
5 Reviews
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Film School 101
19 January 2022
Start on an ECU pull back TO REVEAL ... every new scene, every time. Except when start wide and PUSH IN TO REVEAL... To add some interest throw in senseless killings and every Western cliche scene we've seen before.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
Good Reviewers Must Be Shills
19 July 2021
Claiming those that don't find this show funny are missing the point because it is not meant to be funny is a lame excuse for a poorly written and directed show. A dark comedy or a parody of sitcoms can still be funny. It just has to be cleverer than this show. A prime example is any of the Monty Python films or sketches.
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25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Guess the writers and/or director didn't know how to end their story, so they bailed and leave it up to the viewer.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
One major flaw
3 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoiler

Did Renee ever catch on she was still wearing the same size clothing? We never see her shopping for outfits, but she either is wearing her old bigger size clothing or when she went shopping she would have to still buy clothing for a larger woman.
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School of Rock (2016–2018)
21 March 2016
Why must every Nickelodeon and Disney show be written at the level of a seven year-old when the target audience appears to be 'tweens'? Look at the feature films aimed at the same audience. Just look at the original motion picture and capture that essence. "Hunger Games" and "Divergent". If they were written at the level of "School of Rock" they would be laughed off the screen. Kids today are informed and exposed to much more than kids used to be. Even the animated films for younger audiences are written with more intelligence and understanding that is far beyond what these 'children's shows' put up on the smaller screen. So please, if anyone associated with these networks reads this, raise your standards of performing, writing and directing.
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