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Life in a Fishbowl
19 September 2020
A friend of mine from Thailand has a saying, 'I can't afford free', I figure the majority of tech users may find value in such a sentiment. There is some useful info and eye opening perspectives but its a very edited and slanted presentation. Could have used more actual data and less opinion, especially from the hippy dreadlock guy. The funny thing is they actually mention where the fix is but coast right past it to claim gubment is our only hope via regulation. The part they get 100% correct is AI will play to our weaknesses long before it plays to our strengths. This has always been a truth of life and applies to everything across the board outside of close personal relationships which drops to a 'may' instead of 'will'. Older people may remember claims made in this movie have been made before, some about different things, some about the same things. And like in each of those previous cases the action that actually solves the issue is swept under the rug with barely a word in favor of hand wringing and superstition. I would recommend people give this a watch, especially parents of teen and pre-teen children. This tech is going to expand and integrate into our lives more and more. Just as the television made a poor substitute for parenting and thinking for yourself, online social media pushes that into factors of ten.
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#Freerayshawn (2020)
Darkness does not fear unlit candles
21 August 2020
This was pitched to me as pro BLM but after watching it, whether intentional or not, illustrates how quick people are to jump to conclusions and how social media capitalizes on it. It also hammers some facts of life that people haven't been paying attention to lately. This would be awesome to show in a classroom to dissect and discuss. If you an adrenaline junkie and just like to be entertained I can recommend a dozen or so movies with the same basic plot you'll like better. If you like movies that challenge a narrative or morality then I would say this is absolutely one to watch. However I will add the caveat that its power in this regard is tied to current events and may lose some zest as it ages. They cite a few 'facts' along the way that compels me to add one as well. The creation of SWAT was the state response to the Watts riots in the 60's. Just FYI for those who think rioting is the way to 'demilitarize' the police.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Xena? Xena who?
11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm thinking the inspiration for this story looks a lot like part of my movie collection. About the only thing to dislike about this movie is that it wasn't released as a series so we can binge watch from start to finish. As it stands now its all primed for a sequel or several as a modern day Mod Squad of avenging angels. The action starts nearly right away as the movie opens setting up just enough to start building the sandwich without any questions. Then just as suddenly the ending I have been joking about for decades happens, 10 minutes into the movie and everyone is dead. Now that the director has got the audience completely silent staring at the screen; WTF? a few soundlessly mouth, before the movie starts in earnest. It's a betrayal for a prize straight from the epic of Gilgamesh. A few sequences aside the choreography is tight and well flowing, fire team tactics are well researched with a boost of teamwork interplay worthy of the Harlem Globetrotters. Some serious themes are nibbled at but nothing that sombers this very fun ride. If there isn't a sequel already in the works my guess is many hearts will be broken. If you like fast paced shoot 'em up style movies with indicated rather than realistic wound fx (meaning no gross chunks flying and firehosed blood baths) then this one has your name on it. Cheerfully Recommended.
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Mighty Oak (2020)
I, Origins meets Pay It Forward
8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Solid production value sporting a straight from the hip story with a side of transmigration. Think After School Special with a New Age instead of Christian flavor. A disadvantaged 10 year old guitar prodigy falls in with the members of a band that broke up with the death of their frontman a decade ago. A terminally ill junkie mother, a band manager convinced he is her reincarnated brother, musical mentor, Chim Chim doodles, and a $3000 custom guitar all collide in the complicated 5th grade life of young Oak Scoggins. After a bit of a roller coaster ride and some sleight of hand the sun breaks from behind the clouds for a warm fuzzy finish. Good wholesome movie in 50's Disney form the whole family can enjoy. Recommended.
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Green Room (2015)
Mystery of one and done bands finally solved?
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
No label punk band living out of a van while on the road for shoestring tour wind up in a very bad situation. After the last gig is a bust and short gas money to get back home they get a line on a walk-in that will net them the cash to return home. The off the beaten path country bar for old school skins turns out to be run by an organized 4th Reich gang. The set finished they are on the way out the door when a forgotten phone leads to the night that kills the band. I initially passed on seeing this based on blurbs that made the movie sound like yet another Hollyweird screed on how inbred racist white hillbillies are killing the world's love with their hate. You have to be pretty thick if that is what you take from this film. This is a lean and solid thriller about coming afoul of criminal enterprise by happenstance. Characters are fleshed out just enough to set the table, the meal comes in the form of hyper realism of wound FX, believable violence, and an interplay between antagonist and protagonist that is refreshingly smart and gritty. Aside from sticking your arm out the door and splitting up the typical dumbassery that tend to sneak into movies of this type is refreshingly absent. No preaching, no virtue signalling. An organized concealed criminal enterprise with experience staying off the radar vs some fairly streetwise and tactical not going to be your victim targets. And while the movie is absolutely worth seeing based on merit alone the inclusion of Patrick Stewart as leader of the gang is just the cherry on top not to be missed. If you are a fan of the genre don't let this gem slip by you.
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Diamonds from Carbon
10 May 2020
I am of the opinion that a good story is entirely in the telling. Connecting to the audience far surpasses any structure or mechanical aspects that academics pine over. Over the years I've enjoyed movies that have run me through emotions, revelations, excitement, disappointment and so on. I've teared up in movies and even squirted at times but this is the first time I've been driven to sobs and hitches. I've heard that the violin, when played by a master, is as close to the voice of the divine as the human ear is capable of hearing. I've heard my share of violin playing that has moved me but I've never had it grab me by the throat like it did watching this. Then on top of that is a perspective I've never heard before, one that carries significant weight. I am aware that you may not have the same reaction that I had, there are quite a few movies on my top 50 that set records tanking at box office, but if you get submarined only half as bad as I did it's still a movie very worth seeing. I'm kind of in the middle of a Tim Roth marathon, been watching as many of the films he has been in that I can get ahold of, had it not been for the fact he is in this movie I wouldn't have been inclined to see this, sounds boring as balls. It may be easier for older viewers to understand some elements but the broad strokes should be clear enough for anybody. Says something about the human spirit when such tragedy gives birth to such a pure expression of love and beauty. Highly Recommended.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Sci Fi Thriller That Watches Back
21 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film fits into the same box as Sleeping With the Enemy, Enough, Extremities, Gothic and others where a woman becomes more than what her tormentors bargained for. While these movies have various stories they all play on fears women must have in common as the driving factor. Not being believed, abuse, manipulation, isolation, helplessness, the feeling of being watched all get their time playing on her psyche. I'm thinking many women will be followed home by anxiety. The metamorphosis of Cecilia when she finds herself trapped is as dramatic as Sarah Connor between the first and the latest Terminator movie. The title 'The Invisible Man' is a bit unfortunate though, something like Unseen Eyes or Man of 1000 Eyes would have eliminated certain expectations which never come to pass. One of the coolest aspects of the film is the tech is actually real and has been for some time now. The movie unfolds with C (Cecilia) making her escape from the house/mad scientist lab she shares with her betrothed Adrian with the help of a friend. Unsure how she will go on with life she soon begins to feel the presence of her now dead husband (suicide, just look at these 8x11 glossies!). Lawyer brother of her deceased husband informs her 5 million dollars is coming her way provided she doesn't fall into vice and criminality. I would like to think some things that happen next are aimed at punishing theater attendees who have divided attentions, watch close or you'll miss it! Not much time goes by before C is tagged with a drug problem followed by a murder while screaming about the man nobody can see but her. Now locked in a psych ward we will get our first clear look at her tormentor as he goes through an entire symphony orchestra of armed guards who must be in Stormtrooper training. C breaks free of the ward hot on the trail winding up at her friends house to thwart the next diabolical ploy. After tagging the apparition figure by spraying a fire extinguisher around C pops 5 or 6 rounds into his chest. When she pulls off the mask the person she expected see isn't there, later being found tied up in a closet the very next scene. C doesn't buy it so she seizes control of her destiny by her own hand. While suffering from occasional bouts with continuity and flip a coin character actions the final product as a whole is fairly entertaining with a big wet spot of believability not of the characters but of the tech and the ways it will be abused. Be prepared for a feeling of being watched following you around for a few days after so don't start shooting at every house noise.
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Worth Watching
29 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Man's capacity for cruelty and kindness at times is tough to reconcile. I am fairly well versed on WWII history but I had never heard of Windermere before. While the movie does due diligence on the children, about half the movie focuses on the staff. What an extraordinary display of dignity and compassion. The people of the UK as well, though done by proxy, they provided 4 months to give strangers a chance at a time their own chances were somewhat less than assured. Solid production value and journeyman performances propel the story at near light speed, the 88 minutes goes by fast (88? a cosmic muffin or subliminal message?) but gently carries an important message that is too easy to forget. There but by the grace of God go I. Be excellent to one another.

To the 'Daughters of Dresden' reviewer if such a movie was made I would go see it. Nobody in Europe during that time escaped unharmed and the suffering and despair of the German people brought on by the vindictiveness of the treaty of Versailles all but guaranteed an orator like Hitler's ascension. I want to thank you because it was your review that decided I should watch it.
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Battle of no military experience
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Originally titled 'Battle of Wits', after watching I would say the title change was required. As a 'historical fiction' character driven movie its positioned fairly in the center of Asian cinema, neither terrible or great. While I accept movies are seldom realistic the premise that Xiang, commander of the army of Zhao, would resort to the kind of tactics he does only serves to feed the story of how brilliant Ge Li is. While Ge Li isn't bloodthirsty the notion he is a pacifist is misplaced, the city wanted to surrender but Ge Li convinces them to fight rather than live as slaves of Zhao. The traps he sets are designed to attack his foe morally and psychologically as well as kill as many of them as he can. All in all its more like a game of air hockey being advertised as championship Go. If you don't care about all that and watch it as a big production hero movie it fills the bill much better.
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Crown Vic (2019)
A Sheepdog Life
1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is as close as most of us will ever be to an understanding of life as a police officer. While the movie uses extreme examples in a compressed format it serves to provide a backdrop to what police may have to deal with over their career. Production value is good with all players turning in solid, if not stellar, work. While the movie as a whole gives a good idea how dynamic the job is, it also provides a look into their humanity. The two primaries represent a personality at the beginning and one at the end of their career. Up to this point it's just a good scripted version of the show Cops. But then the 'event' happens, this is where the power of the movie is revealed. It's a serious gut check that will cause a reaction, followed by realization then finally introspection. While not graphic beyond some dialogue there is no doubt that it's every bit as horrific as sane people can imagine involving young children. The notion of what should happen collides with what experience has shown does happen. Unthinkable and Gone Baby, Gone are the two movies I can think of that present such a 'what would you do' though in Crown Vic the potential consequences of both choices is severe and life altering. This movie does not paint cops as saints and pulls no punches painting in the dirt. Its does however give the audience a chance to see the world from inside the trap a patrol car becomes. Recommended.
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Neighbors Done Right
30 December 2019
Many movies that try to depict how God works through us tend to suffer from heavy handedness, some calamity followed by 'the great awakening'. Fred Rogers life shows us that God speaks quietly through everything we do. I haven't ranked many movies 10 stars but I would give this one 11 if I could. We are so constantly beat upon by negativity, apathy, pettiness, and evil that we forget to see the value of one another. Hanks does such a masterful job of projecting the persona of Rogers that you will feel like he is speaking directly to you. I have never seen the parable of the mustard seed illustrated more brilliantly. It's one thing to make a movie that celebrates a man and his deeds, quiet though they may be. It's quite another when the portrayal of that man resonates with the Spirit so strongly it reaches out of the screen to tell each of us 'you aren't broken'. That everyone could have such love in their hearts. To which its likely Mr Rogers would say 'well why not? I believe in you'. Recommended with the highest praise possible.
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Rated both Game and Short, small review, impression, and opinion of series season 1, Witcher 3 Wild Hunt game review
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well season 1 from Netflix wasn't nearly as high octane as this short but its not without merit. The 8 episodes did a fair job of getting the pieces on the board and setting up a season 2 that should ramp up considerably. My early guess is they have 3 seasons planned and depending how it goes we may get only 1 season, 3 seasons, or more than 3 seasons with either a lot of filler or elements added that aren't part of the main storyline. (how cool would the 3 wishes of Heart of Stone and/or the night of fangs and the elder's cave from Blood and Wine be?). I would rather see 3-5 good seasons than have it stretch out for a decade and have a GoT finale'. >>>>>>>>>*POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD*<<<<<<<<< Personally the only things I am genuinely miffed about is changing Dandelion's name and whatever costuming did to the Nilfgaardians armor (are we supposed to believe its composite armor?). Also wondering if Triss not being a redhead has to do with the rumor Triss is actually Lytta Neyd AKA Coral who assumed her identity (Triss supposedly fell at the Battle of Sodden Hill). There are other changes that may chap the purists or those who are sick of casting habits (its okay if there isn't a transexual squid or a size 22 princess in every production, honest!). There was some grumbling about Fringilla Vigo being cast as black though I have no knowledge of how that changed anything but appearance from the book and game. Maybe movies will one day make everyone blue like in Avatar so people can stop worrying about who is this or that though I do oppose casting solely for the purpose of virtue signaling (lets not forget 12 Years a Slave won 3 Oscars- several people who voted in favor later admitted they hadn't bothered to actually watch it, rather it was 'time' for such an award lification, this is hearsay, I heard of this happening, I didn't hear it first hand]. I don't remember what other movies it was up against but it was an excellent film and should have been paid the respect of being judged on the work instead of rubber stamped by mouthbreathers who think an unearned victory is worth anything to those who chase excellence- save the handicap awards for Whoopie Goldberg and her ilk)

Witcher 3 is the best PC game since the first KOTOR game came out imo, on my 5th run through with over 1000 hours played and I still get boned by the horse race in the tournament a couple times before I hit stride and can complete it (going to try some unorthodox methods next). Would love a Witcher 4 Adventures in Toussaint or even as an expansion... so much left undone after the business with Anna Henrietta ... Orianna gets hers in the above video but I would rather craft my own version. There are a couple groups of knights from the tourney who want Geralt dead, maybe they join forces with survivors of the Hanse knights and that managed to escape or survive an encounter with a witcher, maybe even a jailbreak! There are at least 3 maybe 4 greater vampires in Toussaint, after Dettlaff's Night of the Long Fangs stunt the Duchess must be interested in ensuring such a threat doesn't manifest a second time to murder and terrorize the subjects of Beauclaire, perhaps Geralt would train and lead a troupe of vampire slayers. The elder may want to have words with Geralt after learning about his encounter with Gaunter O'Dimm, defeating the Wild Hunt, Dettlaff and Orianna, his relationship to Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, and friendship with Regis may convince the elder Geralt is trustworthy and a key to get back to his own world, conversely having survived his 1st attack and going on to slay 2 greater vampires the elder may see Geralt as the threat Dettlaff was sold as, especially if he starts training vampire hunters. The palace was once inhabited by elves, who knows what lurks in the catacombs and caverns beneath them and the other elven structures throughout Toussaint and the palatial gardens. Then there is Corvo Bianco to consider... will it be attacked by vagabonds led by disgraced knights and razed to the ground or will the vineyard become productive and Geralt finds his alchemy skills make him especially gifted in the production of fine libations perhaps even surpassing Est Est in world renown? Of course this wouldn't sit well with Count Borhis or the Merchants guild depending how the Mutual of Beauclair's Wild Kingdom quest concluded. Then there is the resurgence in Gwent popularity following the new Skellige deck taking Count Monnier's tournament, much to the chagrin of some, and leads to an ever expanding league of tournaments culminating in the Grand Tournament of Beauclair where hundreds of rounds are played over 3 days on a point elimination system where the scores of the hands are tallied to determine who will be the Undisputed Master of Gwent for a year with fabulous prizes for the finalists and additionally a trophy for the champion. Vesemir should have a shrine... near the olive grove perhaps. Also an opportunity to use the Law of Surprise as a selection on more than just one contract would be something to try. Maybe even limit it to one use but let it be an option for several if not many contracts.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Solid First Act
23 December 2019
I came to the Witcher franchise late, just this year discovering The Witcher 3 PC game, so I am aware I haven't had the lore and canon immersion that many viewers of this will have had. There are character changes I noticed but nothing that destroyed those characters at least as I know them but I was disappointed they changed Dandelion's name. I don't see a reason for that aside from the thinking that changed Bruce Banner to David Banner for the TV series. Season 1 happens prior to the Witcher 3 game (have no idea about the books) so I don't know what was changed there but I imagine quite a bit. Given the way the story was spread across 8 episodes they must be planning a minimum of 3 seasons, even given the changes I am aware of. There isn't as much action as I was expecting and they made Geralt of Rivia a committee character of conflicting traits. He is abrasive and standoffish, as we are used to, but he is also sort of dumb and exceptionally lucky when operating within his profession (though he is Captain obvious in the game). Yennefer on the other hand is exceptionally portrayed as a driven, powerful, and aloof sorceress who takes what she wants consequences be damned. The timeline isn't linear so you may be a little confused until you can recognize what is happening before and what is happening at the moment. The story runs thin in places and brilliant in others. The battle at the keep on the river is one of the best sequences I've ever seen in any movie or series (tactical magic is awesome and terrifying), an exceptional amount of thought went into its creation. They change directors on the episodes, didn't catch if it was for all 8, but it may be the reason why the telling of the story runs thick and thin. While it may be a good idea to read the Witcher wiki so you have some notion of the players and knowledge of the lands and events surrounding the age of the White Wolf and his elder blood ward, but not absolutely required. I think even the most dedicated fans will find themselves confused here and there just at different things than the novice. I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps Elric of Melniboné will find his way into such a production if this show manages a good amount of interest following on the heels of Game of Thrones. Perhaps a renewed interest in swords and sorcery fantasy will shake that tree finally. There were a few things that cheapened the production IMO, Nilfgaardian armor being a stand out example. Overall I'm pleased with the series through season 1, hopefully there will be enough viewer interest that the second season budget will be enough to refinish some of the rough areas. If you are a hard core Witcher affecianado I imagine you will have a 4 page list of 'errors' but hope you can adapt enough to enjoy the parts they 'got right'. For the uninitiated it's a bit of a toss up but if you can stick with it through the confusion I think you will find it promising and enjoyable. For people like me I know just enough to know what I don't know but that doesn't really matter because I was already predisposed to enjoy it. It would have had to be a trainwreck to destroy my interest, something it easily avoids. If you are okay with fairies and trolls at the Renaissance faire, a fan of swords and sorcery like Conan, Kull, Red Sonja, and John Carter, or just like a fresh take on classical themes I would recommend this series without reservation. If Game of Thrones is as far as your fantasy tastes go/have gotten then the straight forward by comparison 'pulp' style hero focus may not appeal to you (unlike GoT it's pretty clear certain characters aren't going to die). I will say if future seasons incorporate the events in Witcher 3 (especially with the 2 expansions) a lot thicker and juicier steak is on the way, though the 3 main characters will still dominate the show. I will probably watch it through a few more times before the long night to season 2 (if it comes at all). Recommended.
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Hustlers (2019)
A Lesson in Filmmaking
4 December 2019
Cold viewing, knew nothing about it going in but by the marquee expected something between Show Girls and Dancing at the Blue Iguana. I watch a lot of movies and I do my best to watch them for what they are instead of what they aren't. (Something I had to be taught to make movie going much more enjoyable). First off most of the movie is very upbeat, things happen fast and everyone is having a good time. The primary players did outstanding work and production value is very high. Until Julia Stiles showed up I had almost forgot I was watching a studio film and this is where I was most impressed. Many films have what I like to call 'filler' or 'fluff'. Sometimes its the result of editing, other times production formula, and some film scenes of this nature for a variety of reasons. There is almost no fluff in this film. Every minute is spent pushing the story element instead of 'setting mood' or 'creating tension' up until 'the fall' and then you get a little, but not much. I am unfamiliar with the director, Lorene Scafaria, but the economy of each scene is outstanding. If you aren't put off by subject matter and just like to be entertained you could do a whole lot worse than this one. I didn't have it on my watchlist but I'm glad I got to see it. While its not a 'chick flick' per se I have to imagine women will enjoy the film more than men will.
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Eat the dessert first
17 November 2019
Pretty standard low budget faire with the exception of 2 parts of the film that are worth sitting through the rest of this thing imo, and those 2 scenes adjust my score from a 2 to a 7. Think of this movie as a coconut and you are marooned on an island with nothing harder than the only food source. It's a lot of work but the reward is so tasty... as long as rescue happens sooner rather than later. Surprised this hasn't shown up on Svengoolie or Elvira (they even still on the air?) I wouldn't recommend going out of your way but if you get the chance those 2 scenes show a humor, technical ability, and creativity lacking in the rest of it. If you have seen John Dies at the End think of the scene were the invaders are explaining what their plans are making use of an earth medium (think spiders), like that but better.
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Someone lost a bet
5 November 2019
I've never watched a zombie movie on 'ludes before... or any movie actually. This film is so dry you will feel cheated you didn't get 2 olives. This is like an episode of 'Emo Goes to Hollyweird'. Why the big names are in it, admittedly past their prime but still, I figure someone lost a bet. I sort of get the point but it's a long painful haul for an anti consumerism stump speech. I imagine the people who wax eloquent over a canvass that someone took a dump on through a macerator then blew sprinkles on will find some reason to laud this 'work' but for people with fully functioning brains maybe not so much. However if you have wacky beliefs you may find some vindication. I won't be watching it a second time.
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Nation of Islam wishlist history
21 October 2019
Some of the most racist revisionist history I've ever heard. Five minutes on the Zulu history website was all it took to destroy the claims of the first 10 minutes of this film. People shouldn't be getting their history from movies (that strangely enough are created to make money, not impart knowledge), not to say that movies of 'historical' natures aren't worth seeing but know its meant to wet your appetite so you go do some research. Movies like this one however are nearly 100% revisionist propaganda. Black Liberation Theology does nothing but fuel hate and succor racism: it certainly does nothing to further knowledge based in fact. Do yourself a favor and give this a pass.
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Strapped hookers and train killers.. Oh My!
29 September 2019
This is what happens when you grow up in Tromaville and become a filmmaker. Imagine starting with Ichi the Killer and mixing in Scarface, Spun, Showgirls, and Summer of Sam while reading 50 Shades of Grey and you should be able to smell how this movie is. To say that this won't appeal to everybody is an understatement, but that has never determined whether a film is worth seeing. Despite the amount of time spent on scenes consisting mainly of nudity and drug use there is a story that unwinds as you go with a lump sum delivery in the last 10 minutes. Production value overall is good and the players skilled enough to deliver their dialogue naturally with the correct posture. If you are at all on the fence I would say give it a watch, you were curious enough to read this review so don't stop short here.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Waxing, not Waning
26 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really wasn't expecting much from this but boy was I mistaken. Very funny and very relatable. One of the things that really sold this show was the way the protagonist and antagonist have switched roles. My one trepidation is the return of the original Kobra Kai sensei in the last episode. Really looking forward to season 2, hope they keep the magic they found in season one alive. You really don't need to have seen the movie as they interject (thankfully short) flashbacks to give you an idea of just how poetic the role reversal is. If you are on the fence or even if you know nothing about the original Karate Kid movie from 1983 (?), this show is not diminished. Highly Recommended.
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Soldier Blue (1970)
A reminder that bad men do bad things and bad men with authority do worse things.
30 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is based on an actual event known now as the Sandy Creek Massacre. While the bulk of the movie is a growing 'romance' between a soldier and a woman 'rescued' from indians its the end of the film that made it noteworthy. The movie starts with a paymaster who has been obliged to transport a white woman who was 'rescued' from captivity by a local tribe of 'hostile' indians. The wagon train is promptly set upon by indians and wiped out but for our two love birds (Peter Strauss and Candice Bergen). Instead of retreating back to where they left from they decide to push on to their original destination. For the next 60 minutes or so the pair sort of stumble in and out of various situations each one ending with them making eyes at one another. After escaping an encounter with a white trader smuggling guns for naughty tribes, the pair separately reach a large encampment of soldiers. She steals a horse and goes back to the indians she was supposedly rescued from at the beginning of the movie while he rejoins the soldiers as a somewhat conflicted and reluctant participant. Okay now the part of the movie that made all the noise, the infamous massacre at Sand Creek. The troops form up for an artillery barrage as the chief rides out under a flag of truce to treat with them. The commander ignores this and commences the attack. Then comes the massacre itself that would make some indie slasher movies proud and finishing up with soldiers dancing around holding up various body parts including heads atop their banners. Then a solemn narrator comes on to 'share the facts' in which he claims 500 indians were slaughtered (actual number 186) followed by a script from Winter Soldier. You will notice they seem to use bright red paint for blood instead of the regular stage blood throughout the film. Okay I get it, 1970 the summer of love just happened, vietnam, ect., the 'man' is a pos, at times it felt like another Billy Jack movie. It's unfortunate the makers of the film didn't consider what actually happened as being horrific enough without sprucing it up. Overall the production value is good although the script suffers in a few places. Other than some nice wide shots of the countryside it's fairly par for the course for 70's exploitation films.
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Painless (II) (2017)
Captivating... but where is the Sci-Fi?
4 October 2018
The production value is above reproach and all the players turn in solid performances. Not really sure where the Science Fiction comes in unless they mean its a fictional story about science. The story is much like Lorenzo's Oil but from the 1st person as an adult. There are several places the film could have played a predictable (and expected) card but it stays true to a harder vision and doesn't sell the character to the story (what I mean is in many films you will have a character act out of character to create the 'issue' that carries the story forward, they don't do that here). As a result I found myself much more invested in the lead character than I usually get. I could have watched another hour without a hiccup. A very solid piece of work.
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Time Trap (2017)
HG Wells goes country fried
19 August 2018
I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I'm a sucker for all things time travel but my initial notion was it would be another low budget shaky handheld cam thing couldn't have been further from the mark. While its not chock full of cool FX the one that are used are convincing enough. The HG Wells flavor kicks in at about the halfway mark and steadily builds until abandoned at the last moment for a less apocalyptic ending. So when you are standing in front of Red Box scratching your head trying to pick something out this would be a solid option.
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Batman Ninja (2018)
2 May 2018
Imagine buying a Ferrari in boxes and hiring a couple crackheads who panhandle on the corner to assemble it. Seriously this video is that bad. Aside from the animation style, which may or may not appeal to you, and the character portrayal of the Joker, this video literally has no redeeming qualities. I had to watch this over the span of several sittings because its that bad. Remember the spider machine in the Will Smith version of Wild Wild West? That's how bad this is. The creators of Voltron should sue. I rate it 3 stars but the Joker earns 2 of them. You have been warned, proceed at your own risk.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Don't watch the anime first!
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the anime I was cringing a little before watching; taking the attitude of I hope they don't screw it up too bad. The first thing I came to realize is they weren't trying to recreate the anime. While the idea and principal characters are represented and the story line follows the same direction, the entire focus of the movie is different. So for this reason I would advise against seeing the anime if you haven't already as this is more a cliff notes version with some major changes. Okay the bad- the movie is just too short, really needed another 30-40 minutes to delve into the scope of the Death Note and the creation of Kira. Ryuk gets almost no attention and basically spends his time laughing, and the half eaten apples started to bug me (just why a death god eats at all is never explained). Now the good- despite the above deficiencies it had no trouble keeping my attention for the most part. The deaths they show are adequately graphic. The notion that Light is making the world a better place is buttressed by interaction from other players, not just declared like some other elements. Overall I think this movie is aimed at the Goosebumps demographic who have just grown past that franchise. It presents a thought provoking scenario both wondrous and horrifying, sprinkle it with gore and tension, and top it off with 'hey I could be that guy'. The movie concludes leaving some questions unanswered and primed for a sequel. So my conclusion is if you have never heard of Death Note before and were a fan of Goosebumps then definitely give this a viewing. However if you are a purist and have seen the anime you may want to steer clear. Personally I liked it despite its shortcomings and will probably watch it again.
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The Mummy (2017)
Not your Mommy's Mummy
10 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I put off seeing this flick because of how hard its being panned. I have made this mistake before, and kick myself for being led astray once again. Lets start with what this movie isn't. Its not going to win an Oscar (yeah I know, big deal). There are no warm fuzzies or spiritual awakenings. Its unlikely to ever find itself on a 'must see' list. Despite my efforts to find them there are no tasty quotable lines. Overly complex character development, plot elements, back story or side stories. Okay so now that you know you won't need a towel, holy vestments, witty rejoinder, or Einstein's big juicy brain lets get into what this movie is. Fast paced- while not at a sprint after the set up you won't have time to go get a snack. A full box- yes indeed they cover a lot of ground in setting up the franchise without being redundant or requiring people to ask the audience around them just what the hell is going on. Satisfying- my final judgment on whether a movie justifies the price of admission is how likely I would be to hit the pause button if I were watching at home and I have to say my attention didn't wander. I did enjoy the Werewolf of London parallel (one of the great movies of the past) and noticed several places where somebody's movie preferences earlier in life are apparent. But just as I don't hold such things against musicians, I don't hold them against directors. So overall what you have is the sponge for future movies, laid out in a very broad easy to follow manner (unlike Kong:Skull Island where you needed a decoder ring). Personally I like to watch movies for what they are instead of what they aren't, if we have that in common there is no reason to expect you will find anything other than 120 minutes or so of easy entertainment that isn't going to leave you too worn out to go for ice cream after. If you wanted high drama you wouldn't have picked the flick with the flashy poster.
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