
5 Reviews
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10 November 2023
I'm glad to hear that you found "Attack on Titan" to be perfect and meaningful! It's not uncommon for the endings of popular shows to generate diverse opinions among viewers. While some may have reservations or specific expectations, it's wonderful that you appreciate the conclusion and see it as a fitting end to the story.

In any narrative, providing closure for every character can be challenging, and it's common for fans to desire more details or resolution for certain individuals. Despite any potential loose ends, the overall satisfaction you derive from the conclusion and the meaningful message conveyed can contribute significantly to your positive experience with the series.

It's a testament to the richness of the storytelling and the impact the show has had on its audience when viewers can connect deeply with its themes and consider it a perfect and well-rounded narrative.
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How did it win 7 oscars?
23 July 2023
I wanted to throw up while watching this disgusting movie.

It stared off well, but the more I watched the more I wanted to gauge out my eyeballs after seeing the most disgusting scenes.

I understand they are meant to be comedic, but what the heck did I watch? Especially at the end when I saw them eating there hot dog fingers, I felt so sick I could vomit all my organs out.

I am rating this 3 stars of 3 reasons -

1) Although VFX is used for disgusting scenes, does not mean it is bad. In fact I was amazed finding out the VFX-team consisted of amateurs.

2) Acting is good. Weird, but good. The actors did a great job getting into their roles. All of them had to play multiple different versions of their characters, and they did it good.

3 Concept of the movie is good. The multiverse is presented well.

Regardless, I would not recommend to watch the movies for the following reasons -

1) It is stretched alot, most of the plot feels so out of place and just filler. Does not add to the characters or anything.

2) Plot is terrible, and the execution is worse. The plot is all over the place and most of the things just feels like a waste of time while watching.

3) The scenes are disgusting. All the fight scenes feel out of place. One simple word to describe it - YUCKY

4) Mainly because it is boring. Watch something else. Anything else

Also just a warning, do not eat food while watching this.
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I guess watch it if you are aroace
23 July 2023
This movie mainly focuses on an aromantic asexual character and their feelings around relationships and marriage.

Plot is terrible, it goes nowhere at all. There is no structure to plot and events take place randomly, that just makes the movie feel lengthy and unnecessarily boring.

Characters are 2-dimensional, and it is hard to connect with them. However, you maybe able to understand the main characters emotions as it is well dealt but as the movie progresses it feels really forced.

It is not great for targeted audience as well, as the minority may feel some connections to the characters reasoning, but again this is only if you are genuinely in the same situation in life, which is unlikely.
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Not worth watching.
23 July 2023
Phases of the moon has some nice scenes but the overall movie is not really worth watching.

The character relationships are presented really well, but the characters themselves are 2-dimensional. The main character seems the most odd.

But to give credit where it is due, there is some mystery aspect that does make this interesting, but that alone does NOT make this good at all. I did enjoy trying to understand what was happening and the character's motives, but it did not last long where most scenes where dragged too much and made the scenes boring and somewhat irrelevant.

The worst part is how it ends, after dragging so much and introducing a decent explanation (although most viewers might find this farfetched) for the events of the plot, it ends abruptly and does not resolve anything.

I would not watch this, unless there is maybe an actor that you personally like in this movie.
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A must watch movie!
22 July 2023
A movie that starts off with a simple concept of a girl with amnesia to a great friendship among three friends and a beautiful romance between two.

This movie one of the best I have seen. The ending is well done and it will make you cry for sure.

You will expect one thing and it heads to a totally different direction. At start I felt the movie to be a bit lengthy, but damn if you see the entire thing it feels so short and you would wish to see more.

Everything is great in this movie, the music, the color and editing style. Acting and directing was very well done.

For a 2 hour movie, this paints a very good picture and deserves your time.
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