
12 Reviews
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Funny show, but doesn't show enough
2 April 2024
As a person who really loved Magic for Humans and who has met Justin Willman, this show is really weak. A few of the people in the show are a friend of mine and was excited when I saw the teaser for the show back in November. I have watched the show and it's very funny it keeps you on the edge of your seat I want the final prank is going to be but fails. The magic I do believe is real and I believe the reactions are real. But this is a reality show so you can't trust everything, as I think through the magic of editing the magic seems realer than probably what it is in person and I think the reactions are built for TV. Justin, Kyle, and Blake, a really really good magicians who have Creative Minds so their heart and their tricks are in the show but it fails to get the point across.
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Beautiful and Blue People, that's it.
21 February 2024
I do not love the first film like everyone else does. I give it a 7/10. The first film to me is like, "What if we took a classic James Cameron action film (True Lies) and put it in a fantasy world with blue people?" That being said it it a fun watch. But this film is not that. It's a slow burn with more romance and Identical plot. Nothing new. Has James Cameron lost his magic? I hope not as I love James Cameron's work. Maybe this film was to get us back into Pandora and familiarize us with the lore and prepare us for the next films. I hope so. It's nice to look at it's a beautiful film. That's all this film has going.
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Wow, wow, wow
21 January 2024
What have I just witnessedxthis was a masterpiece. They have some big names in this film, the script was some of the best that I have seen in recent time. They took pride in what they were filming and it all played off. The acting deserves love as they really are professionals making a masterpiece. Mohave Diamonds is a film everyone deserves to watch and marinate their brains with. This should be seen on the big screen so you can see all the key details that are at play. The director has made another masterpiece and this one is better than all his other masterpiece films. The last thing is the amazing camera work that helped tell the story.
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Wonka (2023)
16 January 2024
As a fan of the Gene Wilder film and someone who can enjoy the Johnny Depp film. This was not it. No connection to these films and with that, should not be advertised as a prequel. This is it's own story and a messy one at that. When writing the screenplay they definitely didn't go and watched not read the original source material. The Oompa Loompa was WAY to small and Wonka was NOT A MAGICIAN! HIS HAT WAS NOT AN ENDLESS portal and he had no magic powers. The stupid chocolate recipes were annoying and yes, the original film and book had make believe recipes, but this film was too much. I need to know who thought TIMOTHEE could sing, because they should be fired as they ruined "Pure Imagination" there are a few original songs none are good except one and that's why this is 1 star.
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ITS... OK...
14 November 2023
In want to say, I know this is just a fun video, but I have to be truthful. The story is good, and the cinematography is really the best part. The acting is really nothing to write home about, but no one said these gentlemen and ladies were the best of the best when it came to acting. NLE's directing is good and really balances well with the camera work and music. The editing is nothing special and kind of annoying when it comes to the story and takes away from the overall production. Like I said in the beginning, I know this was probably made for fun and they weren't taken themselves seriously, but I did not enjoy my watch of "Nightmare on Cottonwood."
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27 September 2023
This is such a classic Roald Dahl story and glad to see it told in this way. This style is something that I love and have always loved. I'm glad that this was made as a short film and try not to stretch it out for a full-length film. This film moves fast, it's not boring and very entertaining. There were moments that I laughed becuase of the way it is filmed. It's filmed like a play almost and the ensembles is something that Wes Anderson is good at directing and that is the ensembles work. Yes, they are in this film to. Even with it being 37 minutes long they have their moments. I definitely reccomend this modern classic.
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What an ending
8 May 2023
The title of this review is, "What an Ending." I'm talking about the trilogy itself. I could not ask for better. This film will just leave you in AWE!. There is scenes in here that will leave puddles of tears at the bottom of your feet. James did a phenomenal job with this trilogy and I will even put it as saying the best Marvel trilogy! Guardians 3 is up there as one of the if not, the best Marvel films. I was also shocked with some of the violent scenes, there is and definitely one of the most violent and terrifying Marvel films. Building the Antagonist was done amazingly, I knew right off the bat what motives the GOTG gang was headed in and was there for this emotional joyride!!
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26 March 2023
Mr. Breen has made a masterpiece. This story has never been done before. I am so glad that I sat through this masterpiece as it made me think about a lot. The elements of cgi used was amazing and definitely gives other big companies a run for their money. Not a cent was miss used to make this film. I would suggest watching Twisted Twins before watching this film so you understand the story of this universe of characters. I would love to see Neil continue this franchise of films as I feel there is still stories to be told. I can't stop watching in amazement. Thats how good this film is. I also need to talk about the acting. All I can say is WOW!
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White Noise (I) (2022)
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Marriage Story, when I saw this film, and read the plot. I immediately became exited for it. I finally got to watching it and I was extremely disappointed. The main plot is about an airborne illness, but that main plot is solved with an hour left of the film. We then go down the rabbit hole about a drug that is talked about through the film and a character is on and it's just flat out boring. This film is too long and boring. It's like there was four plots for this movie and they were all added into this one film. It came together sloppily. Now Adam Driver and Greta Gerwig's characters are amazingly. The Makeup was awesome. The film was beautiful to look at as the cinematography and sets were done phenomenally. But it never picked up, there was no real beginning middle and end. It was slow. The dialog was not creative. I'd skip this one.
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BETTER THAN 2009's Indiana Jones
1 December 2022
This movie was a fun watch. I have to say this homemade Indiana Jones will be a classic. It was also good for mainly made by teens. You can tell they had fun making this film and had a good personalities when making this. You can tell they really trusted each other with the stunts(that they did by themselves) and making sure everyone was safe when filming. I also think it's cool they made this while going to school and filmed this no matter where they were on Vacay or home. Didn't matter they made this fun Short, fast paced film. I will watch this on repeat forever. It's that fun and people need to watch this too know you can achieve whatever.
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Lie of Caelum (2022 Video Game)
29 November 2022
This was an enjoyable experience and worth the time. I will say it's not the best but not the worst Anime I've experienced. The story wasn't the best, but easy to follow. The animation wasn't the greatest, but that is expected with it being an anime. There's not a lot I can say without spoiling this experience. I do recommend as there is some groundbreaking elements to this. The characters in this are full of life and feel like real people that you could hang out with. Which is something to me Anime lacks so BRAVO! The acting is also I would say good. Not the best, not bad, I'd set it at a solid good.
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4 November 2022
This film was an experience. The film is 2 and half hours, but didn't feel lthat long. This film is bloody, emotional, terrifying. Near the end of the film is when it gets disturbing. The scene that caused chills to run Down my back is the scenes with the tanks. The acting was phenomenal and if I don't see the Oscar Nominations that it deserves I will be very upset. It deserves to be Nominated for Best international film, Best Cinematography, Best picture. This film will not disappoint and worth a watch. I will warn you, there is some scenes that do slow down the pace, but after those scenes BAM back into the action. The score is out of this world. MUST WATCH!!
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