
2 Reviews
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The Old Guard (2020)
Thoroughly enjoyable - except the soundtrack
20 July 2020
Really loved the action, the acting and the melancholy feel to it all, much better than just an average action flick, except unfortunately for the incredibly stupid and jarring popsongs which ruin some scenes. Please please please just a decent score for (hopefully) part two. Other than that, really no complaints.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Surprisingly entertaining
6 July 2015
This could actually be the show I have waited for since SG-U came to such an abrupt end. Although at first glance the story and the characters aren't all that new, the plot really evolves and the characters get much more intriguing fast. With no other (good) space exploration shows out there for a log time, I am really glad of the route this one is taking so far. There is (for this genre) a surprisingly sinister undercurrent to it, no shiny heroes or damsels in distress so far, instead we see a ragtag bunch of people where everybody has some hidden agenda. A promising fresh ride with all the flair of the old Stargate shows but with a darker tone to it. Please keep delivering, Syfy!
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