
5 Reviews
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Westworld (2016–2022)
Am I the only one that likes season 2 more than season 1.
11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 literally bored the hell out of me. I fell asleep watching some episodes. Painstaking episodes where the hosts slowly and I mean very slowly pieced information together a slowly began to wake up only to be reset again and slowy began to put the information together again. I felt like banging my head against a wall. I half didn't ever bother with season 2 because of this but I'm glad I did. Season 2 is all out war, the hosts are awake and ain't taking no more crap. They want revenge and they want out. Far more action than the chat chat chat, oh she remembers this, is she gonna? nope shes been reset, oh her comes Anthony Hopkins with another critic conversation of the first season.
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Nothing comes at night
4 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I cant believe the amount of glowing reviews this movie got from so called professional film critics, it just goes to show how out of touch they are with the general audience.

Like many people I'm guessing, I was suckered in by the movie trailer which I thought looked awesome combined with the critic stars accompany it which made it look great.

First off nothing comes at night, the only thing that comes at night is some dude trying to break into their house for supplies.

The movie starts with the main protagonists (mum, dad and son) shooting one of their relatives because he got sick, the same sickness that supposed to of wiped out civilisation. What this sickness does we never find out because it never fully develops before the sick person is killed.

Some dude breaks into the house, gets caught and knocked out, left tied up outside all night and guess what, nothing came for him at night.

And it's like this the whole movie, you are just waiting for what ever it is to finally show up with some kind of fight for survival but it never happens then it ends with so many unanswered questions.

What is the sickness, what does it do, who were the two guys in the woods and why did they attack them, what happened to the dog it looked like it was attacked by something.

The whole climax looks like it could of so easily been avoided if people weren't such arseholes and trigger happy. I mean they just wanted to leave so let them.

The most disturbing part of the movie were the sons dreams. I wouldn't even classify this as a horror. The only reason I'm not giving this 1 star was because most of the acting was pretty solid.

Ignore all the 8-9 star reviews of this, it's either people out of touch who have no idea what a horror is or have been paid to give a good review.
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Very Suspenseful
30 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite pleasantly surprised by this movie. After reading reviews from people on here saying its worth a watch, I agree completely, it is well worth a watch if you like creature features.

It kind of reminds me of the classic monster movies, bunch of people killed at the beginning, strange things happening throughout, animals disappearing, brief glimpse of things at windows, close up of a foot etc.

It builds up the suspense right to the end and like any monster classic you only see what it looks like right at the end. Up until then you've seen dark silhouettes, heard noises, seen hoofs under doors and dead stuff. When you do finally see it, it is a bit of a let down. Once again we are presented with today's directors obsession and complete overuse of CGI for something that was crying out for classic special effects be it animatronics or good old fashioned guy in a suit.

But if you can forgive the few minutes when it appears and you like suspense then give it a go.
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Worth a watch for nerd fans
12 August 2015
I have no clue why this movie is receiving such hate, were people going into it expecting The Shawshank Redemption or something.

People saying it's cheesy and the effects are laughable, errr that's what they were aiming for, then start comparing it to other low budget films like Napoleon dynamite which was a weird creepy piece of crap.

I'm not going to go into the plot and the acting performances you can see for yourself. One thing I was a little confused about was why they changed the names and covers of some games like they couldn't get the rights for them or something.

To me this just seemed like a feature length AVGN episode defo worth a watch for nerd fans.
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Let down by being made in the first place.
29 August 2011
I don't know what film the other reviewers were watching but this has got to be one of the worst films I've ever seen.

OK, so the film had zero budget to play with, man does it look that way.

The camera work looks like it was filmed on a home video camera. The main fighter uses the same fight moves in every single fight he has with the same sound effects, groans, thumps, whacks etc. All used over and over again from the first fight you see. Apart from the fact you can hardly watch the fights cause the camera works shakes about so much or is far to close up to the action you cant really tell whats happening. I can see the were trying to make it look more brutal with the shaky camera but it just gets annoying.

The best fight by far was when the lead actor fought a Chinese kung fu guy and thats mainly cause of the other guys kung fu moves and it's sad to watch the lead actor using the same group of punches and knees to defeat everyone he comes up against.

I tried to watch as much of this film as I could. I could tolerate all of the above to get through it but by far the worst bit was the acting which eventually made me turn it off and flick through it.

I'm a huge martial arts film fan and have sat through some of the worst acted stuff about, going back to the old Chinese dubbed stuff which I could still sit though but this I just couldn't take no more.

Anyone wanting to watch a brutal no holds barred fighting flick then stick with something like Undisputed 3.
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