
42 Reviews
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Venom (2018)
Even worse than I thought!
6 October 2018
I didn't even need the critics' opinion to know this movie sucks. The trailers looked horrendous with no potential whatsoever. I was even surprised Tom Hardy took the project, considering every movie he was in was at the very least good. Look, I went in knowing it's probably really bad, but I was HOPING for at least a few entertaining moments. Did I get it? NOPE.

Not only does the plot barely make ANY SENSE, everything about this movie is awful. The music, the dialog, the directing, the acting, the editing... Just a complete mess. Most of the action scenes had way too many cuts, the music was absolute garbage and didn't fit the movie for a second, the humor was truly awful and some of it didn't even make any sense, the villain's plan didn't make any sense at all (just like the main plot), there are literally no characters you give any crap about (not to mention that Michelle Williams's character didn't even have any sort of arc at all!!).

I'm actually not really surprised this movie was that horrible, I'm just surprised Tom Hardy took the project! Riz Ahmed is also very good, even though I only saw him at The Night Of. Michelle Williams is also such a fantastic actress, yet she's given so very little to work with because of that mess of a script. Those actors (and actress) really don't deserve to be in a movie like this.
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Sausage Party (2016)
If it didn't have the R rating, it might have been better...
1 May 2017
The whole buzz about this movie is seeing an animation movie with A LOT of swearing, some weird sex scenes, and basically- Being an R rated animation ''comedy''.

As I was beginning to watch the movie, within the first minutes you're introduced to the swearing. At first it felt kinda weird, but then I realized EVERY SINGLE MINUTE someone says f*ck, and after only 10 minutes- I knew what I got myself into.

The only pros about this movie is that the first few moments are kinda funny, and the animation is good. Other than that, this movie was a total waste of time.

Throughout it's entire runtime, it heavily relies on it's R rating, to the point where it just gets annoying and pointless to keep watching.

I truly think that if it didn't have the R rating, it might have been better, and I could possibly watch it to the end (Yeah, I stopped watching after 30 min).
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
One of the most important films, EVER.
19 February 2017
I usually don't write reviews, even if it's for a movie I really admire, but this film is something different. This film is important.

The reason I say this film is important is because it's timeless. What this film presents is something that will never disappear from society- Broken families, people who need to learn to live their life through the struggles of being gay (or anything but straight). Even in 30 years this film will be true to real life. And not just in America, but also in the world in general.

The acting is off the charts, the directing and cinematography is absolutely fantastic, the screenplay is just amazing. Every actor is on their A game, every scene is meaningful.

This is a movie, that although truly tough to watch, should be viewed by anyone who can handle the subject matter and has a strong heart.

Even though I praise this movie so much, it's one of those movies I can never see myself watching it again. This movie left me broken, with absolute shock. When this movie ended, only after 10 minutes could I stand up and wash my face. This film is a must-see experience.
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Planet Earth II (2016– )
Best thing ever put on TV, EVER.
8 January 2017
The first Planet Earth which came out 10 years ago still is a masterpiece. Every shot was perfect, every detail was amazing, the story-telling was an experience, every thing was perfect. Then came out Planet Earth II, and my god- IT'S BRILLIANT !

David Attenborough is a master. He has created some of the best pieces of art ever put on television. Everything he has created is amazing. Planet Earth II is everything that made Planet Earth excellent, and even more.

Some of the scenes here are so incredible, so shockingly brilliant, most chances you'll never see it again, neither in real life or TV. Every single shot is breathtaking. This and Planet Earth are some of the best pieces of art ever created.

Also, this is probably the best educational series ever. You learn so much about nature, about animals, about your planet (hence the title), about life itself.
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Worst movie experience ever !
6 February 2016
Before I begin talking about this ''movie'', let me clarify a few things- I've seen hundreds of movies in my life. I watch movies everyday. When I finished watching this ''movie'', I felt so angry. Let's begin by talking about everything that's wrong with this ''movie''.

The screenplay is god awful, the story is damn awful, the characters are stupid and laughably bad, the first half is laughably bad and the second is just painful to watch, the editing is absolutely stupid, the directing is awful, the female protagonist is the weakest character I've ever seen in my life, the entire movie is so cliché and atrocious, the sex scenes are boring and awful, the main character is called Anastasia Steele (the worst name I've ever heard), not a single frame is interesting or worth watching, you don't care for the characters even for a small second, all the characters except the protagonist and Mr. BDSM are useless and add absolutely nothing to the film, even the original song for the movie is not featured but a instead a remake, I laughed so hard when a curtain dialog happened, the ending was the best part because the credits finally showed up so I could breath for a moment, and this movie's so bad I actually refuse to call this ''movie'' by it's original name- for me right now it's called ''Fifty Shades Of Bullshit''.
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Psycho (1998)
What's the point of this film ?!!?!?
29 December 2015
Just for the record, I absolutely LOVED the original and gave it 10/10. When I saw there's a remake, I just had to watch it. Well... I couldn't even finish it.

The acting is stupidly bad, there's nothing new about this movie besides the fact that Marion stole more money from the salesman in this movie than the original, This remake is just the same movie, with color, with awful actors, with THE SAME SCREENPLAY as the original, and after about 25 min I just closed the movie.

From the very first frame, I already knew it's gonna be bad. Even the first scene after the credits roll is THE EXACT SAME AS THE ORIGINAL but with color !!

I'm so mad at this movie, this is legitimately the worst remake I ever saw. There' not a SINGLE MOMENT where you feel suspense or tension or even entertainment !! I didn't have a single moment I didn't think to myself this movie is watchable. I wanted to watch it to see if it's as bad as everyone says and what did I discover ? IT'S THAT BAD !!!

This film made me angry every second. After I saw the famous shower scene been remade- I completely lost it. This is one of the most unnecessary films I've ever watched.
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A Very, Very, Odd Movie.
5 December 2015
Usually I review movies if I find them excellent, awful, ridiculously awful, mind blowing, mediocre, or I just feel like writing a review about them. This movie was different. I wanna review this film because it's unique in it's way.

Personally, this is one of the most unique experiences I've ever had while watching a movie. At times this movie looks fine, other times it could be boring as hell, and at times it could be really great. You can't quite say this movie is straight up bad, nor you can say it's straight up brilliant.

Here's what I liked about the movie: The story is legit, the directing is really good, Thomas Horn's performance is just brilliant, the dialog is good at times, and Sandra Bullock's acting is great as always.

Here's what I didn't like about the movie: It feels boring at times, Sandra's character feels a bit empty (because you didn't know much about her), and I sadly couldn't truly feel any feelings throughout the film as much as I wanted to towards Thomas Horn's character.

Overall, it's kind of a mixed bag of feelings. At times you really feel the pain and sadness, and at times you feel bored.
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Worth Watching ? Yarp !
27 November 2015
After the brilliant Shaun Of The Dead, Edgar Wright decides to bring a second movie to the trilogy. How was it ? Let's just say it's one of if not THE best British films ever.

Nick and Simon are brilliant as always, Edgar's directing is phenomenal, every scene is golden, the action is brilliant, the comedy is perfectly placed, the dialog is tremendous, the characters are great, every actor in this movie is excellent... No matter how many times you'll watch it, it's gonna be awesome just like it did the first time.

Now look, I've seen this movie for the second time an hour ago, and it still was funny and awesome. This film will never get old, I guarantee you.
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It All Ends Here... Theoretically
21 November 2015
So after the horrific T4, we got Terminator: Genisys. Let's talk about what's good about this movie: The directing is good, the dialog is also pretty good, the action is great, the special effects were awesome, the humor was handled perfectly, the script was good, the plot twist was surprising and Arnold still looks in shape and awesome.

One thing before I start talking about the cons, here's a quick advice: DO NOT WATCH THE TRAILER. I saw it when it came out and ruins some parts in the movie, that even before you get to a certain scene, you'll be like ''oh, I know what will happen''. The trailer was pretty bad and revealing.

Now the cons: It doesn't feel like ''the perfect film'', not a single scene was remarkable, there was nothing major or outstanding about this film, the actor who played Kyle was good at best, Sarah Connor was also kind of good, overall the best part about this film is Arnold as always.

This guy gets the best lines, his action scenes are great and overall he's damn awesome here.

So far, I would rank the franchise like that: 1. T2 2. T1 3. T5 4. T3 5. T4
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One Of The Worst Action Films Ever
20 November 2015
Let me start by saying that I didn't expect anything from this film, just that it won't (hopefully) suck. Guess what happened ? IT SUCKS !!! There was literally nothing exciting, thrilling or awesome about this film. When you get to the second half of the film, it looks looks like a Michael Bay film. IT'S THAT BAD !! Now let's the rant: The direction is bad, the script is horrific, the characters are really bad, every time there's action there's always a giant explosion, you couldn't care less about the characters, slow- motion sequences no one asked for, when you get to the second half there's so much action it actually becomes unbearable, stupid one- liners, awful romantic sub-plot, Christian Bale is seriously bad, two of the characters in this movie steal Arnold's two famous lines (Come with me if you want to live, I'll be back), awful shaky cam scenes, there isn't one scene you feel is interesting, there are many characters with missing background, Arnold is actually in this film (but only for the final 15 min of this piece of trash), (SPOILER ALERT) Arnold gets killed in the end, so many cheesy lines and lastly- a terrible ending.
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A Bad Follow-Up To The Best Sequel Ever
20 November 2015
So we're through with T2, probably the best sequel ever came out... Now it's time for the third one in the franchise: Rise Of The Machines. Before watching this film, I took a look at the cast, writers and the director. When I noticed the changes, I knew I'm going to see an average Arnold film. It wasn't better than my expectations, nor was it worse than that. I'm just glad it's not awful. Let's start with the positives first: The directing is pretty great, the script is also good, the dialog was good at best, the action was fantastic and the comedy was well-handled. Now the let's talk about why it's not perfect: Some characters didn't get as much screen time as they should've, the first 40 minutes (!!!) were just an unexplained action exposition, the story wasn't that great, and it was pretty hard to feel bad for their characters, even though we learn about them as the film progresses. Overall, it's a pretty awesome action film. If you're only looking for awesome action scenes and comedy, you won't be disappointed. If you want a good story and expect to see what made T2 one of the best action films ever- forget about this movie and move on.
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DiCaprio is the greatest actor of all time, hands down.
14 November 2015
Words simply cannot express how great and fantastic this film was. This is by far the best film of 2013, best biography movie of all time, and Leonardo's best performance in his entire career. Every single thing was great in this film- the direction, the script, the dialog, the characters, the drama, the slow motion shots, the comedy, the tension, every single actor was fantastic, Martin Scorsese is a genius, every scene is excellent and outstanding. I wanna talk about Jonah Hill first- THIS GUY IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. I've seen him the Jump Street franchise, and he was great there. But in this film, he's OUT-STAN-DING. This guy gave the best performance of his life there, he was more than excellent, he had such a dramatic side in him I've never seen before but now thanks to Martin I finally saw it. Now let's talk about DiCaprio- This guy, is just mind blowing. There are very few people in the world who can act like him, and it's super difficult to act like him. Even if you've been in more than 50 movies, and actor like DiCaprio- there will never be anyone as outstanding and excellent as him. I saw him in Inception and he was absolutely great but here- HE IS MAGNIFICENT. He can make you buy buy a banana for 500$ and you won't even know what just happened afterwords. In my opinion, he is truly the greatest actor ever. He sales every performance, he can make you laugh at any time, he can make you drop your jaw if he feels like it and that's why I think Leonardo DiCaprio is the greatest living actor in cinema history. One final mote I have to say about this film- there are a lot, and I mean A LOT, of nudity and porn scenes in this movie.
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Proud Of My Country
13 November 2015
When this movie was released in theaters, I was about 11 years old, and I didn't want to see this film (I can't remember why). Ever since, I've heard many news and reviews and stories about the success this film got worldwide, especially in Israel, and yet- I never watched it. This week I decided to give this film a try- I finally wanted to know the reason for it's success. I just finished watching it, and now I understand exactly what I missed- the best Israeli film ever. The animation is unique and excellent, the story is interesting and was told spectacularly, the dialog is absolutely great, fast and well- paced movie, the opening scene is just brilliant, a great history lesson about one of Israel's famous wars, there was a lot of comedy and humor (to my surprise) which was handled and presented fantastically, the drama is also intense and well handled, can be a little harsh at times but there aren't many harsh and hard-to-watch scenes. Overall, great film, definitely the best movie ever came out from Israel, and like I said before- fantastically-told story and a great history lesson if you're learning about Israel's war with Lebanon.
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Could've Been So Much Better
13 November 2015
By the look of the title you'd think I'm in some way disappointed about this movie. I'm actually not, but like the title says- the movie had some mistakes that could've been fixed if they would've maybe re- write the script or change something in the movie, nothing major or huge but still pretty important issues. Now let's move to the ''why this movie's awesome'' section: The action is truly great, the dialog is also great, Arnold is epic and brilliant, Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor was excellent and the story is original and great. Now the ''why this movie's not fantastic'' section: The way the story was told wasn't great, I felt like it could've been told better, Michael Beihn wasn't as good as I was hoping he would be, the romance part between Sarah and Kyle didn't work in my opinion... The thing that bothered me the most was that the first half of the film wasn't explained to the audience until THE VERY NEXT HALF. I was a bit confused over what was going on in the first half of the movie that I didn't get any explanation just the the second half, which is my biggest problem in this film. No matter how cool or great the first half is, if you don't explain the audience what's going on and why- they'll be confused for a long time and it's very bad if this happens. Overall, it still is a great film, definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of Sci-Fi/Action, or just a fan of Arnold.
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Maybe The Biggest Surprise Of The Year
12 November 2015
Before I talk about the movie I just wanna say first that before watching this film I was kind of skeptic about this film, mainly because of Kristen Stewart. I wasn't too sure of how this is gonna be, but oh boy was I surprised ! Kristen Stewart was amazing (probably her best performance in her career), Jessie Eisenberg was awesome as always (big fan of him), the direction was great, the action was fantastic (my second biggest surprise), the story is nice and original, the script was also impressive and a pretty fit romantic story. I gotta talk about Kristen Stewart. She was absolutely excellent. In my opinion this is the best performance of her entire career. She had so much emotion and had really good background. The romance part was also handled really nice. I'm really shocked of how good she was. I never thought she's awful, but never got to see her full potential. This film really shows she can act and act excellently. Now let's talk about Jesse. As I said previously, big fan of him. The Social Network in my opinion is his best performance yet. This movie shows why I like him- HE CAN ACT SO FANTASTIC. He was really great in this movie, had excellent action scenes and was really impressed by his combat skills. Overall it's an amazing experience and worth checking out if you think Stewart can't act. Best Action/Comedy film this year.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
The Greatest TV Show Ever Put On Screen
11 November 2015
I may not have watched hundreds of TV shows, but this one is certainly the greatest of them all. Excellent cinematography, brilliant direction, Oscar-worthy performances, great background songs, fantastic dialog, outstanding mix of humor, action, drama, romance and tension, mind-blowing twists, and overall the most perfect TV show ever created. Every actor is excellent, even those who appear for only a couple of episodes, absolutely outstanding villains, fantastic story, every single shot is golden, and it's the show that put basically every actor who was on the show a worldwide hit. This show can make you cry, laugh, get chills, fell intense, put your on the edge of your sit, scream and much more. This show is an absolute gold. I watched it twice and every time you remember why this show is much more than perfect.
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Paul (2011)
Nick and Simon are excellent as always !!
6 November 2015
Huge fan of Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. They make a brilliant duo, they're the Action-Comedy kings, and this film proves it. Brilliant comedy, great voice-dubbing by Seth Rogen, surprisingly great action sequences and great original story. The directing was spectacular, the writing was great as well, and everything is handled fantastic. I'm definitely gonna watch this film again, had a blast with it, and basically anyone who loves comedy can enjoy it. A very humorous look at the mysteries behind Area 51. Greg Mottola really nailed the directing here, truly enjoyed that aspect. Other than that, my only issues with this film is that I wanted a little more background about Nick and Simon, and I wanted more background about The Big Guy, she felt kinda too mysterious and had a bit of an empty personality. Besides that, I really recommend this film, if you love either Nick and Simon or just a fan of Comedy- check it out.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
My mama always said, this movie is great !
3 November 2015
The moment you see that the protagonist is Tom Hanks, you know this movie's gonna be great- and it is ! Everything works in this movie- The music, the acting, the story, the dialog, the romance, the drama, the humor.... Everything works flawlessly !! Hanks is absolutely magnificent, his character is fantastic !! After watching this film, I really think Tom Hanks could be the next DiCaprio !! He can act so dramatic at one minute, the other minute he can be so hilarious you won't believe how excellent he can act !! Also, every character works. I won't spoil anything but even if something happens to a curtain character and you don't cry, you'll still think the actor did a great job portraying the character. This film deserves 10/10, it's impossible to feel bored in this movie, every second you can either laugh hysterically, feel so invested in the story and the dialog, or even cry when something sad happens. This film is a must watch !!!
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Not bad, but not great either
1 November 2015
This movie is one of those ''not bad but not great'' type of films. The story overall is quite original, the acting is good overall, the dialog is good as well, but this movie doesn't quite give you the feeling of ''what a great film !'', on the other hand it's not bad. It's the kind of movie you can sort of appreciate. and watch and not feel in he middle o the movie like ''what am I doing with my life ?'' Also, I get why people will hate this film. It got a lot of hype, the movie overall like I said isn't brilliant or fantastic, and some will consider this movie as a ''3 wasted hours'', which I can also understand. In my perspective, it's a good movie that you can watch with your friends and have a good time if you're bored for 3 hours.
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It's excellent !!!
31 October 2015
I'm so glad I watched this movie. Definitely gonna watch this again. I expected the good teen/school drama movie and at the end results I got one of the best teen school drama movies ever !! Everything about this film is great: The characters, the performances, the story behind every character, the fantastically-put stereotype in every character, the music, the place the movie is set in... Everything about is film is a masterpiece !! If you're into school teen drama- you have to watch this film. As a movie lover, this film got me almost crying and speechless many times. This film proves perfectly the background and story behind every type of student. This film can be great whether you just finished school, you're currently a student or a person that matches one of the following stereotypes in the film.
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Not So Great After All
30 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I'm a big DBZ fan, part of my childhood. Before I saw this film, judging by the rating I had in mind that what I would see will be a true masterpiece. Well, I was disappointed. This movie isn't bad, FYI, but it's not really good either. Now let me start with the good stuff: The animation is quite good, the story is kinda good and the action scenes are also kinda good. Now why I think this movie isn't really good: Average action, apparently Adolt Hitler is one the people who came back to life when the young boy turned into a giant monster, the people who came back from the dead except Hitler are zombies (I at least expected the zombies to look like real people), only a few action scenes (truly not what DBZ is all about), when the kids turn into super saiyan at one point when they fight Hitler the animation style suddenly changes, some other things just seem weird in the film and overall a pretty weak film compared to other great DBZ films. My biggest issue is that I don't get why this movie got 8.2. It' nowhere near the 7 rating IMO, and definitely not one of the best DBZ films ever made, according to some reviews. Overall, a pretty entertaining films for DBZ fans, and I guess a good way to spend 50 min if you're really bored.
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First play the games, then watch this pile of garbage
29 October 2015
Let me say for the record that I finished Hit-man: Absolution twice, one of my favorite games ever. This movie ''adaptation'' is an absolute garbage.

I saw a few people saying they never played the games, and they enjoyed the movie. Well, if you would've play the damn games, you'll know why this game is god awful.

Let's begin by saying that the only real similarity between the movie and the games is that they both feature an assassin named Agent 47. That's how bad of a movie it is. Other than that, this movie is confusing, stupid, boring, truly awful and barely an adaptation. Now let's start the rant:

The action scenes are boring, the performances are below average, you barely know 3 of the whole cast in this movie, so many plot points (the only truly amazing thing in this trash), so many stupid and unnecessary slow-mo sequences, a truly horrible awful plot twist and let's not forget my main issue with this trash (it's not a movie, it's trash)- you get absolutely NO BACKGROUND story of Agent 47 and the even worse part is that all the kills Agent 47 does are in no way silent. You only see him put on a silencer in his gun ONCE throughout the whole trash. JUST. ONCE.

This film is truly a betrayal of the original games, it doesn't do any justice to the games, every scene films awful and fake, and like I said before- the plot twist is so awful and makes you wonder what the hell did you just see.

This is probably one of the worst video-game-inspired films. This film is useless, worthless, doesn't make any sense AT ALL, confusing, bad action sequences, and please don't give this film your money. please.

Other than that, hope you have a nice day, and don't even think about watching this trash- even if you play every Hit-man game, and even if you didn't play any of the games.
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K.C. Undercover (2015–2018)
Disney is doomed
27 October 2015
Look, I love the Disney Channel. I loved Wizards Of Waverly Place and Austin And Ally is quite enjoyable too. Nevertheless, this show is god- awful. I consider myself a movie critic, but when it comes to Disney Channel- I'm open minded. I watched a few episodes, and every episode felt stupid and awful. So unoriginal, awful acting, dialog is idiotic, and just boring. I didn't laugh once, didn't enjoy a single moment, and I really think It's a low point for Disney Channel. Just put Spongebob instead and I'll forgive you... I didn't watch EVERY Disney show, but when I do- I try to keep an open mind. In this show, it fails badly. I'm 18 years old, and I honestly think that if I'd seen this when I was like 9/10, I'd still hate it. Worst Disney Channel show so far.
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It's 2015 and it's still awesome
20 October 2015
Let's start off with a statement: This film is a classic masterpiece.

The writing, the characters, the dialog, the technology- it's all epic. Steven Spielberg has always been an outstanding director.

This film, no matter what year is it right now, will still be a massive classic masterpiece. Everything is done correctly is this film, nothing went wrong, there wasn't a single moment when you actually feel bored, and when a film makes you feel the same as it did when it was first released in theaters- that's an marvelous achievement for a movie. I'm definitely planning on watching this trilogy a couple more times in the future (pun intended).

Overall, this is one of those movies that you just have to watch at least once before you die.
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One Word- Outstanding !!
20 October 2015
I'm a big fan of Dragon Ball Z. It's been a massive part of my childhood, and I still love it to this day. I've watched Battle Of Gods and it was spectacular, too. Now let'stalk about why this movie is a must-see: The animation is outstanding, the dialog is great, super fun to watch, the story is great and the fight sequences... OMG !! The fight sequences are absolutely jaw-dropping. hey're amazing, intense, incredible, and the best part of this movie. Now the not-so-good parts: The opening is a bit confusing, and you don't really get any information about the first characters you see on the screen. Now the question- why did I gave this movie the full rating ? One simple answer: you can ignore the problems in this film because this film is so outstanding. I see movies from a professional perspective, and I still thought the mistake are ignore-able. I will definitely check both Battle Of Gods and this movie in the future. I hope you enjoy this film,and have a nice day !
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