films supposed to be original and interesting?
21 December 2001
I'd heard good things about this movie from a few people so I finally got around to renting it. (Needless to say, those who recommended this movie to me have been permanently removed from my Christmas list.)

If unoriginality was a communicable disease, there would be a Surgeon General warning on this movie. Lame characters sleepwalking through their hackneyed lines and contrived situations. It was like watching a headache.

I wouldn't call this a 'terrible' movie, though. It's too boring to be 'terrible'. It wasn't original enough to be 'terrible'. This movie was just blah.

However, if you watched the "Tao of Steve" and thought the dialogue was just too darn clever and insightful and if you just absolutely adore cliches: Then this is the movie for you.
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