5 Reviews
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
This might have been good but the trailer ruined all (per usual)
5 January 2023
This film tries so hard to be "Gothic"in the veins of Rebecca and the like. It falls miserably flat and burns through its few twists in the trailer. If you've seen the trailer, that's it. No stone left uncovered, no final twists or anything. The protagonist's best friend is a real gem though.

The costuming is often striking. Costumes and set pieces are one of the few places this movie finds its footing. The pacing is really off. Instead of taking its time with character development to pull off a slow burn, it instead spends its first two acts meandering through messy yet predictable plot machinations while offering no real suspense.

I do not recommend.
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Inaccurate synopsis deters possible viewers
5 February 2022
Did you read the synopsis and were immediately put off? So was my husband who wouldn't watch this with me because he figured it would be a Farelly Bros fart fest. But it's not! I feel like someone out that synopsis there as a joke and forgot to remove it. Flatulence is only mentioned once that I saw - someone creating scent-muffling underwear in a scene that is fun but certainly not pivotal to the plot.

I am baffled honestly that this is the synopsis for the film. It's grossly inaccurate and this is not a "gross out" humor film at all.

What we have instead is a nice Macedonian character drama/comedy blend where you try to figure out how the characters connect. And narrated by a fly!

Saw at 2022 Slamdance.
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Little Berlin (2021)
You Won't Mind the Rampant Anthropomorphizing
2 February 2022
Guys. I adored this short. I thought the topic sounded rather milquetoast but I gave it a shot because of the narrator and because I religiously watch everything in the Slamdance Department of Anarchy section.

But what I did not expect was to end up tears by the short's end. The point about separation across borders was not lost on me but I enjoyed the usage of cows as a cipher.

And who wouldn't love a Christopher Waltz narration - I mean c'mon.
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Platform (2022)
LOVED this at Slamdance
1 February 2022
I saw this at Slamdance 2022. I loved how several stories wove together in a Scherazade fashion. This was so well made and could easily have made it to the "more prestigious" festivals due to its quality, but it finds such an niche, appreciated home here at Slamdance. Check this out if you get a chance.
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Funny and relatable
31 January 2022
This was my favorite short at Sundance this year. My husband and I alternated between nail biting and laughing hysterically. I hope to see a lot more from these leads.
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