
3 Reviews
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Man-Thing (2005)
Worse than The Hulk!
30 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I thought The Hulk was the worst Marvel movie.

I was wrong.

At least that had enough -happening- to put it in the theaters. Man-Thing didn't even have that. It was supposed to be in the theaters, but even they knew it was so bad that if someone had to pay to see that, they'd write in and demand their money back.

This movie started out very very slow. But I thought that I'd give it a chance. Lots of good movies have a slow beginning. And so I kept watching. And watching. And watching. And nothing happened. At all. I was waiting for there to be some point where it became an interesting movie, but that point never happened. It was the same slow boring story from the very beginning to the very end. It was only half way through and I was already checking my watch, thinking this has to be almost over.

Th end was lame. You explode one drill and the Man-Thing is calmed? He's happy now? I don't think so. This made him look like a bad guy completely. He's not. Well, not exactly. But they didn't even bother with any of that in the movie. He was just a cranky tree that didn't like people drilling in his swamp.

You can't call it horror, because it wasn't scary in the least. You saw through the Man-Thing's eyes in choppy spliced-up little slide shows of the-gods-know-what because you can't even focus on any of them. It's not scary, it's annoying. And they don't explain -why- he sees in fast motion or whatever that is.

And then there is the gratuitous relationship. Hey, I have nothing against romance in action movies, but is it too much to ask that they get to know each other a -bit- before they start to make out and all that? He tosses her over his shoulder and what, she's smitten? Give me a break. Her character was completely pointless. Oh, and "Hey we just saw this big huge explosion, two people die and the Man-Thing implode and we're standing in the middle of a creepy dark swamp in the middle of the night, let's kiss." Um, no.

And then let's talk about the Man-Thing himself. Like the Hulk, you have to suffer through 3/4 of a boring movie to even -see- the title character and in this case, when you do, he looks TERRIBLE! What were those silly things coming from his back? They weren't vines, they looked more like bloated snakes. Yuck! He was just a head and glowing red eyes and those yucky things. Totally disappointing.

I saw it on SciFi, so I can't say I wasted my money. If I had seen it in the theaters, I'd be mad. Very mad. Needless to say, I won't be picking up the DVD.
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Chicago (2002)
The worst film of all time.
1 February 2003
This movie was the worst film I have ever seen, and I saw K19! The only reason that I did not walk out of the theater was to make sure I had all the ammo I needed to shoot this monstrosity down.

Where do I begin?

Let's start with the costumes. The bikini was not invented until 1947 and did not come into popular use until the early 1960s. Yet in this movie had all of the strippers/dancers dressed in them. This movie was set in the 1920s! Did someone not tell the costume designer that?

And then I have a few other things . . . plastic sequins. The LCD display board. Neon lights. The list of OBVIOUS historical mistakes goes on and on and on. I just so happens that I am an historian and the 1920s America one of my areas of expertise, but these things were even obvious to my friend, who is not an expert.

The dancing has to be discussed next. The opening number was sloppy and blah. The dancing for the rest of the movies was bordering on porn and was most certainly a strip show. Even in burlesque there was SOME element of class. This movie had NONE. Zero.

Renee and Catherine were horribly miscast and both fell short of their roles. Did the part of Velma Kelly have to be cut down so much because Catherine couldn't do it? It seems like that is the case, because a show in which Velma should have been on equal footing with Roxie, if not higher, was reduced to a minor character. And someone should take those lemons away from Renee, she looks sour enough.

This post could go on and on, too, but what is the point? THIS IS THE WORST MOVIE EVER! EVER! Don't see it. Don't even look at the poster. It was horrible. Terrible. Evil.

Go see the musical on the stage.
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Cruel Doubt (1992)
Give me a break!
1 February 2003
Like everyone has said, this is yet another attempt to blame something tragic on something other than the human being that committed it. After Colombine, the great evil was on black trench coats. This movie blames it all on D&D. PLEASE! A coat is a coat as much as a game is a game.

I have another issue here. In this movie it was very clearly implied that only quiet alienated creepy loser-type men played these games. Perhaps this is a (subtle) wink at the idea that only men could be influenced by a work of pure fiction, but I have to think it's further proof that the makers of this movie, and the author of the book it's based on, did not bother to research the game itself or the players of it. Did they talk to players of RPGs that have not killed anyone? I think there are MILLIONS of them out there, both men and women, yet they must focus on the one young man that may have had something to do with a murder. I know, I know, before you say it, I know that a story of a perfectly socialized person who also happens to play role playing games would not be a very interesting movie and could not have been nominated for an Oscar, but it would have been closer to the truth than this *thing*.

All I request is that people THINK before they imply something that alienates a large group of harmless, friendly, NON-angsty people. Is that too much to ask?
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