
2 Reviews
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Classic British Comedy!!
20 February 2009
I found Fun at the Funeral Parlour by accident on a DVD website, I am so glad I did! If I had to describe the show I would call it a mixture of, The Young Ones meet The Marx Brothers in Slade prison. I cant understand why it was never shown in Australia, and why it didn't go on for season after season, by the end of season two, the writing and acting was tight, brilliant and very funny! All the actors did a fantastic job, and Rhys Thomas has to be highly commended for both his acting and writing skills! Lets get another series going!! P.S. I loved seeing Christopher Ryan(Mike from The Young Ones) playing an Oompa Loompa, I laughed myself stupid at that!!
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Was this really bad, or a great watch?
27 May 2008
I saw this at the drive in when it was released, but cant find it these days on DVD, I have fond memories of this film, but am afraid it was another Houseboat Horror!!!! Am I wrong?

The worst part is I cant remember Steve Bisley in this film, sorry Steve! Then again, it may have something to do with the girl I was at the drive in with on this particular night!

What really astounded me at the time was the fact that we (Australians), were starting to make films finally that were not about colonial times, or period drama, but films that were truly able to be considered international, in that they really could have been made anywhere, this was an incredible break through.
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