
3 Reviews
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Very enjoyable
28 October 2021
I've really liked this reboot! I think they did a great job bringing the series to a modern audience. Especially enjoyed the 2nd season the writing was great and cinematography was insanely good. It also has a few good comedic moments throughout the season. This definitely isn't like the original as much but sort of combines modern Stranger Things with Halloweentown Good watch around Halloween for the whole family!
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Palo Alto, CA (2007)
4 February 2013
This movie was alright, The concept really reminded me of another movie thats on Netflix, "Remember the Daze" which was obviously a spin off of "Dazed and Conufsed" but, I loved seeing Ben Savage, who's acting was pretty good as always; All-around the cast wasn't bad. Some parts of the movie were dumb, like, how did that party not get raided by the cops? I have been to parties like this before and that's all we think about happening aha. I guess the cops in Cali don't care. But, this movie really depicted on how everything changes throughout your life and how you have to let everything go and start the next chapter of your life. Really makes me think on how my life is gonna be after my senior year ends this year. Sad, Scary, but yet makes me excited.
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Skins (2011)
This series sucked me in.
3 December 2011
I was browsing netflix when i stumbled across this show. It looked interesting so i started watching it. After the first episode i has hooked. Finished the entire series in 3 days.

I really loved how every episode of the season you got to look through each main characters background so you really got to know them all. This plot is amazing it depicts the life every teenager wishes they could have. The concept of a group of friends that all were really "friends" is a dream that every teenagers wishes they could have.

i really enjoyed this show and when i finished the last episode of the season i was so heartbroken because i knew i would never see a new one. I really wish MTV would bring this series back because the 10 episodes that were released were all magnificent.
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