
4 Reviews
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Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Pumaman (1998)
Season 10, Episode 3
My favorite MST3K
12 May 2006
This has to be my favorite MST3K ever. For the longest time the only two I ever saw was Invasion of the Neptune Men and Overdrawn at the Memory Banks. Then this horrible example of 1980s cinema hit my TV and I had never laughed so hard. Personal firetrucks, villains breaking the laws of physics, Pumaman "flying", the gold Mike Tyson mask, and of course the great Aztec onion/shaman Vadinho, the real hero of the movie. I still find this episode among the funniest along with Cave Dwellers, Space Mutiny, Final Sacrifice, and a few others. The movie itself was so horribly done one has to wonder why it was made in the first place. 1/10 for the movie 10/10 for the MST3K episode. Also this movie contains the only use Donald Pleasance had for the word comb. Check it out.
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Badges? We don't need no stinking badges
11 April 2003
There was a time in my life that I knew every line to this movie by heart. When I went to the Chinese Theater and ordered my raisenettes, I went imediately for Douglas Fairbanks footprints. Not John Wayne, or Star Wars. I still laugh at this movie even today. This should be a movie that everyone has to see. Mel Brooks was and still is a genius. There is not a dull spot in this movie. A 10 out of 10 for me.
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Time Chasers (1994)
Not horrible but still a bad movie
7 April 2003
Considering this in the first and only film for many of the actors and actresses in this movie, it wasn't too terrible. But couldn't they have found a better hero than a big chinned guy with absolutely no muscles and no likeable qualities. This guy has never even driven a car before? I laugh every time J.K. Robertson gets into the screen, and MST3K does a great job with him. This is one of my favorite MST3K movies though. If didn't have a completely lame plot like say, Pumaman or Manos and I wonder how good this movie could have been. But then all I want is to find a little beef-a-roni at the bottom of the can.
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7 April 2003
Any time the villain wears what Thom Christopher wears and has as much hair as he does, the viewers know they are in for quite a ride. John Nelson is completely idiotic and Carla Herd is terrible. Thom Christopher scared absolutely no one. This would not pass in America, but it was filmed in Mexico, and probably gave many Mexicans some jobs. No self-respecting American would want to be in this garbage. It is your typical B-movie: cheap sets, bad special effects, stupid costumes (especially the Bat guy), bad dialogue, and bad actors. MST3K is the only way that one should watch this. This movie is the third worst I have ever seen, behind Manos the Hands of Fate and Pumaman. One other thing, for all of you Puma fans out there, watch for the brief cameo of your beloved Vadinho about twenty minutes into the movie.
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