
5 Reviews
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Synchronic (2019)
It was barely okay but What was the Point
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first movie? Loved it. Great.

The second movie? Okay. Pretty good. A little too obvious and call-backy. I didn't enjoy the brother thing but maybe that's because I am not a brother?

The third movie (Synchronic)? Why? What was the reason to make this movie?

I swear the last half of his film was me asking why at my television. I feel like it could've been a great movie! In my opinion the idea behind it is great!

I really feel like the first one is everything it could be. The second could be better. The third should never have been released. Like I said, I do love the idea. I hope they make a fourth and continue the story.

I still believe they could make a really great one.
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If You Get It You Get It
28 May 2023
Beautifully done and hilarious moc-umentary about the pageant world and Mid-west USA. More than that it really displays how ridiculous the concept of 'winning' is. How the beauty industry manipulates and steals life from their consumers. Pokes fun at Mary-Kay which I enjoyed very much.

You can watch it many times and notice subtle jokes you didn't pick up on before. I only recently realized how perfect Allison Janney's sunburn is.

This was one of the first comedy movies I remember watching as an older child. I remember loving it while being horrified that one can joke about death, and that I was laughing.

First movie I seen Brittany Murphy, Kirsten Dunst, Allison Janney, and Amy Adams in. Pretty much everyone I suppose- but they all stood out to me.
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I haven't stopped thinking about it
24 March 2023
I went into this movie knowing nothing and honestly not expecting much. 2 friends in Ireland stop being friends. How interesting could it be?

From the first scene it hooked me (no pun intended).

It throws you into the life of a simple man, smiling, waving hello to people in town. Basically skipping down the hill to go for a regular pint with his buddy. 2pm, after he's done his chores.

The symbolism is off the chain quite frankly. I am not a religious person but from the very introduction of the town shows us a rainbow. 1920's Ireland, God is with them and he loves every living being in the town.

It's just beautiful. Every scene, piece of clothing, color of a shop being painted, everything is deliberate and had me in awe.

I had to stop the movie and research the symbolism of colors in the old testament. Red sweaters, blue and teal sweaters, red coat, yellow coat, yellow room, white horse, green window frame, red bow on Jenny, etc etc.

I love movies and I love this movie. I cannot find a single critique I have and that is very, very uncommon.

Colm's second confessional might be my favourite scene.

Nobody should live to be remembered. You live to be nice, to be happy, to not cause harm.
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Bob's Burgers: The Plight Before Christmas (2022)
Season 13, Episode 10
4 March 2023
It is no secret that Bob's Burgers episodes have been a hit or miss since they started working from home. Some episodes have turned into what seems like lessons for the staff's children. But this episode is not that.

I am pretty much lost for words. This was an amazing episode. It is on par with Work Hard or Die Trying Girl- maybe even better.

I don't remember having cried at a Bob's Burgers episode but this one hit home in the emotions. Kelvin Yu, you son of a b*tch!.. And Loren and Jim.

If these are the kind of episodes we are going to get now that the movie is completed and the main focus is back on the episodes... Amazing. Never stop.
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The Great North: Brace/Off Adventure (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
I'm usually not a fan of musical episodes but
21 June 2022
I loved this one! Pace yourself constantly gets stuck in my head. This episode made me seriously break down and cry. Probably my most re-watched episode!
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