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Domino (2005)
met up to the disappointing expectations
23 October 2005
Honestly, I only went to this movie because I didn't want to go home. The movie was a waste of ten dollars and seemed to go on and on forever. Apparently, rich girls with British accents are complete bad asses. The movie progressed ever so slowly and then it suddenly started jumping year to year. The most disappointing part was that it was about a bunch of bounty hunters but there was hardly any bounty hunting involved in the film. Half of it was riding around in a bus and the other half was waiting for the eventual nude scene with Keira Knightley (which was pretty disappointing anyway). So, in conclusion, this movie was a wannabe Quentin Tarantino film that possessed absolutely none of the awesome aspects of his films. I would also like to take this time to give an honorable mention to Mickey Rourke and Christopher Walken, don't worry guys, we'll forgive you in time for this crap box.
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Big Fish (2003)
Now I see what the hype was about
18 July 2005
I was constantly hearing about this movie from friends for a long time after it came out. I went to rent it and forgot to watch it at all. However, it has recently been on HBO regularly so I've caught a couple times now. It's another creative masterpiece straight from Tim Burton. It follows Edward Bloom, a small town Alabama man who has big hopes. Although he lives a full life, he eventually falls sick and his son comes to visit him. His son doesn't see eye to eye with him and feels as though he is a liar and that the stories he tells are all tall tales. The movie is well casted and it's pretty funny. The guy that plays Obi Wan in the new Star Wars plays Edward and thats all I really remember about the names of the cast. The movie is definitely worth the two hours.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
simply amazing
18 July 2005
The movie basically follows Donnie Darko, a teen who recently survived a brush with death. Afterwards, he is plagued by visions and becomes obsessed with time travel. I'm not going to spell out all the details to you but I can say that the storyline is very complex and will most definitely take more than one viewing to understand fully. The movie is very depressing but at the same time it's a happy story as well. It's very paradoxical in the sense that you don't know how you should feel about it. I even went to the official website for more information but the website is a mystery as well. The acting in the film is really good and the music fits well with the mood of the movie. A must see.
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a lot better than i thought
18 July 2005
I originally wrote this movie off to be a stupid little Will Ferrell flick that lacked almost any actual kind of humor at all. I also thought that Ferrell could never pull off a comedy where he is the main character. However, I saw Anchorman today and I'm shocked to say that it actually had a lot of funny moments. As expected, almost the entire cast of Old School was in action but it wasn't a bad thing. One of the funniest parts was the big news team bedlam and the talk they had afterward about what had happened was hilarious. In conclusion, it was really silly but pretty funny too...surprisingly. And Christina Applegate is pretty hot and that always helps too.
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Hide and Seek (2005)
too much of the same old same old
18 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The movie focuses on a father and daughter who move to the suburbs after the suicide of the mother. They move into a new house and that's when the sh*t hits the fan. The movie is very creepy and all but the ending reminds me too much of Secret Window. The alternative endings in the movie aren't very good at all and I feel that they should've thought about a major reconstruction of the ending all together. When I was watching the movie I had this weird case of deja vu where I thought I had seen this movie before. It wasn't that I've seen this particular movie before but I have seen movies just like it. Basically, the movie was good but the ending needed work but it's still worth seeing for the couple of creepy moments.
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I never knew such simple comedy could be so funny.
16 July 2005
I saw this movie a long time ago and saw it again yesterday. I have to say that it is a new favorite of my own. Leslie Nielson is one of the funniest guys ever. I loved the part where Dracula and Helsing were insulting each other in the foreign language and were each trying to get the last word. Compared to newer comedies this one is a lot more clean in the humor and I like that. Not every joke has to be some kind of penis joke and not every joke has to contain excessive cursing. Simple humor like the scene with Renfield eating the bugs and Jonathan doing the staking are too funny. I recommend this movie to anyone who is tired of modern comedy films and is looking for a change of pace. I also recommend it to fans of Leslie Nielson and Mel Brooks because this is one of my favorites along with Robin Hood Men In Tights and The Naked Gun.
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Going Bananas (1987)
it was so horrible i couldn't take my eyes away from the screen
25 March 2005
I was watching TV one day with a friend and we caught the last twenty minutes of "Going Bananas." Believe me when I say it was enough to get a good judgment of the film. The first scene that I saw was the monkey, the kid, the fat guy, and the black guy who looked like Dave Chappelle, flying around in a crop duster thousands of feet in the air. While everyone else was solemn about the journey, the monkey seemed to be on some kind of drug binge where he kept shouting something that resembled the English word faster. They then landed on a twenty yard long dock in Africa. After a heart felt goodbye where the monkey cried (Hahahaha), the "villains" of the film appeared. They were tearing complete ass in their vintage Cadillac when the evil monkey took an Air Jordan leap form the dock onto the boat that was sailing away a clean 40 yards away and made them sink their beautiful car into the Pacific Ocean. After seeing this film, I have a new purpose in life; to find the midget who played the monkey and stab him in the eye with a fountain pen.
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a newly found favorite
15 February 2005
My girlfriend brought over Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind about a week ago and I was amazed by it. It has everything that you could ever want out of a movie. Good plot, good acting, good music, etc... The idea of the film is that this guy wants to erase the memories that he has of his girlfriend. The way the movie was filmed is confusing but that isn't a bad thing at all. The director takes you through the memories in such a manner that baffles you. The way the main character's memories start to melt into one another and how he has a conversation with himself is so original. And for all of those people that say Jim Carrey can't act, this movie will prove you wrong and then some. This movie is one of my newly found favorite movies of all time. It is a must see.
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A huge letdown
23 October 2004
This movie was recommended to me and I had high expectations... especially since it was directed by Stanley Kubrick. However, after ten minutes of the movie I couldn't stand watching it anymore. I'm sorry but guys walking around with jumpsuits and underwear on just isn't my cup of tea. It was a good story line but it just lacked everything that would keep me awake during a film and I honestly don't understand why people think this movie is so great. "OH MAN, HE KILLED HER WITH A GIANT PENIS!!!" I'm sorry but giant penises and elderly women don't make a great movie. Maybe it's just that British humor, where they get chased by cops or prostitutes in fast motion with weird elevator music playing in the background. I guess I just don't understand the greatness behind it.
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A very good cross-over film.
14 August 2004
I saw AVP the first day it came out in my city. To tell you the truth I had stong doubts about this film. However, the film turned out to be pretty good. I'm glad that they provided some background in the film of why the two races were fighting in the first place. The history was explained and it made the film so much better. The acting was good and the special effects and costumes were also well done. The fight scenes were done extremely well. The computer effects didnt make the fight scenes too ridiculous either. I recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of the Predator and/or Alien films. People who haven't seen those films should give them a try and also see this sequel.
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The Village (2004)
its the twists that make the movie (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)
14 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one of the creepiest I've ever seen. It started out creepy and had you even more freaked by the end. The ending to this film is so twisted it just leaves you wondering if anyone saw it coming. Not to lgoat, but I had a hunch. It's a movie where you must pay attention to every detail, becasue if you don't you won't get the full affect of the film. The film started off slow but it soon got more intense. The acting is very good and the environment can give you chills. I knew many people that said the movie was boring and/or stupid. My belief is that people went to this film to see something thta reminds them of The Ring. In other words a predictable little horror movie. I think the director did a great job.
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Secret Window (2004)
"The only thing that matters is the ending... It's the most important part of the story."
14 August 2004
Johnny Depp plays Morton Rainey, a sucessful writer who one day is confronted by a man who accuses him of stealing his story. Rainey is in the middle of a divorce with his wife and is currently living alone in a cabin in the woods of New York. The movie is based on a novel by Stephen King. The acting is stupendous. This film wouldn't have been able to be completed if Depp did not play as the main character. It's a very psychological film. A film that leaves it's clues in the smallest little details. The film even has some comedy in it. All the loose ends of the movie tie up with a surprise ending that few could see coming. All together a well directed movie.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Better than the first
14 August 2004
Have you ever seen a movie that was better than it's prequel? It's a rare and freak occurance but it's better than not happening at all. Spider Man 2 was better it's prequel in many ways. Better action scenes, more interesting plot of events, and a much cooler villain. The train scene was probably the coolest of all. It was amazing. Spidey losing his powers was an interesting twist. Dr. Octopus is much more cool than Green Goblin. Acting was still pretty good. It was still faithful to the comics. Only one complaint: not one shot of Kirsten Dunst in a wet shirt. This is just the kind of movie you just have to see in the theaters. The experience is so much better when your facing the big screen.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Finally, my favorite comic is brought to life!
14 August 2004
Spider-Man comic's were the greatest. They out did every other comic in Marvel and DC. The movie had great casting. Maguire fit the personality and build of Peter Parker almost too well. No ther actor could ever play Spidey that good. One thing you must admit was the movie was very faithful tot he comic books and the little additions here and there were a nice taste as well. Simmons fit Jameson well and Dafoe was splendid as Green Goblin/Norman Osbourne. I was surprised that the computer effects looked so real because in all the movie trailers I thought that the graphics would be much lower quality. However, they seemed to fit right into the battle scenes. Good acting, good graphics, good movie.
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The Crow (1994)
One of the deepest movies of all time.
14 August 2004
This movie is my favorite film of all time. One factor of this film that made it so awesome had to be the casting. The acting is just superb. Brandon Lee did an excellent job of playing Eric Draven, one of the most complicated comic book characters ever. I don't think there's any actor out there that could've mastered this role like Brandon Lee did. Michael Wincott fit Top Dollar's personality so well. He can be so evil at times. The soundtrack and the score were masterpieces in themselves. All the bands chosen to appear ( ex. Stone Temple Pilots, Nine Inch Nails)on the soundtrack had a certain mood to their music that fit the movie's aura. As for the score, Graeme Revell put together perhaps one of the best scores of the 1990's. With his combination of modern musical instruments and foreign instruments and his tasteful and original use of synthesizers, he will always be one of the most talented composers. The plot of this film is so universal. it can be used on so many other levels or in so many other stories. Being brought back from the dead not to avenge yourself, but to avenge the death of your loved one. Some may think that it's cliche but this coming from the same people who watch movie like Robo Cop and think that that is good movie-making. ::shudder:: Others believe that the movie became popular for the fact that Brandon Lee passed away during the making of it. I don't think this could be farther from the truth. The movie would be just as popular as it is today even if Brandon Lee had not died during the fabrication of the film. Though the sequels that followed the film fell short of it's greatness, they will never tarnish the importance of The Crow. James O' Barr put together a story of anger, pain, and love and Alex Proyas turned his vision into a masterpiece. This movie changed my life...
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Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Doesn't live up to the prequels
13 June 2004
Well, the movie has it's moments but it simply doesn't live up to the previous movies. To much of the same old same old. My favorite part was when the little kid was drawing dead people or whatever and Cindy finds the little book of the drawings of the girl and she's doing like a little dance or something. I thought that was pretty funny, don't ask why. The best actor int he movie was Charlie Sheen. He had some funny moments. However, the rest of the film proved to be a little boring. Many of the jokes fell flat. However, I do admire the new directors' attempts to move away from the perverted jokes of the first two movies but it seems that they couldn't replace them with anything better. Overall, I have to say I am a little disappointed but it's still worth seeing.
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well done and very unique
13 June 2004
This is simply another great film by Johnny Depp. In the film, he plays a delusional man who believes that he is Don Juan. When I first watched the film I was actually waiting for another film to begin. However, I'm glad that I watched it. It has just the right balance of comedy and drama to make it a very unique film. As the movie progresses, Don Juan is telling his life story to his psychiatric doctor. As Don Juan commences, his doctor is also affected in many ways. The movie is directed very well, the ending is well done as well. I definitely recommend this movie to those who are fans of Depp's other works or just for anyone who hasn't seen a good film in a while.
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this is movie is deeper than most people make it out to be
13 June 2004
When I first saw this movie I was like many people and didn't understand the concept. However, by the end of the movie I understood fully what the point of the film was. Tim Burton had made a very deep movie. Maybe I didn't pick up his exact point of the movie that he was trying to get across but I have my own opinion. In a world where everyone is normal and there's very unique, people are quick to judge those who are different. Basically, Edward is treated different because of his "handicap" and at times mistreated and used. One character in the movie, was the old man with the prosthetic hip and he says to Edward that you should never let anybody say that you have a handicap. However, this man's opinion changes when he calls Edward a cripple because the rest of the town is made to believe that Edward is evil. Overall, this movie's story or plot doesn't get the credit it deserves.
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this film was on the right track but then it simply blew up in the faces of all fans of the original Crow.
12 June 2004
I consider myself to be one of the biggest fans of The crow starring Brandon Lee and Michael Wincott. However, when I saw this so-called sequel to it i was left depressed. First off, the acting in City of Angels is simply horrendous. The main villain of the movie, Judah, was a horrible character to begin with and as for Iggy Pop starring in the movie... let's just say he should stick to his musical career. The best actor of the movie was Mia Kirshner who played Sarah. This is pretty sad because when your main character lacks acting skills your movie is simply going to flop. One thing I liked about the movie was that it resembled the original Crow but still had something in it's storyline to keep you from walking out of the movie. One thing I liked was that the movie was partly based on Sarah when she grows up. This was good because I myself wanted to know what happened to her afterwards. So in conclusion, the movie had the makings to live up to its prequel but the horrible acting made it die out like a drowning rat in a public restroom toilet stall.
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