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It's what it's supposed to be (sort of), and that's always good in my book.
31 March 2016
Note: this is an edited review, which lowered the score by one, since I've now have a better understanding of why people seem to hate this.

Usually when I review a movie/game/book/whatever, I… review it; but, this time, I will just write a simple, stream-of-consciousness-esque opinion, moments after leaving the cinema - something that I do for the first time. The reason? While I avoid almost everything that can spoil/affect my opinion, a couple of days before going to see this movie, I was surprised to see so much HATE towards it, especially from (the scum of the earth) "professional" critics, who expected Lars von Trier, and got a superhero movie instead. Is it perfect? No. Will it become an iconic classic like The Dark Knight? No. Could the plot, the acting, and the overall direction be better? Sure… but a bad movie?

Read the title: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. It wasn't supposed to be a colorful, funny, and fast-paced Marvel flick… it's supposed to be a clash between two gods in a far darker setting, it's supposed to have a villain who can actually trick these gods, and it's supposed to introduce the Justice League. Has this film achieve all this? HELL YEAH. In many ways it reminded me of the hate that Man of Steel received, which, to this day, I don't understand why… and this comes from someone who isn't exactly very fond of Superman.

There are indeed some major flaws here, though. I won't go in detail about some, such as why Lex behaves more like Joker, or how some characters have been reduced to cardboard ones like Lois Lane, amongst others, so I'll only mention the three big ones. #1: The rivalry between Sups and Batman is insanely forced, and the way things turn around is, admittedly, silly. #2: Doomsday looks bad, and should not be here so soon. Every comic book fan know that this dude is an extremely important part of Superman's lore, so it should get its own separate movie. #3: the biggest mistake IMO is that DC tried to do a lot of things to soon… it tried to pit Batman against Superman, tried to introduce the Justice League, and tried to include Doomsday.

To keep it short (too late), here is my quick rundown:

The good: fantastic music, a great, dark mood, the best action sequences in recent comic book movie history, solid-to-good acting (even from good 'ol Ben), and, finally, a decent, although, far from flawless, exploration of several themes; especially of how terrifying a "God amongst us" can be.

The bad: Batman's hate towards Superman is bit forced and silly; He should be smarter than the average Joe. Wonder Woman was cool, but her inclusion felt a bit forced. Doomsday should be 10 times more threatening - even general Zod and his team felt like far better team of villains.

In conclusion: Not bad, not fantastic, and not mediocre… but, undoubtedly a very entertaining superhero movie, despite its MANY shortcomings.

Literal: 5/10 x 0.40 Dramatic: 6.8/10 x 0.30 Cinematic: 7.5/10 x 0.30

Score: 6.3/10
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
Disney's first superhero-themed film is no more, no less, a rough diamond
22 October 2015
A typical fanboy/hater behavior in review sites is to give 1s and 10s on a whim, although that's rarely fair, like in Big Hero 6, where that behavior became the norm in IMDb, while it's just a pretty good animated movie, that could undoubtedly be a lot better. The story revolves around Hiro Hamada, a young tech genius who wants to find the one that killed his older brother Tadashi, and all this with the help of the later one's college friends, and, most importantly, his recently completed science project, a cute medical assistant robot named Baymax, whose deadpan reaction to everything around him is simply hilarious. Disney is certainly not an expert in the superhero field. In fact the best superhero title of the company was actually developed by Pixar, and it was none other than the critically acclaimed The Incredibles, however, it's first tread into the genre resulted in something very good.

Now, while a great film, it's just not worthy of the golden medal. Why? For starters, while all its aspects are well-implemented, they seem to never fully embrace their potential. Case in point, the overall look of the movie. The animation is simply flawless, the character design is very good, the background extremely detailed, and so on, and yet, it's all forgettable; like the superhero costumes of the gang, which look great and all, but also far from iconic enough to go down in history. The same goes with the pacing. The first – and mostly comedic - 30 minutes are as fine-tuned as possible, with each scene seamlessly leading to the next, and with not a single millisecond thrown into waste. From there on, however, it's a bit of a letdown.

The film never gets bad or anything, but it could use some work – especially two out of the three available action segments, which look cool, but lack that extra something. The biggest strength of Big Hero 6, however, are its characters. For starters, Baymax is not just another obligatory cute-and-funny Disney sidekick, but the backbone of the plot, since, besides being a great tool for comedy, he also serves as the connection between Hiro and his dead brother, making sure that he is never forgotten throughout this adventure. Additionally, while Tadashi has been criticized by professionals as a "bland, hunky dude" that has a useless death scene, he is actually a genuinely kind and extremely likable character that serves as Hiro's father figure in a very good way, and whose death (let's get ready for some fanboy flame), is quite possibly more effective than the death of Mufasa, which, frankly, never left much of an impression to me.

Unfortunately, the theme of loss is not explored adequately here, and the same goes for the rest of the good stuff. Hiro's new friends are fantastic, and each one's personality trait adds much to the comedic aspect of the movie… when they decide to appear on screen, that is, because this is mostly about Hiro and his inflatable buddy. In conclusion: if I were to describe Big Hero 6 in one sentence, I would say that it's more like a pilot episode of something much bigger than this. In many ways it is very similar to The Incredibles, and in some aspects (mostly the comedy), much better, however it feels… incomplete, while Pixar's masterpiece does not. That isn't to say that it should be avoided, though, since the disappointment stems not from how bad it is, but from how much better it could be.
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An entertaining, character-driven suspense thriller
18 May 2015
This couldn't have a better title since the basic character trio always wears two faces, and most of the time it's hard to tell which one is the mask. Hossein Amini directs this so good that it almost doesn't matter that it's quite light on plot. A rich American couple gets involved in murder, and a small-time con man, who works as a tour guide in 60s Greece, will help them, while trying to bite more than he can chew. It's a pretty simple storyline, with no major plot twists or memorable events, yet it's also a pleasure to watch as the tension between the three protagonists begins to rise.

Dunst's role as the young wife gets a backseat halfway through this journey, since this is mainly a power struggle between the two men, but, luckily, their performances are great, especially Mortensen's, whose character is the most multilayered one, and, strangely enough, the most likable despite him being the least innocent of the bunch – not to mention that he oozes vintage charm from every pore, whether he lights up a cigarette, drinks whiskey, or just sits casually.

The only flaws here? #1 we never get to know more about our characters #2 the surface of the father\son theme that seems to be explored here is barely scratched – and mainly towards the end – which is a shame because this could surely be one of the film's strength's. One thing that's great, though, is how good they've managed to portray 1962s Greece, (and Turkey), which looks as it's supposed to, but in such a subtle way that it never feels… artificial. In conclusion, great movie for those that are more into characters and less about action, (or plot). It's not perfect, yet it's certainly something worth watching at least once.
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Aladdin (1992)
Close but no Hookah
24 October 2014
Aladdin, while one of Disney's best isn't exactly one of the classics and while definitely an entertaining film, I feel that something is missing. Audio-visually it's top-notch material. Everything looks gorgeous, with beautiful designed & colored environments, great character design and animation, (although inferior to Beauty and the Beast which came one year later), and CG that doesn't look out of place. Voice acting is pretty good and the music breaks, a part that I usually hate about Disney, are surprisingly good, blending some good tunes with some pretty funny scenes.

The classic middle-eastern tale about the wish-granting genie gets a modern facelift and with some great characters thrown into the mix. Jafar is one of Disney's best villains, similar to Scar from The Lion King and the naive Sultan is quite likable. The main couple though could be better. They have some good points of course, like their chemistry, Aladdin's genuinely good character and street-wise wit and Jasmine's strong will and –again- genuine charm. The cons? A somewhat bland romance and their sudden turn from a wise-ass hero and a charming princess to a surfer dude teen and a typical damsel in distress.

The main deal of course is the Genie, which steals the show and for a good reason. R. Williams obnoxiously over-the-top performance fits like a glove to the hyper-lively and wacky character of the Genie who, in my opinion gives what's best about this film. Forget about the romance or Jafar's schemes, Aladdin's finest aspect is its comedy. But is it truly funny? Yes… and no. When the Genie isn't around humor is scarce and subtle and when it IS around, while the undoubtedly a funny character, it makes too many modern-day references for the jokes to stand the test of time.

The defining factor for me though is that Aladdin will excite people, (no matter the age), only once… in the first viewing. It's one of those films which get less fun to watch as time goes by. The romance is good but forgettable, the villain is great but his power struggle doesn't contain any mystery or plot twists, the action is passable and the comedy while way above average isn't even close to being perfect. All in all… a great film for renting, but not something worth buying.

FINAL VERDICT: Amongst the Disney's greats… not its bests (7/10)
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In Like Flint (1967)
I've just watched a Comedy?
3 July 2014
I don't remember how the hell this movie fell on my hands. What I DO remember though is that I didn't know anything about it so I wasn't sure what to expect, although the cover made it quite clear that this would be a 007-like film set in the 60's. So I start watching it and see a LOT of girls doing various stuff, in what seems to be a beauty parlor. But is it? Some older women that look like the head-honcho-err- ets, are observing a missile launch and talking about how things are going according to plan… although nothing has been actually said that could give you even a hint about the plot and that is something that I hate in movies, because there is a big difference between throwing in a couple of stuff to make people interested and anxious to understand what's going on and simply not giving anything at all! But, OK, not all movies have Hitchcock-like intro's… so I forget this "little" mistake and carry on with watching the film since I am sure that things will start becoming better as we move on… right?

After a couple of scenes, we get to meet our protagonist, the spy-man himself, Flint. And THAT'S when I started thinking that this movie was actually a parody of the genre. The reason was the existence of some scenes that weren't exactly funny... but silly. Was the silliness intentional or accidental? Was it a more lighthearted Bond-clone or a satire\parody of Bond films? I honestly couldn't tell! I'm not being ironic or anything… I'm dead serious… I just couldn't tell! Also, as the movie progressed my initial complain about it would become my main one. The movie simply has no plot. It's scene after scene of stuff that don't create any interest to the viewer. It's only in the very end that EVERYTHING concerning the plot will be hand-fed to you in such a way that it will instantly make the rest of if the film nothing more than an exceedingly long intro. Due to this, my belief that this was actually a comedy became even stronger and my curiosity won, since I did a small search on the Net to find out that indeed it was!

But that is actually the second problem of the movie, something that also serves as its tombstone. Most parts of the movie were so unbelievably "dry" that I couldn't even realize that they were SUPPOSED to be funny. With what should I laugh here? With the lamest action scenes in the world? With Flint's hypnotizing effect on women? With the downright stupid "rule the world" plan of the women in the intro? Honestly, I don't know!!! I know that humor has to do with personal tastes and all, but if you can't even tell that a movie is a comedy then this movie has a serious problem... Not everyone likes the smart British humor of the Monty Pythons, or the slapstick humor of the Three Stooges, but it's not hard to realize that both of these are actual comedies! In Like Flint is a boring and plot-less spy film and a worthless attempt at a funny movie. I wonder why Austin Powers likes it so much…

FINAL VERDICT: Can't even tell if this was supposed to be funny (3/10)

Also Check: Austin Powers (1997) – Our Man Flint (1966) – Top Secret (1984)
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The Dictator (2012)
I give it "Aladeens" down
16 January 2014
Plot: General Admiral Whatever Aladeen, a dictator in some African nation visits America for the first time.

I only remember the face of Ali G, Borat's trailer caught my interest but I haven't seen it yet and Bruno just passed by me. Soooooo this is actually my first Sacha Baron Cohen movie and my expectations were like: smart satire & a funny overuse of racial humor. Boy was I disappointed! First of all let me point out that I'm not easily offended by this type of humor. "Offensive" humor here didn't actually try to offend but to satire and besides that, if a joke is a good joke, then I can tolerate almost anything…

So why didn't I like it? Well, let me steal, (and slightly change), a Bill Maher's phrase… Because I'm not a 6-year old who giggles when I see pee pee parts!!! 50% of the jokes were way too immature to be regarded as satire. Some examples: #1 Woman battles with Aladeen by using her ginormous breasts #2 Aladeen crashes into a window and his tiny penis sticks out scaring a woman #3 Aladeen loses his mobile inside a vagina and has to talk through it. OK, so these are the more "slapstic"-style ones, what about the more "sophisticated" and satiric ones? Well, it makes fun of racial stereotypes and all kinds of fundamentalists but everything is somewhat boring, predictable and just… not funny or smart at ALL! If you like the movie's humor though, you are in for a treat because what it lacks in quality it gains in quantity since you will literary hear a joke every 15 seconds.

But now my main complain. Most people know that when it comes to humor everything revolves around the HOW. It's how you tell a joke and not which joke and S. B. Cohen is –for me- a terrible comedian. The rest of the crew and especially Mantzoukas, Reilly and Lee have done a great job and probably play in the best scenes of the movie, however even this guys couldn't save us from this disaster. Bad movie? Nuh… more like a "meh" one. It has its moments and the pacing won't make you want to slit your wrists. But that's not enough for me.

FINAL VERDICT: Simplistic humor & a worthless attempt at satire (3.5/10)

Also Check: Borat (2006) - The Campaign (2012) - Zoolander (2001)
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4 for Texas (1963)
Comedies need humour, not celebrities
15 April 2013
Plot: A $100.000 shipment and later a bid about opening a waterfront Casino are the objects of a tug-of-war between Zack Thomas and Joe Jarrett. Apart from having to deal with each other, they'll have to defend their selves against a Banker and the bad guy of the story, Matson.

I'm not a fan of Westerns, especially not the comedy-oriented ones. However I'm one of these masochistic try-it-out-before-judging kind of morons… so… after trying out some of the more "serious" and classic ones I figured, eh! What the heck! Let me try this out too. Boy was I wrong. Why? Because this is one of these movies where EVERYTHING is wrong. From the pacing and acting to the directory and overall plot… it's rubbish.

Four For Texas is obviously an attempt of selling a couple of million tickets with the use of the very popular Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin who suck big time. They don't just suck as western characters but also as comedians. The film is simply not funny and these guys are simply bad actors, (I smell fanboy\girl anger in the air). For example the first part of the film. Bullets are flying all around yet Sinatra has a stupid grin on his face as if he is posing for a Las Vegas Show. The same with Dean Martin, he is always cool no matter what and in a very unconvincing way.

Not only is the movie way too slow for what it has to offer but there is also no real suspense or plot twists. Characters talk, talk and talk… sometimes they throw in a couple of supposedly funny lines and the main girls, (Ekberg and Andress), look like goddesses of love but they don't offer anything else but simplistic sex appeal with seducing slow walking, deep cleavages and stupid one liners that are supposed to be sexy.

FINAL VERDICT: Only for Sinatra\Martin\Ekberg\Andress fanboys & fangirls (1/10)

[+] Err… Ekberg's cleavage maybe??? [-] Boring plot. Slow and not funny at all. Mediocre acting.

Also Check: Cat Ballou (1965) – Maverick (1994) – Ocean's Eleven (1960)
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E.T. (1982)
Where's a Xenomorph when you need it?
21 December 2012
Plot: A small alien creature is accidentally left on earth by its own kind and must now survive and find a way to get back home.

By all means I'm not biased against this movie. I've only seen it two times in my life. #1 when I was 7 years old where I cried like a wuss in the finale and #2 Now, in my thirties where I try figuring out whether this movie sucks or the child in me is dead. However, despite my age and my ZERO memories of the movie I had no false expectations. I didn't expect a dark sci-fi tale, I didn't expect logic, I didn't expect breathtaking action of any sort. What I DID expect was a cute, funny and somewhat sugary 80's kiddy fairy tale about a boy and his new alien friend. So what went wrong? The movie starts and we wait, and we wait, and we wait. Then a glimpse of the alien! Then we wait and wait and wait while the boy tries meeting him. Then we wait and wait and wait while the boy tries communicating with the alien. NOW… we wait and wait and wait while the ALIEN tries to communicate with the boy. And in about an hour the EVIL ADULTS come forth and take the alien thus starts the quest to save it. Still awake? Still interested to watch this "classic"? Well if the awful pacing of the movie isn't something bad for you the lack of any entertainment value and the overdose of cuteness will do the trick.

The movie simply isn't fun. The humor is okay for a movie of its kind but I can only remember 2 or 3 mildly fun scenes in the film and they aren't exactly "classic" material. The characters are boring and way too cute and politically correct for my tastes. It's your classic "Awwwwww" movie and I can handle a certain amount of cuteness alright, (I've seen ALL Disney animation films), but this movie went overboard. Each scene which involves the 3 kids and the alien, (especially when Drew is around), all you see is kids with their mouths wide open, (the Spielberg look like a reviewer cleverly commented), then the alien does something "funny" or full of sensitivity and… Awwwwww or if you are like me ARRRGGGH!!! Well I'm 29 years old and I did shed a tear with Toy Story 3. I did laugh my ass with Back to The Future and I enjoyed the similarly dumb Gremlins. While watching E.T. I could see the strings that Spielberg tried to pull with my bare eyes. I'm sure he masterfully managed to manipulate a lot of 5-9 year olds into loving this crap but honestly how on earth did this film managed to become such a huge phenomenon??? The child in me died you say? Good riddance!!!

FINAL VERDICT: Rent a Disney movie instead (1/10)

[+] Good special effects for its time [-] Very slow paced. Boring and way too cute & sugary.

Also Check: Back To The Future (1985) – Cocoon (1985) - Gremlins (1984) - Toy Story (1995)
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Die Soft 4.0
23 February 2012
Plot: A group of cyber-terrorists wreck havoc in the USA by shutting everything down and a single cop along with the help of a hacker must stop them.

After watching all four Die Hard movies in Blu-Ray I decided that I would review the worst of the series. Yes, you heard that right… the worse of the series. Like so many great action franchises of the late 80's, (Rambo, Terminator, etc), it started wonderful, it had a good sequel, the third one was… meh and then comes the fourth one which makes you wanna throw something at the TV screen!

The plot of all Die Hard movies, although far better than your average action film, was pretty simple. However what it lacked in storyline it made up in building tension and keeping you at the edge of your seat. In the first movie for example, McLane was quite skilled and clever, but he was just a single guy who could bleed, who was afraid and who was always outnumbered. In here however the whole movie is just an excuse for loud explosions, gunfights and car chases… you know… popcorn entertainment! Moreover McLane seems to have gained some supernatural powers, withstanding WAY too much damage contrary to the more realistic McLane of the past.

Willis handled the protagonist's character pretty good so far. He was badass but he was also human. He was witty and charismatic but he was also quite realistic, an action hero that you could actually like and give a damn about. Here he is just a blunt, generic protagonist. Also, instead of the genuinely sweet romantic chemistry between him and his wife we now have the typical garbage of the 21st century. Divorced with a daughter who hates him and yada, yada, yada… what happened to good ol' romance in our days? (Cthulhu, I feel old!). Finally the annoyance called Justin Long, whose character is supposed to be the comic relief here, but instead he ends up being an irritating sidekick who I wish would die as soon as possible.

The worst disappointment comes from the bad guy though. We had Hans Gruber who was magnificent, then we got Colonel Stuart who was quite decent and then we've moved on to Simon Gruber who was… okay, I guess. Here the bad guy is a boring, walking mass of non-menacing nerdness. Instead of the powerful aura of Hans Gruber, Thomas Gabriel made me feel that I could kill him just by using foul language. Furthermore the misc. characters here consist of nameless bystanders and generic goons, where in previous Die Hard films you could actually remember their names and faces. Oh, and lets not forget the extremely stereotypical Kung-Fu Asian bitch that almost all movies have these days… *throws up*

It's all badly directed and meaningless action scene after meaningless action scene and like in most modern films everything is color-filtered with an ugly glue-grey that is supposed to make everything cooler but instead makes it look dull. Finally like with most action flicks, everything simply defies logic and while I can deal with some stupidity when it comes to Hollywood-made action films this is plain ridiculous. Some cyber-terrorists destroy a whole country with a couple of Alienware laptops while a single hacker tries to kick their digital asses with a help of what else? His own laptop!!! Boring, stereotypical, way to predictable and as adrenaline pumping as sharpening a pencil, Live Free Or Die Hard is a stupid piece of US Propaganda, perfect for cinema zombies, but not for those who appreciate the art form of movie making. Avoid!!!

FINAL VERDICT: US Propaganda meets Popcorn Entertainment (2/10)

[+] Err… popcorn tastes good!

[-] Boring, non-existent plot and dull, stereotypical characters. Action scenes that will make you feel sleepy. Hollywood made US Propaganda at its worse. Ugly color filtering.

Also Check: Cliffhanger (1993) – Die Hard (1988) - Phone Booth (2002) – Taken (2008)
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Dr. No (1962)
Cheesy & Unrealistic, But Quite Fun!
4 January 2012
Plot: 007, a secret agent of the British intelligence service has to stop a certain Dr. No, a mysterious figure who is hidden in an island in the Caribbean's.

James Bond's first movie reeks of cheesiness, has that weird mid-60's atmosphere, is full of corny action scenes and its characters are so stereotypical that it gets hilarious. However it is somewhat entertaining and marked the beginning of many themes associated with the franchise. The excellent Jame's Bond theme, the beautiful girls and weird villains, the classic retro intro and so on. Sure it's not realistic, sure it's not flawless but its quite fun, at least for the first film.

For those new to the James Bond Franchise, unlike the more recent films, where James Bond turns into a Rambo in a tuxedo kind of guy, in this film, like with most early Bond movies, the pacing is slow… almost too slow at times. You won't see James Bond killing 10 goons with his Ak-47, instead you'll observe him as he works his way up too the main ploy, slowly gathering information. But try not to be discouraged by the lack of adrenaline pumping stunts, because Dr. No, (like many oldies), relies more in building tension rather than cracking up some fireworks to amuse you.

Sean Connery steals the show in the role of 007, although I never really like the James Bond character. Some characters that get a smaller amount of screen time though, like the boss of 007 M. or his secretary Moneypenny are even better due to their wonderful chemistry, (and better acting). The rest of the crew do their job fine, although not as good as the main ones… and this might seem as blasphemy but I hated most of the Bond chicks… 0 charisma & 0 acting ability… just some cute legs that talk…

However, Dr. No like almost all JB movies, is more like a cult film, a movie that a certain group of people will love while others will totally hate. First of all the plot is average and its value lies more in the way it is presented to you and believe me all JB is about is style. Also, you've got to be more than naïve not to see the shameless advertisement of expensive stuff and the depressing use of male\female stereotypes. Finally Dr. No while good for its time has aged badly, while other films of the franchise like Goldfinger, remain as fun as they were back then. As I've said, if you want realism, look elsewhere. However, although I usually hate the macho BS that the JB franchise is full of, I kinda like Dr. No, maybe because I don't take it to seriously… I advise you to do the same.

FINAL VERDICT: Style over substance, but entertaining nonetheless (6.5/10)

[+] Stylish spy-flick [+] Paved the way for even better Bond movies

[-] Average plot [-] Slow pacing. Not for Action buffs [-]Stereotypical, cheesy and unrealistic as hell

Also Check: From Russia With Love (1963) – Goldfinger (1964) – Ocean's Eleven (2001) – The Saint (1962-1969)
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City Island (2009)
An Island In An Ocean Of Hollywood Crap
30 November 2011
Plot: A father who wants to be an actor, a mother who feels like her marriage is close to an end, a stripper daughter and her BBW obsessed brother and finally an unexpected "guest". This is the Rizzos, a family where everyone tries to hide their secrets from each other, until the truth finally breaks loose.

Independent films are a weird bunch. You would expect most of them to be less clichéd, more "deep", well written and fun to watch from all these freaking high-budget Hollywood crap. However most of them tend to be pseudo-intellectual, clichéd, badly written and boring films that desperately try to look special. But that's not the case with City Island.

City Island doesn't offend the viewers' intelligence because of a very simple reason… it's disarmingly realistic and non-forcefully clever. Its characters are real ones, characters you've actually met in your daily life and not some macho\sexy\badass hero-type jerks that all they do is pose for the camera. Seeing them quarrel while dining will, more or less, remind you YOUR family quarrels where the build up tension results in a lot of misunderstandings and anger.

Furthermore we have some really good actors here, quite charismatic and very, very pretty but real-life pretty and not Photoshop pretty, (Julianna Margulies, woa!). Moreover they have excellent chemistry and truly look like they were living together all these years. The teenage son actually looks like a teenager and his sexuality isn't treated as something freakish. The daughter, even though is a stripper doesn't look like a slut, the main couple of the story isn't a typical too clean\too problematic movie couple but an actual husband and wife. Generally all characters are well-developed and fun to watch.

But what kind of movie is it? A drama? A comedy? Well for me its one of these movies that don't follow a specific genre. It's like real life. Drama & comedy seamlessly blend with each other. It's not black, it's not white and it's not grey. Is it funny? Yes, but not joke-funny… it's character-funny, it's situation-funny. You won't fall down laughing while holding your stomach but the humour is there, it's subtle and it's clever. What about the drama involved? The movie will bring tears in your eyes, but not through the combination of cheap melodramatic music and cliché situations, but through the honest portrayal of the problems that the characters face in this film.

In the end though, this movie will not appeal to everyone. It's somewhat slow-paced, too realistic for some to enjoy and doesn't really go anywhere. It's just about how the secrets of all the family members and especially the father's will get unveiled. Well yeah, sure, its not the greatest film ever, but it's very entertaining and I recommend it to everyone seeking a nice non-Hollywood-ish film to have fun with.

FINAL VERDICT: Heart warming, cleverly funny and realistic comedy\drama (7.5/10)

[+] Realistic, non-clichéd characters and situations [+] Cleverly funny, honestly dramatic [+] Great acting

[-] Somewhat slow-paced [-] Not LOL-funny, not river-of-tears-dramatic

Also Check: Another Year (2010) – Biutifal (2010) – Little Miss Sunshine (2006) – Magnolia (1999)
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Æon Flux (2005)
Fashion show style over Sci-Fi substance
28 October 2011
Plot: In the not so distant future, 99% of the world's population was wiped out by a virus but an elite group of scientists created a cure and built the now only remaining city for the few survivals to live in. However an assassin hired by some rebels will try to stop the 400-year-old regime of the scientists' leader.

I won't bother you with how Aeon Flux started. If you want a comparison between the movie and the original animated series look elsewhere. What I will tell you though is that this movie is heavily flawed.

Why bother you say? Simple… while a very bad flick, it could actually be a new sci-fi classic due to the underlying plot. But a good plot on its own isn't enough, it must be well presented and Aeon Flux sucks at that. The first half of the movie is where the mystery starts to build. You'll see the world Aeon lives in, get to see various characters that revolve around the main plot and so on but then, after the mystery gets destroyed in a matter of minutes, (in a certain dialogue between the two protagonists), the movie turns into an action flick. Good? No. In fact both parts are pretty lame.

In the "mystery" half you'll spent 30 minutes of your life watching Aeon posing for the camera like a supermodel, doing ridiculous acrobatics and wearing thin scarves while she is sleeping, (with heavy makeup on of course). Then the movie gets an adrenaline shot and you start watching typical Hollywood action scenes. Boring, unoriginal and clichéd as hell.

Aeon Flux fails to keep the viewer interested. Its meaningless scene after meaningless scene, no matter if that's action or just plain dialogue. The characters are made from something even worse than cardboard and the actual plot takes place in only 10% of the film's time. As for the acting… please… don't ask!

The way I see it there are two kinds of Sci-Fi fans. The ones who want gritty, cynical and realistic films where everything has a reason for happening and the ones that prefer style over substance and Aeon Flux gives so much weight into style that it looks like these stupid fashion shows. Rectangular beds that shine light, strange avant-garde architecture, weird almost magical technology, 70's egg shaped furniture, pseudo futuristic, colourful clothing and the ENDLESS and RIDICULOUS posing from Charlize Theron, who walks, talks and generally behaves like a supermodel in a perfume ad.

FINAL VERDICT: If you call yourself a Sci-Fan don't spent a nickel in this garbage. (1/10)

[+] A good plot underneath all the garbage [+] Nice look

[-] Bad acting and 2D characters [-] Full of badly delivered clichés [-] Very slow pacing

Also Check: Blade Runner (1982) – Children Of Men (2006) – Dark City (1998) – Gatacca (1997)
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Full Metal Panic! (2002–2006)
All That's Good About Anime
10 September 2011
Plot: A young expert in warfare and 2 of his colleagues are given the mission of protecting a simple teenage school girl from terrorists but don't know the reason why.

You'll love Full Metal Panic! if: You want a great and balanced mixture of action, comedy and romance & wonderful characters and all these accompanied by very appealing visuals and great sound effects and music. FMP manages to give the viewer a little bit of everything that's good about anime in the right amounts and in great quality. The show starts as a very lighthearted comedy and slowly starts getting darker and with more battles. Speaking of battles FMP in one of my favorite mecha anime, a genre I usually detest due to the overall cheesiness involved. Here mechas look and feel like actual war machines and not toys that you operate with stupid voice commands (ala most mecha anime). The plot while simple and not groundbreaking keeps you interested because of the overall presentation and mystery involved, but most importantly FMP has excellent characters and beyond excellence character chemistry. Instead of the typical 2-d anime duos, (the geeky male and the short-tempered female), the characters have more than meets the eye in them and actually change throughout the series' episodes. All in all excellent blend of action, comedy, mystery, ecchi-nes, romance and character development.

You'll hate Full Metal Panic! if: You either want something "darker" or "lighter" OR with less genre variety OR more depth. FMP while great isn't the "deepest" anime there is out there. There is some well presented Sci-Fi and mystery here but don't expect "Ghost In The Shell". There is a lot of character development and action but don't expect "Cowboy Beebop". Finally if you want something that focuses heavily in the comedy aspect look elsewhere. FMP is an Action series with lots of decent laughs thrown in but not a 100% comedy. In the end the most important thing about this product is that it's a mixture of genres and some people that want something more specific won't appreciate it. Tastes are tastes…

FINAL VERDICT: A Cocktail Of All That's Good About Anime (7.7/10)

[+] Great blend of various genres. Wonderful main character chemistry. Great animation.

[-] A bit weak in terms of plot. Some may want to see something way darker or lighter.

Also Check: Cowboy Bebop (1998)- Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (2005) – Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Lethal Weapon (1987)
I'm Too Old For This S***
28 June 2011
Plot: One police officer with suicidal tendencies and his close-to-retirement colleague have to uncover a huge drug-smuggling operation and at the same time cope with each other.

You'll love Lethal Gun if: You like these macho, cop-duo over the top action films of the 80's and don't really care about getting you intelligence insulted. Honestly… I rented this movie just to help myself remember why I liked it when I was very young and I can't say I figured out why. However if you can handle the movie's cheesiness, unrealistic situations and characters and the stereotypes of US cop films, you're in for one of the best of its kind… at least that's what the majority says. The saving grace of the film: the great chemistry between Danny Glover and Mel Gibson and while when I was younger I loved the psycho bad-ass Mel Gibson, I can see now that Glover not only plays a much, much better character but also a more realistic one… thus easier to relate to, (unless you are 8 years old).

You'll hate Lethal Gun if: You hate these unrealistic cop films and if you want a movie with an actually interesting plot. Honestly what's the big deal with this movie and its -far worse- sequels? They are one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The plot is pretty typical… nothing will leave you with your mouth open or surprise you. The characters are of cardboard quality at best, with Gibson playing a cartoon who is more irritating than cool. Glover plays the conservative family man, (with a moustache of course!), and Gibson is the rebel cop who cries at night while trying to kill his self because his wife died in a traffic accident… boooohoooooo! Riiiiiight… The action sequences are boring and the way the main characters and especially Gibson behave is unrealistic and far from heroic… more like suicidal just for the fun of it. You want a good cop movie look elsewhere. Yes, I've seen worse but the point here is that this movie is one of the most successful ones!!!

FINAL VERDICT: A Series Of Action Movie Clichés (4.4/10)

[+] Great main character chemistry.

[-] Boring action sequences and plot. Extremely stereotypical characters.

Also Check: Bad Boys (1993) - Die Hard (1988) – Lethal Weapon (1989) – Rush Hour (1998)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Commando (1985)
And You Thought Rambo 3 Was Ridiculous...
26 March 2011
Plot: A retired US Elite Commando has less than 10 hours to save his kidnapped daughter from the hands of a dictator and his small army.

You'll love Commando if: You like Rambo 3-like movies and if you can appreciate its B-Movie, (more like F-Movie), quality. Commando is no Shakespeare… no Action film is, but this one is so bad that other Action movies pale in comparison. However it's so bad that someone might actually like it. It's a bad Action film that you can see as a great Comedy! The battles are hilariously unrealistic, the machoism over the top even for a Arnie movie and logic was left the building a long time ago. The one-liners and the horrible acting can be quite funny in a B-movie kind of way like Sly's Cobra, (who is even better as a B-movie). If you expect something else though forget about this film.

You'll hate Commando if: If you expect an Action film that isn't an insult to your brain cells and if you like Action heroes that use their brain instead of their raw power. Commando simply defies logic… and you might say that all Action movies do, but Commando does it in such a bad way that it feels ridiculous. John Matrix is actually more powerful than the Terminator! He throws Phone Booths above his head, he throws a pipe through the body of a bad guy with perfect precision, throws blades like a machine, cutting body parts like butter and so on. Example of the lameness of the film: A woman helps Arnie to escape from a police armored car… by hitting the car with a bazooka(!?!). Also in Commando you'll see exactly what a real commando would never do! I like Action movies where the hero is actually very, very smart like in Taken for example. Here Arnie plays a bid, dumb, crazy ape who shoots 100 soldiers uncovered, can't hide and does all kinds of crap that threaten the life of his daughter instead of keeping her safe. Besides these stuff the movie is very boring with long gunfights, badly choreographed brawls and the lamest actors you've seen in an Arnie movie… and God the one-liners! The HORRIBLE one-liners!!!

FINAL VERDICT: Another Boring Rambo Wannabe (3/10)

[+] So bad that's its good.

[-] Completely defies logic. Badly directed and choreographed Action sequences. Lame "acting" from most "actors".

Also Check: Cobra (1986) - Die Hard (1988) – Rambo 3 (1988) – The Expendables (2010)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Alien (1979)
Your Heart Will Exit Your Body Like A Chestburster
2 March 2011
Plot: The seven crewmembers of a commercial spaceship, wake up from their stasis and realize that they haven't yet reached earth. They receive a strange signal from a nearby planetoid, send some people to explore the signal's source and get attacked by a strange creature that attaches itself to one of the crewmembers.

You'll love Alien if: You want an extremely atmospheric Sci-Fi thriller, if you appreciate great props & SFX despite the movie's age and if you want to see great acting. The props and SFX certainly have a retro look however everything is surprisingly good, "realistic" and never over the top. The characters are terrific and diverse, played by great actors with Weaver doing a fantastic work. Part of the feeling of uneasiness that the movie achieves comes from the relationship of the characters which aren't exactly too friendly towards each other and from the spaceship they live in which looks more than a complex prison than a place to live. You can actually see the claustrophobic environment affecting the characters of the movie. The pacing of Alien is quite slow but this along with the scenery, the actors' great work and the clever use of sound\music, (or lack of), creates an astounding atmosphere, still undefeated by later Alien films. Finally the Xenomorph one of the most iconic creatures in cinema due to its wonderful design and mystery surrounding its existence. Very strong, extremely adaptable, without moral delusions… a perfect killer. As a final word here's a little personal story: I watched this again after many years, but now with my girlfriend who is a girl who thinks of Fantasy\Sci-Fi as something that just goes well with popcorn. She is a also girl that whenever she sees a horror film like Saw, The Ring and so on mostly laughs(!?!). Alien however kept her on the edge of her seat, eyes and mouth wide open! Her reactions are my main reason why I am writing this review, because they were the reactions of a person who saw Alien for the first time in her life, not knowing what to expect and she enjoyed it very, very much!!!

You'll hate Alien if: You have a problem with its slow pacing, if you want a fast, action movie and maybe if you have seen another Alien movie before. The movie is very slow, so some people expecting something more adrenaline pumping will have a hard time seeing this one. Also people who have seen other Alien or AVP movies might get a bit disappointed by the "inferior" SFX, the very brief appearances of the Xenomorph, the lack of fast paced battles and the fact that you pretty much know everything about the creature. If you want a movie like that go watch Aliens, this one is a whole different thing… Finally even though I love the movie more than any other Alien film it's the only one I have a hard time watching again because its value lies in viewers not knowing what to expect.

FINAL VERDICT: Classic Sci-Fi Thriller (8.7/10)

[+] Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Wonderful actors. Claustrophobic atmosphere. Greatly designed scenery and creatures. If my girlfriend loved it I don't know who won't :)

[-] Very slow pacing. Hard to re-watch too soon. Not for Action film fans.

Also Check: Cube (1997) – Event Horizon (1997) - The Fly (1986) - The Thing (1982)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Ekeines & ego (1996–1998)
I Pity Non-Greeks...
8 February 2011
Plot: A middle-aged businessman, who is a hopeless womanizer, ends up in all kinds of troubles because of his current or past flirts.

You'll love Ekeines Kai Ego if: You want one of the best comedy sitcoms in existence and if you like Giannis Bezos, one of the best actors that have walked on this little pale blue dot. 10 minutes from any episode of Ekeines Kai Ego is 100 times better than any universally known sitcom, whether that's Friends, Married With Children, etc. The plot of all episodes is relatively simple. Doganos meats a woman from his past who usually gets him entangled in various situations. However the overall design of the whole series is great, with wonderful characters, each one with its own special characteristics and all portrayed by great actors. The whole thing though is based in the main character and we're very lucky that this guy is played by Giannis Bezos who literally "carries the whole thing on his back". The series is full of great quotes, perfect comedic timing and wonderful acting by actual comedic actors unlike most "modern" Greek series. I pity you folks… I pity you… because you know Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Robin Williams and so on, but you don't know Giannis Bezos… a real comedian! Finally Bezos is also a great singer, who loves quality music and because of that each episode has one or two music breaks, that unlike most movies\series were music is used just as a filler here it enhances the whole thing since it seamlessly blends music and comedy.

You'll hate Ekeines Kai Ego if: …well to say the truth there aren't many bad things to say about this particular series. There are only two I can think of and they are not so important. The first is that each episode follows the same concept and the second that some of the actresses that play Doganos' past flirts lack charisma, although most of them are very good.

FINAL VERDICT: One Of The Best Sitcoms Of All Time (9/10)

[+] Extremely funny. Great characters portrayed by great actors. Giannis Bezos at his best! Great music breaks

[-] The same concept over and over. Learn Greek!!!

Also Check: Konstadinou Kai Elenis (1998) – Oi Aparadektoi (1991) – Oi Men Kai Oi Den (1993) - Tis Ellados Ta Paidia (1993)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Hostage (2005)
Could be a masterpiece... now its just renting material
19 January 2011
Plot: An ex police negotiator faces two hostage situations that are connected to each other. He must save a family from the clutches of a highly dangerous psycho and his "friends" in order for some crime-pros to let his family live.

You'll love Hostage if: You are looking for a great and I do mean great, realistic Crime\Thriller but don't really expect something that will stay with you for a long time. Hostage is a wonderful rent and will keep you stuck on your seat as long as it lasts. Those who hate the typical Bruce Willis Action flicks where he eats resistance for breakfast will feel like home in here since the film chooses a more realistic approach instead of a Rambo-like explosion movie. The acting is superb with Bruce giving one of his best performances so far, again quite realistic because although an ex-commando, famous police negotiator and genuinely smart guy, he gets frightened. Very frightened. He cries, gets angry, shakes with fear and gets startled. The same goes on with the rest of the crew with Foster literally stealing the show as the problematic teenage serial killer.

You'll hate Hostage if: If you want more than a good rent. Hostage has many problems that keep it from being a good classic that you could watch more than once and in even in your first time some things just don't fit. First of all there are many sub-plots going on with the main plot that force your mind to leave the main subject of the movie which is the double hostage situation that our hero is dealing with. That destroys the overall atmosphere of the film by not letting the main plot develop. Also the slow pace of the movie and the scarce info it gives you about the characters hurt the whole thing even more. Thriller movies rely in mystery but mystery that slowly unfolds by giving some info about what's going on and Hostage is a cheapskate at that. The kids are bad? Why? What about the psycho among them? What's going on with the hero's family? And on and on. Finally that kid almost destroys the movie. The home alone genius-kid is good for slapstick comedy but not for a realistic Thrillers and not only that but its dialogue is so badly written that I found my self reaching for that Forward button way too often.

FINAL VERDICT: Great Crime\Thriller For Renting (5.8/10)

[+] An adrenaline-pumping Thriller. Great, realistic characters.

[-] Slow paced. Too many sub-plots ruin the main one. Scarce info about characters. Only for renting. That kid…

Also Check: Cliffhanger (1993) – Cube (1997) - Phone Booth (2002) – Taken (2008)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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The First Terminator Is The Best Terminator.
27 December 2010
Plot: A cyborg was sent to the past from a post apocalyptic future where humankind is fighting self-aware machines. His mission: the termination of Sarah Connor, the future mother of the human resistance leader. Her only hope for survival is a human soldier that was also sent back to the past to protect her.

You'll love The Terminator if: You want a very good Sci-Fi\Action\Thriller film with good characters that will keep you on the edge of your seat. What I love in The Terminator is that instead of cardboard characters that pose for the camera it has very good realistic characters that get hurt, are always very afraid and very, very vulnerable. Especially Sarah Connor is a real character that changes throughout the film and while Linda Hamilton who portrays her isn't exactly a hottie she shows us that its better to have charisma than a supermodel trying to act, something very common nowdays when it comes to female protagonists. Unlike the sequels the T-800 in this movie is ready to kill you without a second thought. If it grabs you you're dead! If he shoots at you and you aren't covered you're dead! It never stops, it never gets tired and will make you feel the tension of the characters. Finally while The Terminator has some plot holes and logic gaps, (mostly time travel paradoxes), it doesn't offend the intelligence of the viewers.

You'll hate The Terminator if: You wanted a more Sci-Fi oriented film rather than an action one or if you wanted something "louder" and with a bit of comedy thrown in. The first movie is nothing like T2 or T3 where 2/3's of the movie is all about loud explosions and slightly humorous situations. The chase scenes while very intense are simple… they are just chase scenes and not a redecoration of a whole city!!! The Terminator is a way darker film where humor is non-existent when in T2 or T3 you would actually laugh with some of the scenes involving the T-800. Also while the plot is considered Science Fiction there is a greater deal of Action here than actual Sci-Fi stuff…

FINAL VERDICT: Great Sci-Fi\Action\Thriller\Chase film (7.7/10)

[+] Nicely directed. Great Action\Thriller atmosphere. Wonderful acting from Hamilton who portrays a "real" evolving character.

[-] A bit slow paced at times. Not for "Hardcore" Action or Sci-Fi fans. Not a movie you'll see more than 2-3 times.

Also Check: Alien (1979) - Predator (1987) – Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) – War Of The Worlds (2005)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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It Has A Beginning. It Doesn't Have An Ending
10 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Plot: The true story of an Austrian mountain climber called Heinrich Harrer and his experiences in Tibet, mainly his friendship with Dalai Lama at the time of China's invasion of Tibetan land.

You'll love Seven Years In Tibet if: You want great cinematography aaaaaand that's it… I honestly can't find any really good thing about it besides the wonderful scenery. The great snowy mountains and the barren fields of Tibet look wonderful, (although in reality what we see is Peru). What else? Nothing really… while there isn't anything really bad in here, I can't think of anything good either…

You'll hate Seven Years In Tibet if: You want a movie that has a conclusion, is more historically accurate and if you expected a better adaptation of the book. What is the movie supposed to be about? Most people think it's the way Heinrich changes from a complete Nazi a$$ that doesn't care about anything to a humble, "changed" man through his relationship with Dalai Lama. The problem is that while that does happen we don't see how! How in the heck did he change? Why exactly Dalai Lama wanted to meet him? Because he knew a lot of things about the western world??? Others think that it was a movie that had to do with China's invasion in Tibet. Another failed attempt IMO. While I'm no historian I feel that the movie tends to have a propagandist style, with Tibetan monks and Dalai Lama portrayed as "angels" and Chinese as the evil invaders? Okay, lets say I'm stupid and didn't manage to get the point of the movie… let's say there is something really good here. Unfortunately the pacing of the movie destroys that too. We see Heinrich in the beginning boarding a train, then we see Heinrich climbing the mountain, then we see him get caught by the British, then he escapes, then he climbs more mountains, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then… then he meets Dalai Lama, he becomes a great guy and returns home. Sweeeeeet!

FINAL VERDICT: And The Moral Of The Story Is? (3.2/10)

[+] Very good cinematography with great mountain landscapes.

[-] A story with a beginning but no real ending. Veeery slow pacing. Slight historical inaccuracies. Very different from the far better book.

Also Check: American History X (1998) – Au Revoir Les Enfants (1987) – Defiance (2008) – Kundun (1997)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Starts Good But Ends Up Being A Poor Toy Story Wannabe
25 November 2010
Plot: In Monsters Inc. monsters must enter a parallel universe where human children sleep and scare them. This must be done in order for them to collect screams, which can be then converted to energy. However it is a tough job since children are considered highly lethal… so when a child hops into their world all hell brakes loose.

You'll love Monsters Inc. if: You like good animated movies that bring out your inner child. Like Toy Story, Monsters Inc. deals with quite an original concept by bringing to life an imaginary aspect of most people's childhood. The movie has very good visuals and sound, its Pixar after all and it has some very good voice actors, (excellent choice on the main ones). Monsters Inc. while not the greatest animation of all time will entertain you the first or second time you'll watch it.

You'll hate Monsters Inc. if: You expected to laugh more or if you expected some originality in terms of story progression. While the main concept is VERY original, the execution is quite typical. What starts as something very interesting ends up being a boring good vs. evil chase, where everything is predictable as hell. Most importantly though I didn't laugh… that's my main problem… the film just wasn't funny. I always watch animated films with my girlfriend since we both love them and all that happened was: Me snickering in the first 10 minutes of the movie and my girlfriend laughing each time that cute 3-year old girl would do something cute and adorable… this isn't comedy, it was just an entertaining movie to pass the time.

FINAL VERDICT: Toy Story Knew Better (6.3/10)

[+] An original concept. Good animation and voice acting.

[-] Good characters, but a tad forgettable. Not funny. Boring plot.

Also Check: Toy Story (1995) – Finding Nemo (2003) – Shrek (2001) – The Incredibles (2004)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Seamless Mystery\Comedy\Romance Blend
16 November 2010
Plot: A young lady boards a train along with an old lady that she has just met and after a while realizes that she has mysteriously vanished and that no one seems to remember her.

You'll love The Lady Vanishes if: You want a great blend of mystery, romance, comedy and excellent main characters. The movie is not just a "who did it" kind of crime movie, but a lot more. In the typical Hitchcock fashion, you will be constantly with a question mark above your head, trying to connect the dots before the end of the movie, however unlike most Hitchcock movies this is more lighthearted and funny. Honestly I expected some funny quotes but not something SO funny, which was a pleasant surprise. Finally there is an E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T chemistry between the main characters of the movie that made even me, a guy that slightly hates romance in films, (especially of that era), to love the romantic aura that surrounds Lockwood and Redgrave, maybe because it wasn't forced or "fake".

You'll hate The Lady Vanishes if: If you want something more action packed, fast paced or if you're looking for a movie of the same genre but a lot more "dark" than this. It's a Hitchcock mystery movie, what did you expect? Rambo??? It takes a bit of time for the main plot to start going in this film… in fact if I wasn't aware of what the movie was all about I would be like "What the hell am I watching???". The Lady Vanishes might be a bit to funny and lighthearted for some so if you are looking something more "noir" and dark themed look elsewhere. A final flow I can find about the movie is that it gives away some things about the plot. Usually Hitchcock makes you suspicious with EVERYBODY in his films, but here you will probably guess who the good\bad guys are pretty soon.

FINAL VERDICT: Mystery + Comedy + Romance = Great Movie (7.7/10)

[+] Great mystery movie with great plot and execution. Great main cast. Seamless blend of Mystery, Comedy and Romance.

[-] Slow paced. Not for people that wanted something "darker". Gives away some clues too soon.

Also Check: Clue (1985) – Murder By Death (1976) - Rear Window (1954) – The Pink Panther (1963)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Jumper (2008)
More Like A Pilot Episode Than A Movie
12 November 2010
Plot: A teenage boy accidentally realizes that he is a "Jumper", meaning someone who can teleport. But he is not alone…

You'll love Jumper if: You love a relatively good superhero movie with great special effects or a nice "chase" flick. I don't like US comics and most of the movies based in them, however I liked this one. It starts good and a bit more "realistic" than most similar movies. By realistic I mean various things… the way the boy realizes his powers, the things he does afterwards, or the way people react when watching him teleport are some of the things that pop into my mind… not to mention that NO ONE is wearing latex, capes or red underwear over his pants!!! Finally it is a fast paced chase movie and has very good special effects without being "too much". I particularly loved the way the teleporting affects its surroundings.

You'll hate Jumper if: You expected something better, both in terms of plot, acting and overall execution. The movie looks as a demo for something quite bigger and not a complete product. There are many questions that will be left unanswered and Jumper is a movie that begs for more details. Some mystery is OK with me but I finished watching Jumper and all I knew was "There are some Jumpers and some people want to kill them", aaaaaand that's it. The movie is generally a bad guys chasing the good guys kind of action flick and nothing more. There is no real character development and interaction, not to mention the inevitable US superhero movie clichés, (the typical lovey dovey hero stuff). Finally the acting… the main actor is pretty dry, but at least not annoying, the girl is just another "pretty" chick and Samuel L. Jackson plays "himself" for the thousandth time!!! The only thing that saved the movie was Jamie Bell who not only was great, but also portrayed a more realistic and likable character…

FINAL VERDICT: Superhero Flick With Lost Potential (5.3/10)

[+] Good superhero movie… without heroes. Great SFX.

[-] Could be much better. Zero plot\character development. Dull acting

Also Check: Iron Man (2008) – The Dark Knight (2008) – The Matrix (1999) – X-Men (2000)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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Gattaca (1997)
Bad Execution Destroys The Whole Thing...
6 November 2010
Plot: A man that was born naturally, tries to become an astronaut in a world where the elites are only the ones whose genes were artificially improved before birth.

You'll love Gatacca if: You expect an easygoing crime\drama with a bit of Science Fiction thrown in. Gatacca doesn't really go too deep in the genetic racism thing it is based on… mainly it's a crime movie, but instead of guys in trench coaches searching clues with magnifying lenses we have guys in trench coaches searching for DNA traces. And that's where the good things end… if they were any in the first place.

You'll hate Gatacca if: Like me, you expected something more "deep". The concept of the movie is great. Racism that has nothing to do with skin color, social status and so on but racism that has to do with genes and how "pure" they are. Logic literally takes a backseat in the movie and while we are in the future, everything, from clothes, to cars, to technology looks so 60's! Secondly the acting… the protagonist is in a situation where a single wrong step would destroy his plans and his life but he is acting as if he doesn't care. Also, why exactly people with better genes act like robots??? They are better genetically they are not cyborgs for Christ's sake!!! Finally the pacing. The plot is almost non-existent. Most of the time is the main guy trying to fake the urine-blood-heartbeat tests by using another man's urine-blood\heartbeats! Is that exciting? I think not. The movie tries to show us that someone can do things better even without perfect genes just by having a good fighting spirit, but the execution destroys the whole thing…

FINAL VERDICT: Not Even Close (3/10)

[+] Simple crime movie that is slightly futuristic

[-] Fails getting through its main message. Forgettable characters. Very slow paced.

Also Check: Aeon Flux (2005) - Blade Runner (1982) – Children Of Men (2006) – Metropolis (1927)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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31 October 2010
Plot: A group of crooks steal some diamonds and then try to backstab each other and keep them for themselves.

You'll love A Fish Called Wanda if: You are not me!!!!!! Frankly, I always try to show in my reviews both the good & the bad points of a movie but I don't know what to do with this one. It is considered one of the best comedies of all time. Check Wikipedia and you will find that a man actually died from laughter while seeing this!!! YOU may like some of its quotes, YOU may laugh with the various gags, YOU may like the acting… well no, I like the acting too especially from John Cleese although all of us know that he had been better. From what I understand this movie is a absolute love\hate flick…. I am with the hate minority…

You'll hate A Fish Called Wanda if: You, like me, can't understand what the movie is all about!!! Honestly why is this supposed to be a Comedy? I didn't laugh with the quotes because they weren't any, I didn't laugh with the characters because they weren't funny. The girl gets wet when she hears foreign languages, one guy stutters, one guy is a typical British dude who is bored of his life and another one resorts to violence or shouting whenever possible… none of this was funny at all. Was it good as a dark comedy? Hardly, it wasn't "dark" at all. Was it good as a Slapstick comedy? Nope, a guy eating fish to torture someone or a dog getting smashed by a crate or bitten by a dog isn't funny… Not only the movie wasn't good as a comedy but it was also bad a crime movie. It lacked continuity… the various scenes of the movie just didn't blend together to create an entertaining flick. I expected clever plot twists and interesting characters… I got neither!

FINAL VERDICT: Huh? (0.5/10)

[+] I DON'T KNOW!!!

[-] Hardly a Comedy, hardly a Crime movie. Badly directed.

Also Check: Fierce Creatures (1997) – See No Evil Hear No Evil (1989) – Snatch (2000)

P.S.: My purpose in all my IMDb Reviews is not to say "I like\don't like this movie" but to help you decide whether YOU will like it or not since everything is all about taste and expectations IMO...
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