
6 Reviews
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Mean Girls (2004)
Awesome and Hilarious
28 April 2004
This movie was laugh your butt off hilarious!!!! I loved it and want to see it again and again!

In this movie you can really tell how Lindsay has really grown into a woman from the little girl you saw in the Parent Trap.

I really recommend this movie to ANYONE! I loved the animal scenes. The bus scene. But my favorite scene is when Lindsey is coming back from the Halloween party to her friends house. And the gay guy and the girl are watching a scary movie. Right when the door opens on the movie Lindsay bursts in. Making them scream bloody murder and toss the popcorn.

Another favorite part was when the Gay guy was singing "Beautiful" by Christina.
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Awesome on the end of your seat movie!
17 December 2003
This movie was soooo awesome. The actions scenes were so amazing. Legolas was of course sexy and sleek as ever! I won't give away the movie but just say that this is one you cannot miss. After seeing it you will be wanting more! The dwarf was hilarious as ever. Smeegol was funny and creepy in this one. You truly see him as who he really was and how he obtained the ring in the first place. Merry and Pippin are heroic and funny in this movie. I am proud of them. The kings daughter is very brave too. There was a lot of surprises in this movie that you would not have imagined. The director should be commended for his excellent work. I am truly amazed. Like I said before this movie is better than the other two in my opinion and I encourage any Lord of the Rings fan to see this movie....I even encourage others who are not fans to see this movie. It will have you cheering, laughing, crying and amazed.
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Mostly a cheesy movie
19 June 2003
I saw the private screening hosted by a radio station on June 19, and I have to say the movie was very cheesy and there was way too much singing! They copied off of Grease a lot! The person who played Alexa has the most annoying singing voice! It was like someone scratching their finger nails on a chalkboard argh!! The dancing could have been better. I think it could have been a whole lot better if there was a different choerogoher and director! I wouldn't pay money to see it again, I'll just wait to buy it on DVD!
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The Even Stevens Movie (2003 TV Movie)
An OK movie
13 June 2003
The movie was alright, I expected it to be soo much better! Some of the parts were too obivious! Ren's new "guy" was soo ugly! And they never mentioned some of the locations like the resturant. That was never in the original show! Also, did Principal Wexler suddenly grow a beard in the last week of school. I don't think so. Cause that's when the last episode of the show was based on. They goofed a lot. But Louis was funny as always.
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A Friend's Betrayal (1996 TV Movie)
Little slow..but good
7 June 2003
The moving moved along a little slow, but I found it very interesting. I didn't like his the guys friend though, if he was a true friend he wouldn't have told everyone. I would recommend it to anyone that wants to waste time or just to watch how hot and good looking Brian looks in this movie!
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Boy Meets World (1993–2000)
2 June 2003
I love this show, it is so awesome. I started watching the re-runs on Disney. I wish I had a relationship like Topanga and Cory! I would recommend this show to everyone! I like how this show deals with true life matters, like when they broke up and got back together, how the baby was born early and had problems, death, parents leaving and other things. It's just a great all around drama and comedy show.
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