
5 Reviews
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Big Trouble (2002)
Funny, easy-going comedy to enjoy; no slow times!
29 June 2004
Dave Barry, author of the book, does a really good job of portraying humor about his home town (Miami), teenagers, parents, divorce, marriage, autos, airports, difficulties of working in a strange town. The movie is humorous, fun, and moves along quickly. You can enjoy a nice time with it. All the actors do a great job. I think some of my favorite lines have to do with arrivals & departures at the airport! Behind the humor are the scarey foundations of some of the major scenarios of the movie. (Can't say what those are; gives too much away.) So if you are in need of a comedy to enjoy, but which may leave a residue of some of the problems of today's world, watch "Big Trouble".
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Continues the wonderful story!
19 December 2003
We loved all 3 episodes of this movie! If you have enjoyed the movies, or even if you haven't, the books are absolutely terrific! JRR Tolkien spent many years developing the world of LOR. These are must-read books. And starting with his "The Hobbit" is a real plus. About Return of the King, #3? Very good; although I would like to see some tweaking to improve the weaving of the final points into the overall movie presentation. Am looking forward to the extended version in 6 months or so on DVD! Do enjoy this movie.
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Very good; hope to see more!
5 November 2003
Continue to enjoy the unfolding storyline in the 3rd of The Matrix trilogy. The heroes and villains do their parts to keep the audience on the edge of their seats and working on the meaning behind it all.

Surprises throughout the movie, including the ending. The machines, the programs, the matrix, the humans, and the half-destroyed earth do not seem to be in equilibrium even in the ending of the trilogy. We see room for lots more future exploration of the subjects addressed by the three movies. We felt that some of the questions raised in the original Matrix still haven't been more to come?

It's fun to watch these movies for the action alone. But we think it's even more fun to watch the exploration of the myriad of possibilities. The brothers are to be commended. We hope they want to continue the exploration.
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Humorous, low key, entertaining. Just plain nice & fun to watch.
4 October 2003
This movie is funny and suitable for any age. It is definitely family-type entertainment. The cast does a fine job playing folks in the mid-western town of Big Bean, Illinois. Where we must assume nothing ever happens since the excitement (pre-invasion) of the decade is the new (and only) exit ramp from the Interstate. The location appeals as suitably boring and totally unlikely for the invasion of earth by Martians. But these Martians are totally inept, despite being well-equipped with an arsenal of suitably ghastly and deadly weapons... including one set on eradicating the Martians, too! The Martians dead-pan their lines and throw in just the right accents to make us the viewers and the locals wish to help them... leave earth. J. J. Anderson playing the very young Halloween carnivorous duck has just great lines. Watch this movie for laugher and entertainment; thought-provoking it isn't. But subtle and enjoyable it is.
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Enjoyable, very quotable, excellent casting.
25 August 2003
Every cast member added to the movie without trying to upstage each other. All made their respective characters very real & enjoyable. It is especially enjoyable because of the very many lines that are quotable out of context. But the meaning is enhanced by the memory of this fine movie about special people.
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