
4 Reviews
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2 January 2019
Tried watching the other night and apparently I was making the wrong choices because after an hour or so, the story didn't progress much and I kept seeing same things repeatedly. I make decisions in life and at work. I watch TV to relax and let someone else tell the story. Not sure whether I'll give this another try.
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Fascinating yet horrifying
17 November 2018
All I can say is that there are some truly insipid and awful people featured in this film.
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Camping (2018)
12 November 2018
This show is not funny, uninteresting, and the characters are caricatures that are not reliable in any way. The entire premise falls apart because I can't suspend disbelief enough to accept that anyone would voluntarily spend a weekend with the lead character. Lena Dunham must have the kids of some HBO bigwig locked in a dungeon and these horrible shows are her ransom. I can think of no other reason why she's writing for a premium cable channel instead of serving lattes at coffee shop in Brooklyn.
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Black Panther (2018)
17 February 2018
It's really unfortunate that some people can't seem to leave their biases at the door and review this movie for what it is. Black Panther is a fantastic movie - action packed, entertaining, engrossing, exciting - truly what an action movie experience should be. I think the critics' reviews are right on the money with this one. Some claim it is political - really? I hope they had the same complaint about Wonder Woman since she fought Nazis in that film. I thoroughly enjoyed Black Panther and can hardly wait to see it again on the big screen.
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