
21 Reviews
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Deceitful Reviews...Terrible movie
7 July 2021
This movie is terrible and most people simply rated it good for political reasons. If you can make it past 50 minutes you must like being bored out if your mind.
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Dog Days (I) (2018)
Straight trash dont waste your time
1 February 2021
First off the plot/story is all over the place they have some multiple story thing going on that jumps between multiple stories throughout the movie. Aside from that its a very cringe movie. Whoever rates this higher than a 6 has something wrong with them. I am surprised its a 6 instead of a 4 or 5. If I wanted to be a complete critic I would give it a 3 or 4.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Do yourself a favor and watch this again and skip WW84
2 January 2021
WW84 is such a downgrade its sad. This made women super heroes not cheesy and WW84 just backtracks all the progress made by Wonder Woman 2017
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Compared to Wonder Woman fails
2 January 2021
Wow, the story writing really went down hill on this one. The plot is a mess. The first one is MUCH better. Also way too many PC SJW aspects that ruined it.
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Cringy and corny
19 October 2020
It's a kids comedy that will only make you laugh if you have a simple mind.
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Under rated and watched movie...please watch
21 February 2020
This is an excellent movie that tells the story of Louis Zamperini AFTER the war...which also happens to be the most extraordinary part. The first movie was good...but this movie didn't get the attention it deserves.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Why is this rated so high? Its a 6...7 at best. I am actually confused...
28 January 2020
Ummm...really dont understand the high rating for this was average at best.
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Dolittle (2020)
RDJ...just stick to Iron Man...
17 January 2020
Wow...this movie is TERRIBLE. I only give it a 5-6. What the hell is RDJ or his agent the script is bad and every other aspect of the movie is cringy. I guess now that RDJ got so much money from Iron Man hes just screwing movie is horrendous; it shouldn't exist.
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1917 (2019)
It comes close to Saving Private Ryan...but SPR has more depth
12 January 2020
This is a great movie 8 maybe 9-10. But I dont put it on par with Saving Private Ryan...I have seen alot of people say its better...its not. Its VERY CLOSE to on par with Saving Private Ryan but it lacks depth that SPR has. SPR also concludes the story much better than 1917 concludes is narrative.

The one shot take is what really stands out though and makes this movie unique.

If 1917 had a better ending...9-10 easy If 1917 also had more depth...10-10 (on par with Saving Private Ryan)
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Midway (2019)
Chinese film company made shows
13 November 2019
Some cringy acting and a script that could have been better...seems like the actors are dull. Another point is it doesnt have a consistent and fluid jumps around to much to cover aspects outside of Midway...with the actual focus on Midway being towards the last 30 mins of the film...its like they didnt know what to do so they filled in more parts outside the main premise of the movie to add time to it. Also why is a Chinese company in control of a film like this?...It had the potential to be great but just turned out average...not bad but not great. I would say it's worth seeing. Just sad to see an overuse of obvious CGI, dull acting, and cringy dialogue at some points. A Chinese owned film company isn't going to do justice to distinguish the sacrifice of American armed forces during WW2. Pearl Harbor is a better movie.
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Harriet (I) (2019)
Umm why is the rating so low? It's an easy 8 minimum...
9 November 2019
I really dont understand why the rating for this movie is so low...its FAR better than a is a 7.7 MINIMUM...but you cant rate in increments so therefore 8...but I think it was a 9 in my opinion...really would like to understand why people are not rating it has a compelling true story and all the other aspects of the film seem relevant to accuracy.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Don't waste your life looking for something that's not there...
24 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the movie is the protagonist's father went on a mission trying to find extraterrestrial beyond what we know. Something happened on the craft that caused problems back on earth. So the protagonist is sent to fix the problem. When he arrived he found his father had basically gone insane. 30+ years of solitude will do that. He killed his crew in his insanity because they wanted to go back home...the crew had come to terms of the reality of the situation...that nothing was out there. The protagonist's father was dead set though on validating his life's pursuit...he didn't want to accept the reality...the facts...the truth. So when the protagonist's father saw his son again I think he subliminally finally realized he spent his entire life searching for something that was never there. He left what was tangible and real behind....his family. And he just couldn't come to terms with this and essentially committed suicide; his son tried to stop him but he told him to let him go. The son finally let go and let his father drift off into space.

It's sad when you think about it. You can spend a lifetime searching for something that isn't there and lose sight of what is right in front of you. His father found tons of data on all these vast and beautiful worlds....but there was no life on any of them.

The only thing that disappointed me is when Roy returned home there wasn't a better ending to kind of wrap it all up. The movie is so deep most people won't see the point. That is why I think a good ending would help everyone understand the underlying meaning of the film so it doesn't get bad ratings from people who think it's just rambling on with no point. It's a film that requires you to think and interpret the underlying point of the film.

All in all a great film, great visuals, great acting. The main point to take home from the film is this...don't waste your entire life searching for something that is right in front of you. Cherish the life you have been given and love your family and fellow humans.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Hard Pass
4 September 2019
Got worse the longer it went on...cant even trust review sites anymore...too many people always voting straight 10s for trash movies. Sad when people cant be intelligent enough to vote honestly.
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The Lion King (2019)
It will never beat the original
19 July 2019
The original is obv a 10/10 movie...this one came close IMO...but there was some aspects that had me questioning it and would have been better if they just stayed true to the original instead of trying to "make it their own" in those instances. If they had it would have been a 10/10. If Irons was cast as Scar and the emotional parts were more true and heartfelt feeling like the original 1994 animated version. The key scenes (memorable parts) fell flat. All in all its at minimum a 8/10 but I always rate on the entire aspect of a movie and leave politics out of it. (something critics cant help themselves nowadays is rating something based on their political bias, its sad) Because you cant rate by intervals on IMDB I have to give it a 9 because its better than a flat 8.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Started strong...ended weak
12 July 2019
Movie started out good and had an interesting idea...then they got lazy or ran out of how to formulate that idea and it became more and more dumb as it played out. Pathetic ending as well...could have wrote out a more realistic ending.....if you got time to waste see it....otherwise skip
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Us (II) (2019)
Overhyped movie...the most disturbing thing:
23 March 2019
The movie was way over hyped...and honestly the critic score for movies are trash now and mean nothing. All the critics are bought out and write biased reviews. Anyway the movie was average. It was over hyped. The most "horrifying" part of the firm was all the plot holes and the fact that the police never showed up after they called them and as was said "the police are already on 'THEY WEY'...."

Good movie and acting...just overhyped and NOT a 9-10 movie everyone is saying it is. Maybe an 8 if I ignore all the plot holes.
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Great story but bad acting...with good actors it could be an 7-8
6 February 2019
The acting was just so bad...the main actor in the film is OK...and Baldwin...well hes OK compared to the rest...but overall the acting just diminishes the potential of the film. Like I said great story...just bad acting.
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Replicas (2018)
Below avg. 5-6 movie...should've been a straight to DVD release
22 January 2019
Anyone that rates this movie higher than a 6 should reconsider their sanity. Learn how to rate movies.
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Had the potential to be one of the greats but fell short
23 October 2018
I really wanted to give this movie a 9/10 but it didn't hit home on alot of points which were either unnoticed opportunities or intentional messages. The Hate U Give seems confused on rather it wants to promote racism or try to end it. The premise of the movie is a young "black" boy is killed be a "white" cop (feel free to remove the words in " " to understand the coming point) and this happened after a pull over for a very minor traffic violation. The cop asks for his ID and the boy doesnt want to cooperate and is being hard to get along with. The cop then tells the boy to get out of the vehicle and put his hands on the roof of the car and stay in the position while he runs his ID...(later in the movie this is even addressed by Starr's "black" uncle that they do this for the PROTECTION of the INDIVIDUAL and the OFFICER. They are in a HIGH CRIME area where there are alot of GUN SHOOTINGS and it was NIGHT. Anyway, if that wasnt clear enough...the boy reached in the vehicle and the officer assumed he was pulling a gun and thought he saw a gun in his hand (it happened to be just a black hairbrush). BE MINDFUL, this was AT NIGHT in a HIGH CRIME AREA where an officer cannot fully discern between a black object rather it may or may not be a gun...what is understood is that it could be a gun and the OFFICER'S life could be in danger. This is taught in law enforcement quite well that if you dont act appropriately you could die...this happens all the time...and its not "racism". I have seen plenty of footage of a "white" officer pulling over a "black" man and being very kind with him and then the "black" man jumping out and shooting him after the officer hesitated to shoot because he didnt want to shoot but it cost him his life. Anyway, the uncle was then asked by Starr what would he do if it was a white man instead of the young black boy. He responded and said he would tell him to put his hands up....this is the first point they failed on instead of just saying it doesn't matter the race they are trained in a situation and act accordingly the same every time. Another point in the movie Starr's friend says the officers life matters to and Starr got angry with her and insinuated she was a racist...really? Do all lifes no matter? It is kind of sad the movie rather perpetuate racism instead of show points that could end it if we all work together...if you stand there and point your finger how will you ever be able to solve the issue.

In the end there is a point where Starr has an internal monologue relating to the racism issue (and I start thinking to myself its not The Hate U Give it should be called The Hate WE Give because its pointing the finger acting like its one sides fault when everyone is at fault because we are not working together to fix the issue only causing strife and divide) and right after I thought that she says "its not The Hate U Give its The Hate WE Give"

I was surprised with this and though ok the movie is going to end well with a great message...and it just fell short because she never told her friend she was sorry for acting like she did and basically that girl was left in the movie as a racist outcast when she was not.

Overall the movie had good acting and was entertaining and like I said had the chance to be one of those movies remembered for decades but it got cold feet and never went for the homerun; shame. Its sad that either knowingly or subliminally those who created this film rather perpetuate racism than end it with a great message with no pointing fingers.
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Great movie. Strong plot but weak ending
3 April 2018
Like the title says. Great movie with amazing effects (worth seeing in 3D). The story was strong and kept me interested throughout the entire movie...I cant help but say that the ending was weak IMO compared to the message the movie was building up to. It was a fine ending overall but I think it could have been better.
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DON'T LISTEN to the critics.
25 March 2018
I normally don't write reviews for movies. However, I thought this movie was superb. Most Christian movies have bad acting and a cheesy story line. This movie was the complete opposite. It has great acting and a very well though out plot. It seems the critics like to lowball the rating because its a Christian movie. On the other end of the spectrum the users giving it a perfect score shows their agenda as well. Its certainly worthy of a 7 minimum to 9 max score. Personally the critic score should be 70%+ if they actually reviewed it without being biased just because its a faith based film. All in all great movie with great acting. Tells the story of Bart Millard, who was abused as a child, use his experiences to write a song that had a positive impact on alot of people.
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