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True Detective: Night Country: Part 6 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
I gave it a chance, but no.
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I applaud them for trying something different this season. The first two episodes were fine. I liked the creepiness and I love the desolate setting. Though I was afraid it was moving too slow for a season with only 6 episodes. Boy, was I right.

The subsequent two episodes were horrible. I can't even remember anything happening that actually furthered the main plot along. In stead, we mainly got fillers about characters we know and/or care little about, a few pointless sex scenes and some other middle-school shenanigans. Among which a sanctimonious disapproving housewife, who actually manages to say that her studies are more important than her husbands job as a deputy, keeping the people alive in this small freezing town, and asks him to go sleep somewhere else... because he listened to his boss? Are we supposed to understand or even agree with this? Then again, this is the same guy who goes on to shoot and kill his dad (out of self-defence) showing very little remorse or emotion.

This final episode might be the worst of all. It starts with the two lead characters exploring a narrow ice cave, on their own without any back-up (because why would you NOT make it cheesy). They both fall some 3 or 4 meters through the ice on a rock hard surface, without sustaining any injuries whatsoever.

During the chase of their suspect, which ensues, she gets locked inside a sort of freezer for ice samples (seems a bit redundant considering the location, but whatever), with glass doors. For soms reason she actually puts her gun away and starts looking for something to break the glass with... I mean, what? She tears a metal pipe off something as if it's nothing, and proceeds to try and smash the glass, taking a lot of effort. It would seem to me that the gun would have been the better choice. I doubt they'd have any need for bullet-proof glass.

During the interrigation of their subject (after a bit of casual torture) inside the same facility, one of the leads puts a gun to his head, with the intention of executing him on the spot because she has a score to settle with him. Something which the other lead is willing to overlook, because apparantly when women do it, vigilantism is perfectly fine (just like at the very end of this episode). The suspect is then screaming and begging for his life, while LITERALLY a few moments later he's pleading for her to kill him or to let him kill himself because ''he's so tired''. That's quite the mood swing.

Meanwhile, no one is recording his confession/explanation in either video or audio. He then proceeds to kill himself in the fastest flash freeze I have ever seen, after which the lead starts screaming about him being their only witness. Smartphones were being used throughout this season, but I guess they simply forgot to do so when it mattered most. Also, later on, she falls through the ice in freezing water, but seems to survive this more effortless than their suspect simply walking outdoors.

Don't even get me started about the quasi-spiritual ending.
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Walden (2023)
Another wasted opportunity...
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've never considered Emile Hirsch to be a great actor, but at least he's alright. I read other reviews on here commending his performance in this, but I guess we must've watched an entirely different movie. To me, his role was simply excrutiaring to watch. Admittedly not entirely his fault, but still it was mostly him who made this movie look like a parody. I thought I was watching a horror comedy. There's also a lot of ridiculousness. When Walden takes revenge on his first purp/vic, without spoiling too much, it appears no one has ever heard of fingerprints in this town (or simply didn't care about solving this murder). Later on, he starts gunning down people as if it were nothing. After which there seems to have been no ballistics done whatsoever. The main antagonist finally admits to countless of heinous acts. He got made due to a minor ''mistake'' (which he could've easily denied by the way, but whatever). This little mistake seemed to annoy him, yet he had numerous of bodies (skeletons) put on display, posed in chairs (that somehow no one had ever come across, even by smell, in such a very small town), for no apparent reason other than shock value for us viewers.

It's a real shame though, I mean, how many times do we actually get to see a movie about steno? It's another wasted opportunity.
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Perhaps I'm biased because I find musicals appalling...
7 August 2023
Perhaps I'm biased because I find musicals appalling, but this episode (among many others this season) was utterly ridiculous. The 1 star I'm giving, is for them trying something different... but failing miserably. Just like the utterly annoying cross-over episode with Lower Decks. How people can stand that trash, is beyond me.

How does suddenly every single staff member know how to sing, with a proper singing voice, able to keep rhythm and even coming up with rhymes to formulate their message on the spot. Not one person bursts out into laughter, about how ridiculous the situation is. Everyone just takes it seriously and in one scene everyone literally starts dancing as if they're on Broadway... because they all suddenly learned how to do that as well, without any explanation. It just makes no sense whatsoever. I tried skipping every singing part, but the plot we're left with is (once again) about relationship struggles and other trivial subjects, that no one wants to hear about. IT'S STAR TREK, NOT SOME SOAP SERIES! Where's the science? Where's the adventure? I think this 3rd season is where I stop watching yet another franchise, that started off so good.
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65 (2023)
Another sci-fi made for people who don't watch sci-fi...
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie immediately starts off with a very melodramatic piece of music supporting a scene with people we know nothing yet about. Before trying to jerk some tears or even sympathy out of me, it might be a good idea to try and make me care about them in the first place. Also, some of the acting here is pretty bad, especially the kid.

Then, when he (Driver) leaves Earth in his spaceship, nothing of his departure is shown. It's just skipped entirely. That's no way to build any tension or character either. He simply wakes up in his ship, due to an emergency alert. For some reason, the autopilot on his ship is unable to steer clear from an uncharted meteor cloud, and needs manual override to do so. I mean, nowadays we already have cars that can easily evade any obstacle on their own, but whatever.

Within seconds, he crashes onto an unknown planet. Despite being the pilot he somehow survives, but his cargo (people in stirdy pods) does not. There's actually very little time spent in space at all. The whole ordeal seems rushed and all in all very cheap. Considering the movie has a very small cast, I'm guessing most of its budget went to Driver.

Then he discovers that a very young girl has somehow survived the crash as well, without a scratch, apparently having exited the pod on her own, while all others died (without actually having properly checked on any of them). Also, it doesn't really seem wise to send a small group of people on an exploratory mission, who can't even communicate with each other, due to language differences. Kid or no kid.

Going forward, the creatures on this planet seem to attack other creatures without hesitation, but when it comes to a small human they hold back and approach very slowely. I guess this is where they did remember to build some tension, however inapplicable. The CGI isn't bad, but it isn't up to standards either.

All in all, if you're into sci-fi, skip this one. If you're into brainless jumpscare movies with some pew pew, then go for it.
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M3GAN (2022)
Yet another extremely overhyped utter trash movie
27 January 2023
Yet another extremely overhyped utter trash movie. Where in the hell do all those positive reviews come from these days? Bought and paid for is my guess. I'm glad I didn't pay any money to see this junk, but it's still racking my brain on how people can rate this anyhting higher than a 3. I wanted to turn it off after 10 minutes, but only continued watching in order to be able form a proper opinion. Not only is clichéd beyond words, the acting is just horrible... and what's with that self-absorbed grin Gemma has the entire time? I wanted to slap her myself. The effects are nothing special either, and don't get me started on the infantile content. It might be a horror for toddlers or something, 'cause I'd have a hard time finding any kid who would consider this even remotely scary.
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Swan Song (I) (2021)
I guess this must be a sci-fi movie for people who don't like sci-fi.
1 January 2022
I guess this must be a sci-fi movie for people who don't like sci-fi. It's by far the utter most soporific trite I've seen in years. It's nothing more than a slow AS HELL love drama, in a different setting. It's pretentious and just plain ridiculous. It might deserve a little more than 1 star, but these days I'm simply trying to compensate for all the woke bot armies. DO NOT waste 2 hours of your life on this.
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It's basically a parody.
23 December 2021
Fortunately, I already expected this to be bad. It smelled like a cash grab from the day it got announced. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, asked for this. Yet, it still managed to exceed my expectations... 'cause it's even way worse than than I thought.

I'm doing my best not to go into the woke side of things. Nowadays these matters simply go without saying, and it seems to be a sad fact we'll have to live with for the foreseeable future.

The whole thing is just a parody. It HAS to be. Even the story basically takes this route. It's one big inside joke of its own success. Of the trilogy that is. No atmosphere, no visual filter, incredibly stale acting by a terrible cast, sad attempts at Marvel-esque jokes by extremely dislikeable characters, and saturated with flashbacks to fill-up this two and a half hour torment. Even underutilizing Jessica Henwick's fantastic physical skills. It might as well have been a Nic Cage movie.

If you must see it, then PLEASE, do not lose any money over it.
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Another ruined opportunity.
14 November 2021
The whole thing is like a BMW commercial, shot in Narnia with a few urban dancing (pardon me, ''kungfu'') elements. The rest of the time it's just boring you to death. With an incredibly annoying cast (e.g. The goofy sidekick cliché) with typical lame one-liners that aren't even close to funny. A predictable plot, full of reprehensible contemporary vlogger content. However good the choreography might be, if it's the only thing that stands out, it's simply a bad movie.

Also, this overhyped soundtrack is absolutely nothing special. Terrible even. Just some famous poppy tunes varied with some derivative oriental sounds.

Too bad Marvel seems to be truly unable to create anything for somewhat more intelligent adults.

Oh, and for the wokers among us... ''I only bet on Asian'', nothing racist about that at all. Chicks can bust a guy's balls without expecting anything in return, nothing sexist about that at all. I could go on, but you get the idea.
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I personally love topics about conspiracies or shadow governments and the likes, but...
16 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I personally love topics about conspiracies or shadow governments and the likes, especially when it's about the occult and mysticism, but...

WHEN DO CREATORS FINALLY START PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAIL?? Your audience isn't as stupid as you seem to think.

I could go on forever, but here's a few...

  • CIA agents do not carry badges! I mean, they're the CIA... they're secret agents... do I need to explain this any further?

  • Why can't Langdon just be an older guy? That would make it a hundred times more believable. Stop revolving stories about young cute people getting together. No one cares.

  • No matter how much this guy (Langdon) knows, no one in their right mind is gonna allow him to just suddenly pick up an object on the crime scene, before having it dusted for prints. Similar things happen in other situations.

  • Pacing things up is great, but don't do that by making everyone (even random bystanders) immediately solving everything as if they've been doing it since birth, like in the Panic Room movies.

Other than that, it looks promising and the main villain seems awesome. Please address the details, while there's still a chance.
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
Why, America? Why?
4 March 2021
Judging from most of the reviews I skimmed through, and its consequential rating, I get the distinct feeling not many people seem to realize this is a remake. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against remakes in general! As long as it's done to improve things... e.g. modern filming techniques, bigger budget, or putting an old story in a contemporary style. In this case however, we're talking about a Norwegian film ("Kraftidioten", a.k.a. "In Oder Of Disappearance"), that came out in 2014... a mere 5 years before. Not only is there practically nothing to improve on this matter, but moreover, "Cold Pursuit" is virtually a ONE ON ONE REMAKE! Which just leaves me to wonder... WHAT IS THE POINT?? Are Americans truly this xenophobic, or just plain ignorant of the existence of other countries and cultures (outside of Paris)? Is it truly that hard to watch a movie with subtitles? I for one just can't get my head around it.
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Sam Was Here (II) (2016)
I absolutely adore the creepy atmosphere of movies such as this...
11 April 2017
I don't mean to sound pretentious, but I think some people really ought to watch more movies before judging a gem like this. I mean, it's being criticized for being a mystery in stead of a horror, and for having an open ending. Really??

In my opinion, this is exactly how a good horror/mystery/... movie should look like. Not like the overly gore comedies (although those can be great too), and especially not like all the infantile jump-scare flicks, which this genre is utterly saturated with nowadays. Or is that really what most people would rather see? I simply don't understand... if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all.

Personally, I absolutely adore the creepy atmosphere of movies such as this. To me, it's a visual delight. I also really liked the 80's soundtrack and, as another user pointed out, the main character did indeed look like he loved what he was doing.
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Operator (II) (2016)
This movie deserves much more praise than it's getting...
11 November 2016
How does this have such an average to low rating, as opposed to most other overly-polished "comedies"? Do people not get the dark humor of Operator, is that it?

One of the things I personally value most in any release (whether it's movies, music or whatever), is originality. Originality is definitely something Operator has, and at the same time pretty contemporary. It also has very pronounced and vivid characters, without being too try-hard. The main character manages to display autism almost perfectly. All that, on (from the looks of it) a pretty low budget.

This movie deserves much more praise than it's getting.
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Hacker (I) (2016)
Mr. Robot - The Movie... except not.
2 November 2016
For any real hackers (aspiring hackers, hacktivists, otherwise criminally engaged computer wizards, or simply people in general who know their stuff) it's probably best not to touch this movie... but to people who hardly know anything about the world of hacking, who can enjoy a lower tier "morally justified" heist movie, it might work pretty well.

That said, the plot is dull. Really dull. Perhaps not so much the plot itself, but rather the execution of it. It's pretty obvious (from the narration, the cast) that this movie was meant to piggyback on the hype-train of Mr. Robot. Whereas Mr. Robot actually goes into detail pretty accurately, there's hardly ANY hacking going on in this movie at all. It's just a bunch of scammer kids, with a very infantile approach to the hacking phenomenon. A mash-up of jargon, combined with really poor dialogues and acting skills in general. A "hacker" that isn't familiar with the Dark Web or Onion? I mean, really?

Apart from that, it has a nice pace with just enough going on, to maintain a certain entertainment value that made me watch it through to the end. I'm glad that I did, 'cause it has a nice twist at the end... albeit pretty far fetched.
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