
3 Reviews
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Excellent Kung Fu movie
26 April 2003
Donnie Yen does a pretty good job in this movie, both in acting and in the fight scenes. Theres some wire work here and there, which is expectable when you watch ANY martial arts movie anyway. The fight scenes are really well done(Donnie Yen is obviously really good at Tai Chi and a great kicker!)Theres also a lot of comedy in this movie(better than that in Drunken Master with Jackie Chan). People shouldnt compare this to Jackie Chan's Drunken Master, it has a different plot and theres not a focus on drunken boxing(theres pretty much none!). Some of the Yuen Brothers are also in this movie like the Tai Chi Master and Killer Bird. Overall a good fun kung fu film and one of Donnie Yen's best! Overall: 9/10
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One of the best Movie/Games ever
24 April 2003
I have to admit, I was blown away by Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger! I am not usually a big fan of space-sims, I mean I've played some Freespace here and there but never really got into it. But then I played this and oooooh boy was it good. I've put this review in three catagories:Plot,Gameplay and Acting.

Plot: The Earth Confederation has been waging a 10-year war with the tiger creatures, the Kilrathi. But now they face the reality of losing the war and with it losing Earth and humanity itself. You play Colonel Blair(Mark Hamill) a fighter pilot whose made a reputation for himself through his various missions aboard the "Tiger-Claw". Blair has been re-assigned to be a pilot for the TCS Victory in the war. On the ship, he meets various pilots,captains,etc. Through his missions, Blair finds himself in becoming a major importance in winning the war. There are many plot-twists here and there that'll suprise you as they come. Overall a very well thought out plot. Rating: 4.5/5

Gameplay: The space combat in the game is very fun,entertaining, and challenging. One half of the game has you out in space,flying missions and having a Kiltathi in your crosshairs. The other half has you walking around the TCS Victory, having conversations with the various people on board which are usually about the war, their feelings or on their past. In these conversations, you usually have two choices of what to say(this affects your morale with the person your talking to). This ends up being really fun and it makes you care about your wingmen(unlike in other games). The space combat is fun, fast paced, and man ALIVE is it hard in most of the missions. This is the best part of the game/movie of course. Rating: 5/5

Acting: Mark Hamill does an awesome job of playing Colonel Christopher Blair with his smart-aleck lines while talking to the people on the ship to his taunts while in the cockpit(Example:"Say goodnight kitty!").I like him in this role better then as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars(I know I surprised myself). Then theres various other actors(most who don't really have any acting career). From the great Malcolm McDowell as Admiral Towlwyn(he played the bad guy in Star Trek:Generations), John Rhys-Davies as Paladin(hes playing Gimli in the LOTR movies right now), Tom Wilson(Biff from Back to the Future)as Maniac, a up-beat pilot whos a fan favorite. To Francois Chau as the lovable card shark of a pilot Vagabond and Jason Bernard as Captian Eisen in one of his last movie roles. The acting is superior to any "real" sci-fi film and the script is well written. Rating: 5/5

This is one of the best video games/movies ever and any person who enjoys a awesome space sim with a great plot and sweet actors(MARK HAMILL!!!) should try to find this game now and buy it. You wont be disappointed by its sheer greatness.
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Seven Samurai (1954)
Best Samurai movie ever...
30 March 2003
Now when I first rented this movie out of curiousity(sorry if i mispell...) from my local library, I have to confess I didnt think it would be this GOOD! Akira Kurosawa has taken the tale of the legendary samurai and turned it into a incredible film. From the unique plot(that has been copied numerous times in american westerns) to the classic and loveable characters, to the awesome fight scenes. Everything in this is picture perfect! This movie has made me fall in love with samurai films(i had already loved kung-fu films) and made me want to see some of Akira's other classics like Yojimbo and The Hidden Fortress. You need to stop reading this and buy this classic right now if you havent already. Rating: 10/10
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