3 Reviews
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Mortal Kombat: Conquest (1998–1999)
18 January 2003
this is an extraordinary television show. the first and only season built itself up to an exciting and wonderfully complex climax. The only depressing part is the ending. The final episode was great but the show should have continued. HOW CAN A SHOW END WITH EVERYONE DEAD??? there is no purpose. Despite the fact that it is basically impossible, i hope that one day the show is continued.

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The Pretender (1996–2000)
The Best Television Show Ever!
18 January 2003
The Pretender displayed a great many rare qualities which made it GOOD! they are

A) The Pretender was one of the few mystery shows on television B)Unlike the majority of Drama shows, the characters of the Pretender rarely changed their opinions or personalities. C)despite the fact that "the Centre" is the constant evil force in the show, one can never really tell whether the characters (with the exception of jarod) are good guys or bad guys. D)the music is unusual and brilliant

Angelo is the greatest character!!!
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High Strung (1992)
18 January 2003
this is the best movie in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no movie which rivals its brilliant comedy I have laughed at this movie for the last seven years. Its incredibly stupid, thats whats so funny.
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