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Encounter Party (2023– )
Encounter Party is So Much Fun!
20 December 2023
I have been enjoying Encounter Party since sometime around season 2 of Campaign 1, and now the televised Campaign 2 is really fun to watch.

You don't have to have watched Campaign 1 to "get it", nor do you even have to know much about D&D. I knew next to nothing about the game before I started listening to the podcast.

The overarching story arc of each Campaign is full and complete, with mini-arcs that keep you drawn in. (They're not all murder mysteries, I promise!) And for the audio podcast, the little side stories between seasons are priceless.

The players are committed to their characters, their reactions both in-character and as players are genuine, because this is true improv. The humor is genuinely funny and unforced. The DM adjusts to surprise "wrenches" to his plan with aplomb. It's just good!

The only caveats I have is that 1) you have to pay attention. There's so much going on, and clues that don't come into play until later episodes, so if you want to try to figure out what's going on ahead of the characters, listen closely...or re-watch often. (I've listened to the full Campaign 1 at least 5 times.) My hubby listens while he does other stuff and then complains that he doesn't know what's going on. (He does that with a lot of shows, side hustle is explaining what he missed. LOL) 2) Campaign 2 has little-to-no profanity. I don't think I've heard any at all. I believe at the request of the D&D channel. Campaign 1 has warnings about profanity and graphic descriptions of combat. If f-bombs and some pretty gruesome details aren't your thing, you may want to pass on Campaign 1. (I loved it, and felt like it's so in-the-moment that I hardly noticed it...but then, I've been a sailor AND a trucker. LOL)

Please, take this as an invitation, and listen/watch Encounter Party. You can thank me later. 😉
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