
3 Reviews
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Double Lover (2017)
Female sexual empowerment.
16 June 2018
What comes out of Hollywod is complete trash. While Ozon has made a provocative movie about female sexual empowerment.

The director has made a lot of movies about female empowerment. This movie is about female sexual liberation. Loosely based" on the Joyce Carol Oates novel Lives of the Twins .

"I think the English are twisted enough to understand this movie," quipped director François Ozon. Ozon is going to go down in history as one of the all greats, as a film director.

You will have to watch it a few times to see all the subtle cues. The movie is about a woman and her two lovers. Symbolism for two sides of personality. What is real or nor real is left to your imagination. The theme is about sexual female empowerment. Being dominate and submissive. She wears a dildo while making love to her partner after she sees him with another woman. Being a voyeur and physically aroused , on top (cowgirl), while watching her reflection in the window.

She is unhappy with her partner being meek and passive. Knowing in her mind, her other imagined or real jealous lover makes her hot and desired, will thrust harder and deeper during sex, ejaculate harder and gives her the female sexual fulfillment of a women, whose sexual capacity is far greater than that of her male.lover.

Where she actually prefers a more sexually aggressive lover who will dominate her. Someone she can't control. There are lots of cues. Right at the start she cuts her long hair, being a former model and goes for a more androgynous look. Partly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex.

There is a cat in the movie which is metaphorically obvious. Does the cat come out to play? Euphemism for vagina. In one scene, in the movie, the director shows us a close up of the vagina.

In another scene, the camera seems to travel down her mouth and into her oesophagus. " I saw the inside of her mouth and I realised that the larynx looked like a clitoris. It was a big surprise for me that the vocal cords look like a vagina. It was in the spirit of the film" says director François Ozon.

The film is about the subconscious of a woman and deals with sexuality, her exploration of sexuality. Exploring her sexuality - domination and submission.
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Over the Edge (2012)
on the edge of your seat
10 August 2012
This is one of the best movies I have seen this year. It starts off with a romantic couple who witness a suicide or possible murder. There are lots of turns and twists in the movie and will have you on the edge of your seat. Many facets of the movie resemble "real life".

Is the lone hunter a gun nut with a dark side? Or a creative computer programmer, who is losing his mind caught up in his own virtual fantasy world. Playing mindless violent video games? What is real and what isn't? The story is original and will keep you guessing right to the end. Afterwards I was thinking about many aspects of the movie. It reminded me of a classic Alfred Hitchcock suspense thriller.

The movie title says it all. IS he losing his mind or has he been pushed over the edge by his jealous rage?
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Sashbuckling action adventure and romance
19 July 2012
Great Movie! I enjoy the movie it was fast pace and there was even some chemistry on screen with Catwoman and Batman. The movie had the right tempo of action and romance.

The supporting actors were strong and it is setup for a future sequel. I took my son to watch the movie and he was leaping out of his seat cheering. So it is going to be a big blockbuster hit. There is enough entertainment for every age group, men women and children.

Future screen writers and the studio of the franchise should take note. They should be forced to read all the comics so they don't dare mess with the Dark Knight legend.
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