
2 Reviews
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All time favorite movie
23 May 2003
Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K to us MSTies) is undeniably the greatest, funniest, and most original show to ever air on cable television. The movie took that exact same formula and brought it to the big screen in one of the most hilarious films ever. Anyone who has ever seen MST is familiar with the layout. Mike (in earlier seasons Joel) and his two robot pals sit and crack jokes throughout a painfully boring movie. The movie is actually funnier than some of the episodes so if you've never watched MST before this is the best way to start. Don't forget to bring a bag of popcorn and a notebook to write down all the great quotes!

"May your forehead grow like the mighty oak"

ciao bella!
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Great movie
23 May 2003
Great Balls of Fire! is beyond a doubt one of the best movies I have ever seen. It's entertaining, funny, and gives an up close and personal look at the greatest rock star of the 50s. No, not Elvis, I'm talking about Jerry Lee Lewis! Before the movie I had never even heard of him, now he is one of my all-time favorite performers. Trust me, I was 9 years old when this movie came out, and if a movie is so good a 9 year old will pipe-down and watch, then you know its a excellent movie. So do yourself a favor and rent or buy this fantastic movie.

ciao bella!
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