
30 Reviews
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
Even 10 years later it is a joy to watch
19 September 2024
This movie simply never disappoints. It's been out now for 10 years, and I still love watching it.

My son and I would watch it about every other month while he was growing up, and he's been moved out now for over 2 years, and I still watch this a few times a year.

The animation is outstanding, and holds up pretty well even 10 years later now compared to many of the things that have been released the last 2 or 3 years.

The story is darker than most animated ones, but that's also one of the things about it that really makes it stand out. It's not just all puppy dogs, cotton candy, and gummy bears. It has that darker element, yet it's just one of the facets, and doesn't overshadow everything. And despite that bit of darkness, it has some of the greatest moments of simple joy as well.

Characters are well fleshed out and you quickly fine empathy and sympathy for them. They really grow on you, and the dialog they're given covers the range of emotions, good and bad.

Each character is unique as well, and they let that individuality express itself throughout the movie for each of them. There is one scene where they practice their new upgrades, and Honey Lemon gives the butler a completely spontaneous and joyous hug. It makes me chuckle every time since it was such a HER move, and the writers did great bringing these characters to live that way.

The story never really slows down either, there is momentum and it moves at a very good clip. Some movies after we'd seen them several times, have points we'd just jump forward to skip the boring parts. None of those in here.

Even with the darker theme, it's still a great movie for kids. Definitely should be on everyone's list if you haven't seen it yet.
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Bolt (2008)
My kid and I really liked this one
19 September 2024
I'm not sure why there's not a higher score here. This really was a fun movie. The concept was unique, and the voice acting was exemplary. They really sold it. John Travolta had some really good work in here.

The concept is silly, of course, but it's an animated movie with talking animals, so who is going to complain about that? But the idea of a dog thinking he's really a superhero was enjoyable.

Animation is really good for the year this came out. Sure, now, 16 years later, it looks dated compared to some, but there are several movies the last three or four years that didn't look as good as this.

There was some great work here to really make the animals lovable and, oddly enough, relatable.

And the animators really did well with the animation of the animals. Movement was great. And the scene where Bolt has to try to look cute to beg for food was some amazing artwork.

Definitely a must-see for anyone who enjoys animated movies.
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Inside Out 2 (2024)
Don't understand all the love for this...
21 August 2024
OK, first let me say it's not a BAD movie. This isn't anything like Cars 2 or something. It's a decent enough movie, but it doesn't stand up well against the original.

The beginning setup is fine, but they're setting it up to finally get that puberty alert going. And when they do, it's a letdown. The entire movie had NOTHING to do at ALL with that aspect of growing up, other than one small aside about her pits smelling one morning.

The movie centers around friendships, and the worry in transitions between grade school and high school, fitting in and making new, different friends without having to lose the old. All a great potential storyline if done well, but the puberty thing was just wasted in this context.

Whereas in the first movie we really had empathy and liked the characters inside her head, this time around there's not nearly as much of a connection to them. It's as if they tried to just do too much and kind of overwhelmed themselves trying to keep all the balls in the air. They did, but they didn't really do enough with each ball to make the effort worthwhile in the end.

Granted, the complexity of someone growing up mentally compared to them as a child is somewhat represented here, but again, it seems they tried to cram too many things in, and none of them were really fleshed out well enough to satisfy...

So they made a decent effort, and it's a decent film, but it's not at all the emotional rollercoaster that I've come to expect from Pixar, and it doesn't captivate like they used to be able to do.
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Can't even take it seriously
26 June 2024
This is just more of the same. I get the concept, but the execution was flawed in pretty much every way possible.

Start with the premise that the way to win anyone over to your viewpoint is to be a, well, insert your favorite four letter word here for a woman acting poorly.

One of the fastest ways to determine the worth of a human being, to me, is to witness their interactions with others. And, of course, in this example, that shows just what you are truly dealing with here.

It's funny how so often, people trying to accuse others of something really simply end up showing how THEY themselves are the ones really exemplifying the very thing they're trying to denounce in others.

There are SO many better ways to spend your time than watching this...
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Raising Hope (2010–2014)
So many layers of laughs
14 May 2024
I'm guessing this only lasted four seasons due to a lack of advertising for it and not enough word of mouth. I think I *MAY* have come across the name at some point maybe when it was on TV, but I never saw an episode and I never heard anyone say anything about it.

I just finished binge watching My Name is Earl, which I haven't watched since it was on the air, and forgot how much I loved it. I saw people recommended this one next, since it was the same guy who did both.

And I enjoyed it from the start, and midway through season 1 I knew this was one of those rare gems. I couldn't believe I never heard anyone talk about this before...

As a fan of Earl, I love all the callbacks in here. And the callbacks they did to OTHER shows as well, like when Ethan Suplee guest stars, and one of the characters yells at his wife (the incomparable Jaimie Pressly) that he looks like a skinny version of the guy from Mallrats. It's those allusions to everything else that are randomly peppered in here that make me laugh out loud.

The writers are busy on so many levels here, layering jokes both verbally and visually, so that while the scene has people doing something funny in the foreground, in the background there's often something completely unrelated to NOW but may be related to something 5 minutes ago, 5 minutes in the future, or 5 episodes ago.

The songs they write sometimes for Kate Micucci are hilarious.

It's not afraid to be irreverent or even silly, and it's always funny. Actors do a very good job nailing the characters.

Definitely worth checking out if you haven't seen it.
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8 May 2024
I was all set to be really disappointed with the prior film Ghostbusters Afterlife when they tried to resurrect the series. But I really, really loved it. I thought they captured so much of the spirit of the original yet brought something new to the screen.

This failed to capture any of that energy for me. It was just meh. Not good, but it wasn't at least HORRIBLE. It simply WAS. The humor seemed to be really forced, like they were reaching too far to make something funny. And that was how so much of the movie came across, forced.

I'll give them credit for reaching back for another one of the original actors from the first movie, but they really failed to capitalize on it. That entire sub thread failed on every single level. Not only did they fail to capture any of the nostalgia with it, but it actually helped create some of the more cringeworthy bits.

Not something I felt I wasted all my time by watching, but odds are I'll never watch it a second time.
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Fallout (2024– )
Blew me away
12 April 2024
I have been playing fallout since its inception. I recently started gaming on a gaming laptop now, so I've been porting games I had on my Xbox and PlayStation platforms to it - and Fallout 3 and 4 are the most recent things I installed. I'm almost finished with a replay of Fallout 4 on it, and so this show couldn't have come at a better time.

They got SO many things JUST right. It's not over the top, but it is not at all subtle. The look, the feel, the atmosphere, even the music, everything they did, they nailed it. I'm simply amazed at all the tiny little details that are here, that often aren't even in your field of view - you simply catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye, and you pause, rewind a bit, and check it out. And yes, it was what you thought it was. Even those tiny little things they managed to get in here.

I get it, many people whining because it didn't follow the games and such. For me that's a bonus. That's what I would want. Otherwise I'm simply seeing something I've already played through countless times and know like the back of my hand.

No, this is fresh, but it follows the natural flow of what I would expect in this post apocalyptic world. It is the world I've come to love over years and years of gaming, through totally new eyes that caught everything.

Actors seem to be doing just fine so far, and they are introducing them and letting the viewer get to know them in bits and pieces as the story grows.

Normally with an adaptation like this, I can find something that bugs me. I've been bug free so far, this is simply a purely enjoyable ride, with amazing humor (I don't know how many times I've laughed out loud at something that was just so unexpected but was EXACTLY what you'd expect from the world, if you follow that twisted phrasing). It's dark, it has plenty of unexpected moments, and it is absolutely, 100% enjoyable. Everyone involved should be very proud of the product they've made.
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Wonderfully warm Christmas show
24 December 2023
My son was very young when this came out, so this has been one of our traditional Christmas shows we watched every year since. He always enjoyed Curious George, and I really loved how this one showed all the things they did together in the days leading up to Christmas that built their own memories.

The songs are great, and one of the things that he always loved best about it. So enjoyable that we have the MP3's so we could listen to the soundtrack in the car during the Christmas season.

The only reason I didn't give it the 10 stars is that there was such a focus on George and what toys he wanted, and how the Man with the Yellow Hat thought it would ruin Christmas if he couldn't get the right gifts. Seemed a bit too stressed since the entire show leading up to that point was about all the OTHER things that Christmas means.

But it's enjoyable, and a staple in this house now every Christmas.
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Sometimes they go too far for laughs
25 November 2023
This is an example of one of the bad episodes in this series, that I normally love. They take characters and make them act as if they're so stupid and so incompetent that they can't even walk, thinking that's funny. All it does is render the rest of the good parts of the episodes down. The show is outstanding when it comes to great interplay between the characters, witty conversations and one liners, and good character arcs for each character in the series, showing growth overtime, and how they mature. But then you get an episode like this that relies on just absolutely pathetically written physical humor, and it brings the whole rest of the episode down to its base level. And trying to force characters into actions that really really break credibility just to try to bring some new conflict in doesn't help either.
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Elemental (2023)
Nothing new, but well done
15 August 2023
I don't get all the complaints about this movie. One person said it was a bad copy of Zootopia? I just don't see that. It's telling a story that has been told before, but it is still its own story.

Animation was unique in this one, and nicely done. There are some techniques that were unique here. That's always one of the things I enjoy with each new Pixar movie, you can see where the technology has improved a bit since the previous movie.

Voice actors did a good job, although I'm not familiar with most of them. There was only one that seemed a bit flat, the rest seemed to really bring their characters to life.

Story - yeah, we've seen the basic story before, but it has its own unique stamp in here and was enjoyable.

I liked it. I went into it with a totally open mind since I had seen so many detractors, but I wanted to give it a chance, and I'm glad I did. Definitely adding this one to our collection. Is it as moving as Wall-E or Toy Story? No. But it's better than they've done for several years now. Hopefully this shows that Pixar is back on an upswing.
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Unique and fun
4 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this first when I was stationed overseas in Germany in the 80's. Enjoyed it then, along with Hiding Out. I'm one of the few people who was at that age and never saw Pretty in Pink, so these movies were really the ones I related to him in.

Sure, the premise starts out well, but it's a kind of done to death theme. Kid at an exclusive school, not connecting to parents and feels disconnected. Think Dead Poets Society with more comedy and less drama.

But what it lacks in depth, it really makes up for with the cast. Cryer is excellent, and there's good chemistry between he and Davis. So it's formulaic, but the freshness and honesty that exude from the leads really makes this a fun one to watch.

Some great lines in here that are eminently quotable, and some really great scenes that stick with you and make you smile.

It's a movie with heart, and that's what I always try to find when looking for films like this.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy (1999)
Season 6, Episode 4
I laughed so much
26 June 2023
Here it is, 2023, and I'm watching this series for the first time. A friend made me start watching all of the Star Trek shows so that I could be prepared to start watching Picard. So far I've enjoyed them, and the doctor in this series is actually one of my favorite characters just because of his snarky behavior. This episode is just so filled with hilarious little moments that are so directly opposite of the much more normal serious tone of the show, especially considering the dark nature of the episode immediately before this one.

I actually made a comment to that friend that today, in an earlier episode, I had my second laugh out loud moment of the series. Considering this is season six, and it was only yesterday and today that I had laugh out loud moments, it's obvious that they don't go for laughs and this one nearly as much. And then this episode came along, and I've lost count.

The show does such a good job of building the characters, their personalities, their histories, that you immediately know what their reactions are going to be in different situations. And this episode simply tosses all of that out the window.

I know some trekkie purists out there really didn't like this one, but I think this just might be my favorite episode of all so far. All the other episodes are so similar, this one really shows a creative left turn for the writing staff.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
Surprisingly enjoyable
24 January 2023
I stumbled on this when it was still live on TV, but never got to really catch all the shows. What I did see piqued my interest though, so years after the fact, I got hold of the episodes and binged the whole series.

Lots of things I have seen online dissing Rachel Bilson as a doctor. Yeah, she maybe could've done the part better, but she did fine as her character as far as I'm concerned. She played the part very well of the translocated New York socialite suddenly stuck in the slow paced south.

They did a very credible job with character growing in this series as well. Each character was well fleshed out and each saw their various arcs throughout all the seasons. It wasn't some static thing like many ensemble sitcoms are. It was fluid and the characters grew in believable ways.

If you're a country fan, you'll appreciate all the various cameos from some country singers. I was never a country fan but after watching all the episodes, I've become one to my shock.

The finale seemed a bit forced and abrupt, but it still was one of the better finales I've seen on any show. It really did a good job of trying to close the various storylines.

Actors for all the parts I felt did a good job, and they all seemed to play well off of each other.
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Jumper (2008)
Enjoyable even for someone who liked the books
6 January 2023
I've read all the books multiple times. Gould did a good job with them, and the premise is just so cool, you can say, "What if..." Teleportation has always been my answer when everyone asks, "What power would you like to have?" For so many reasons.

This deviated from the book and that didn't bother me. I know some of the reviewers gave a lower score because it didn't follow the book. That has never bothered me, I never expect books and movies to be identical. Sometimes it's really done well and you end up with a better story. Sometimes, it's just different. This time it's different. Not better for me, but not necessarily worse.

People say that he's not a superhero, he didn't act like Peter Parker and such. To me, that's kind of the point. This seems to me to be a far more realistic portrayal of a kid with powers. Apparently Marvel has people convinced that as soon as someone has powers, they're just going to be amazingly altruistic. I seriously doubt that would be the case.s

Special effects were well done for the time. The visuals are simply stunning, and it's still amazing they got to film on site for the colosseum. This is a sugary treat for the eyeballs.

Not a fan of the main actor though, he's never impressed me and in this movie he gave a rather single dimensional performance.

I never sit down and try to make a movie fit my vision of what it should have been, or how realistic it is or should have been. It's a movie, it's an escape. I don't try to guess what will happen next, I don't try to solve puzzles. I like being taken for a ride by the filmmaker, and I LIKE being able to suspend disbelief for a while. And this one is an enjoyable escape.
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NewsRadio (1995–1999)
Great ensemble show
4 October 2022
This really was a gem. They had such a cast of characters that really seemed to work well together.

Stephen Root and Phil Hartman really stole this show though. Steven was just this great personality and his character was hilarious with so many non-sequiturs that came totally out of left field. Phil's character had some great one-liners and that velvety smooth voice gave him such perfect delivery.

The word play was outstanding, intelligent dialog and not the typical simpering, blathering junk that seemed so prevalent in the day.

The characters had good story arcs, and all were well fleshed out. Each was given the chance to grow and change over the seasons.

It was such a sad shock when Phil Hartman was murdered though. And without him, the show just wasn't the same and was cancelled after that next season.
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Lightyear (2022)
Pixar's first serious swing and a miss
28 August 2022
Pixar is just amazingly adept at creating stories that make you CARE about the characters. Things you can relate to in your own emotional life. Even the ones that weren't as popular as others, like The Good Dinosaur, still had heart, and you cared.

This movie? I just don't get it. Why did they bother? This has absolutely NOTHING that Pixar is known for. Nowhere in this story is anything that could possibly engage your emotions. Nowhere is anything to really cheer for or, frankly, even laugh at. There were, I think, three points where people watching it laughed. The rest of the time it was just people watching the screen with this perplexed look of sadness on their faces, as if wondering why there were there in the first place.

The story feels forced. WAY too forced.

It is as if some of their magic ran out when they decided to stop having John Ratzenberger SOMEWHERE in the movie.

And I didn't care at all either way about their social justice stuff. It didn't help or hurt anything, so I didn't get up in arms about it like some. It really did nothing to further the story, but that's usually the case.

I hope this is not a new baseline for Pixar moving forward. The downfall didn't start with the acquisition by Disney, they still had outstanding movies after that. But it seems the deeper Disney digs itself, the more it's hurting Pixar's product.
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My Boys (2006–2010)
Another good show axed too soon
18 August 2022
Granted, the fourth season was a bit of a downer when they lost Jim Gaffigan, but it was still a great show.

They had a great cast, and all the actors they selected for each role really did a great job of bringing that character to life. It was one of those shows that really let you get an emotional attachment to the characters and the stories.

Great dialog, not some vapid junk like we see in most shows in more recent years. This had a heart and a soul, and it was such a letdown when there was no fifth season...
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Portal 2 (2011 Video Game)
So much fun
15 July 2022
My son and I loved Portal 1, and Portal 2 was an out of the park home run for a followup.

Gameplay still fun, but what really makes this game SO enjoyable is the voice acting and the dialog. There are just so many lines in here that are absolutely hilarious that my son and I throw them at each other randomly elsewhere in life.

Smooth gameplay, but man, the writers of the dialog in this game are the REAL winners...
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Hamilton (2020)
Late to the party but this really surprised me
16 April 2022
For 6 years I heard the hype and the criticism and all the various allegations about this show, but somehow never heard a single song. I knew it was a big show on broadway, costing more than some people make in a month just to get in the door, which was one reason I never bothered looking into it. Just a bunch of rich people overcharging to do a show...

I happened to come across the soundtrack in 2022 though, and then learned that it was released to Disney. I didn't think much of the soundtrack other than the King George songs which I thought were hilarious, but some of the harmonizing was just amazing, a true signature of Lin Manuel Miranda. So I watched it.

And I was impressed, despite my misgivings about it all. I have never liked hip hop or rap, not even a little. But somehow in this, it worked well and it didn't seem like a negative to me.

The music was amazing, and even my son is obsessed with it now, wanting to watch it all the time and always wanting the soundtrack on in the car.

The set was so simplistic and basic, yet allowed for so many scenes so quickly and easily. And the story flowed smoothly. There were no boring parts, no slow points where you just wish things would move along quicker.

Characters seemed cast well with the original Broadway cast, and it was a treat watching them interact.

I never expected to like this very much, and I was bowled over completely.
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Surprisingly fun
12 March 2022
Been a big fan of Ryan Reynolds since his days in Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place. And while he seems to have been typecast into a certain kind of role for most of the roles he does (with a few notable exceptions that I thought were well done), he does such a GOOD job with that smart mouth kind of character.

This was an enjoyable ride right from the beginning. Yes, there are a lot of issues with any time travel movie. And if you're a person who is in it for the science, then don't watch this movie. But if you're in it for the fun, then this is worth the time.

Some typical tropes here, but again, done nicely. And some very good banter, some lines I have to make a note of since they were so good that I want to start using them myself.

Effects were nicely done as well. There was enough character development to give a little depth without bogging down the movie or going so far you snooze.

There wasn't really a moment that I felt I was losing interest. It kept me entertained from the start to the end.
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Ally McBeal: Happy Trails (1998)
Season 2, Episode 7
A nice tribute to Phil Leeds
6 November 2021
This was a touching episode, paying tribute to Phil Leeds, the actor who played Judge "Happy" Boyle. He had passed over the summer between seasons, about three months prior to this episode. They had unused footage and were able to turn it into a story to not just cover the loss of the character, but to honor his memory. He was one of my favorite characters in the first season, so this was a wonderful thing to see the cast and crew do in memory of his work.
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Ally McBeal: One Hundred Tears Away (1997)
Season 1, Episode 5
Everyone has been there
30 October 2021
Who hasn't been in one of the situations they talk about here, a confrontation of some sort in public, at a store, anywhere. Life is full of moments like these, and most people just swallow the emotion and move along.

It goes a bit to extremes with the investigation about her "sanity" but this episode has one of my favorite lines in the entire series. Whipper makes a comment to Ally that she doesn't think Ally has both feet on the ground. Ally gets this perplexed look on her face, cocks her head slightly to the side in an adorably confused expression, and says, "You mean some people DO?"

Well acted all around though, and a lot in this episode that we can all relate to.
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First wasn't great and this isn't even that good
12 July 2021
This movie REALLY dragged on for the first half. Even my son who LOVED the first one was ready to stop watching about 20 or 25 minutes into it. We hung on though and eventually it started moving a bit.

The problem is that it all seems so forced. Every situation is just really trying to push the narrative even if it doesn't help move the story forward.

The first one was ridiculous, but still had some endearing moments, and really seemed to have some spots for parents to enjoy with some references that would go over the heads of the kids. This one seems to go to the opposite end of the spectrum, and seems written towards the 8 year old mentality. While I don't mind watching most animated movies several times with the kid, including the first Boss Baby movie, this one just doesn't seem to be something we'll be doing that with.

But for younger kids the mindless plot and mediocre voice acting this time around won't be as much of an issue since there's still enough shiny eye candy to keep the children engaged.
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8 Simple Rules (2002–2005)
Loved this show from the beginning right until John's sad passing...
9 June 2021
There are few TV shows I've ever really loved, but this is the one I think that lead the pack for years.

I had two teenaged daughters so I could completely relate to so much of the show's humor. I felt that all the roles were played to perfection, parents and all the children.

It wasn't just some hokey lame junk like so many were. Yes, it had it's fluff sometimes, but it also handled some issues parents and kids really face, even if it wasn't drowning in the heavy issues every week.

The characters were so well fleshed out, that you really did get to know them in depth. That is something that many shows never really get a chance to do well. They focus on the non stop laugh track and often fail to find the depth.

Even now, nearly 20 years later, I'm binge watching the first season and a half again, since my son, now 17, loves it and wants to see it.

When John Ritter passed away, it was a great loss to the industry as well as to us fans, some of us who have known him for decades. He was from a previous generation for me but I still remember seeing some episodes as a kid of Three's Company. (And of course when the 8 Simple Rules show did the parody, I laughed because they captured so much of it so well).

Few shows can survive the loss of a major character like that though. He brought his own magic to this show that just wouldn't work with any other actor, so they did the smart, daring thing, and played his loss out in the show as well rather than write over it somehow or put someone else in his place. I don't think I have ever seen, before or after, any show that did such a heart felt tribute to a cast member's passing, but this show handled it just beautifully. And you could clearly see that they weren't just acting the loss, they all felt it, deeply. Which was one reason this show did so well, they really DID come across as a family, and it was easy to relate to the love / frustration that is part of ALL family life.

But after John passed away, the show never was the same. I felt that James Garner really did bring a good element to the show, and he also did a great job with the role, especially with the grieving daughter. But David Spade, as usual, really seemed to be the death knell for the show . He never fit in, and what used to be a wonderful series became a cringeworthy, bad sitcom that we already had too many of. I didn't even bother finishing the series out on live TV, and it wasn't until a few years later that I tried again. And realized after finishing it up that I could've skipped it and not missed much.

The first season is phenomenal, absolute 10 stars all the way, and they opened the second season with some of the most gut busting laughs I've EVER had for a TV show with their season opener. This show was on such an upward path, and then they lost John. And nothing, no show that starred John Ritter, could ever survive his loss...
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Trump Derangement Syndrome continues
25 January 2021
Just more of the same ghost chasing and inane babble we've had to put up with for four years. Funny how this is supposed to be credible. Love all the bogus 10 star reviews.
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