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Stardust (II) (2020)
The fine line between genius and insanity
1 December 2020
This is not a film about rock and roll nor is it supposed to be. This film is a look at a shy creative folk singer/songwriter who with another's encouragement found the inspiration to succeed as a completely original, uncensored stage performer on an exalted electrified and amplified level of musical theater. He achieves this through assuming an an alter ego which is compared in the film to a schizophrenic multiple personality parallel to his brother's diagnosis he is being treated for in the asylum pictured on The Man Who Sold The World album. The visions David has of his brother have a slowly revealed, silent "spirit guide" quality which is intriguing cinematography. If you are a creative person of the stage, of -any- art form, or support those who performances you find inspiring, you will understand and appreciate this film. This is brave, controversial subject matter which was clearly respectful to the challenges of the family's history of mental health treatment. This came out at a good time in history to be considered at how psychiatric diagnoses and the creative process have similarities which cause fear to those who don't understand the fine line between creative genius and insanity. I congratulate all those involved in this fine art film and hope the rock fans will open their eyes to the sublime purpose of the subject matter. I believe the artist would have been proud at what was examined here to show creative types a way when the public does not understand their art over a superficial one sided display of rock and roll shows which would likely have been more popular to those who criticized this film with low imdb ratings.
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Rock Dog (2016)
Tibetan Rock Dog Rocks...and Tibetan Rock Dogs ARE BUDDHIST!
19 March 2017
The film is entertaining and has positive messages of compassion shown by the Tibetan characters -including to their enemies- the wolves, however, all references to Buddhism were removed in the film. Creator Zheng Jun's original artistic vision is in the manga comic entitled "Tibetan Rock Dog". It is sad to me that "Tibetan" was removed from the title as well. As Zheng Jun is credited for the story as well as an executive producer I imagine it must have been difficult to see the culturally censored version be what was shared with the globe. Despite these issues which deserve to see the light this is an important film. I hope it will foster awareness of the Chinese Government's atrocities committed against native Tibetans. These continue to this day with no end in sight nor adequate help coming from countries which are able. The film shows Tibetan architecture, Tibetan rug making and even Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags which simply appear as colored flags without any Tibetan script or Buddhist symbols. Edited for artistic or political reasons? I hope viewers will "find their fire" and demand Tibetan Rock Dogs everywhere to Rock out for Tibet like Ad Rock showed us how. Get Rocking with this Tbetan Buddhist Manjushri mantra: Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih ( Sanskrit) Om Ara Pa Za Na Di (Tibetan).
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Paterson (2016)
Aha! living poetry
1 February 2017
Aha! This is Sudden Enlightenment the Rinzai Masters unfold in Zen through Koan. To me this movie presents American Poets' Koan. A slow opening ikebana flower bud that reveals ecstatic joy is an open secret hidden behind the mistaken view of day to day banality. It shows the patient and open Minded viewer how incorrect it is to conclude that observing a quiet honest and compassionately connected neighborhood of minimal material acquisition is boring and meaningless. The Lotus Land appears as samsara ends when the lesson is confirmed that to win is to lose to lose is to win. Even the dog has Buddha! It is a timely vision of happiness available to all who listen to their own inner creative voice whether it whispers to one as: visual, auditory, tactile, fragrant...or a sweet tasting thought to bake and decorate cupcakes. William Carlos Williams and others inspired the beats to write poetry and when i met Allen Ginsberg he inspired me to write and -live- poetry as the Buddhist Masters he spoke of had unfolded in him. It is such a pleasant surprise to discover a film which has no need for sex, violence nor hi tech illusions to entertain. The mark of great art is it wakes up the same ability in in the audience. The Seer The Seen and Seeing are realized as one.
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A Great Film for readers rather than spoon feeders
15 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sad to see such ignorant criticism posted about this fine film. It is well crafted, well acted, well written and the cinematography is mesmerizing amidst the colors of the New Mexican desert. It is important to note that this is a literary minded drama with the right amount of action. It is not a shoot-em-up action film with Clint Eastwood type one liners. It reminds me of Greek Tragedy and I can't explain the details why without spoilers so just keep that in mind as you view and any reader of classics will clearly see these timeless themes and cautionary tales of morality inherent in the story line. I was impressed at the implied back stories which indicated the family's troubles existed prior to their current explosive dilemma. The story accomplishes so much meaning with spare details that become crystallized as the film concludes. This film deserves a much much higher rating so if you like it as much as I did please share a review that will help ensure people won't pass over this great Western Drama because of an unfair rating.
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Little Buddha of the fairways
3 June 2013
This film deserves a higher score than its currently been showing from reviewers on IMDb. It's convincing as a period piece and all of the actors perform their roles well. Redwood of course steals the show and this young actor has a quiet charisma that shines through in every scene. It shows the triumph of imagination over hardship creating hope where none seems able to spring. The Wes Anderson, "Harold and Maude" and "Almost Famous" (and even a bit of Caddyshack) similarities are clear and should be celebrated rather than criticized. This film offers a lot of heart from modest means. The drama is more pronounced than the comedy, but necessarily so, to keep the inspiring message present and prevent it from being confused with being a stereotypical 60s film. Becoming Redwood gives the viewer a vision of joy and compassion from innocent eyes. His dream time transforms him and melts the ice of the "grown ups" who have custody of the little Buddha of the fairways. A film well worth watching to lift the spirit.
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Beasts of the Southern Wild is a masterpiece
26 April 2013
The literary themes make its message timeless: man with Nature, man in Nature, man against Nature, Nature against man, fear transformed to fearlessness, death transformed to life, "civilization" versus the wild "beasts" without and within. The females in the story prove to be the most resilient as both mothers and killers and are connected by a sign to the ancient Elysian Mysteries. These are timeless themes of great literature which rarely reach the modern American film-goer and are potential inspiration disappearing from education as liberal arts continue to rarefy. There is also a quality of current poignancy to the film the wake of the natural disaster which caused so much destruction in the state, yet galvanized the brave residents to reinvent their homeland. It is also a well researched environmental warning as predicted by the medicine woman to the children in an admonition to survive. Every aspect of the film was expertly crafted: cinematography, casting, locations, dialogue, monologue, effects and symbolism. For those who are not moved by this film's timeless message and timely warning go read classic mythology as Joseph Campbell and his teachers described and research the scientific evidence of how the excess of "civilization" erodes our Biosphere. View the film in light of its warning we all need to learn before its too late.
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Workaholics (2011–2017)
workaholics is the antidote to ennui
1 December 2011
my face hurts from laughing so hard. please rule the world so we can all laugh together. fudge the critics. you're an ELEVEN. Well it seems this all knowing program is informing me that my concise praise requires some elaboration. Indeed. Shall i compare thee to a summer's day? i shall. Ablaze as we on the Westside can only know, your radiance is an epic saga of the loneliness of comic genius...see leonard bruce and mitchell hedberg...I feel that there is a pulitzer or nobel or golden something somewhere that has "workaholics" engraved upon it lovingly. you rock, it's science and you can't argue with science, unless you're jimmy swaggart or george w bush. it's four twenty somewhere and you three gentelmen had better get back to work...ruling the world.
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