
4 Reviews
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Great actors and some pretty pictures.
3 November 2024
It's really sad that this great theme and these great actors were used to make this mediocre, banal and almost demented movie.

The story is good, though I'm guessing the original book does it a better service, but the writing and directing of the dialogue is so bad I first thought it was ironic. Sadly it wasn't. The actors save what can be salvaged with really good performances, but every time they talk you find yourself waiting for them to stop. And most of the movie is dialogue.

There are beautiful shots and great lighting, and a lot of colours borrowed from Edward Hopper, to which the characters even point to not so subtly.

I'm really sad this movie wasn't better.
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Problemista (2023)
What movies are about.
27 September 2024

This movie is telling stories, and unlike many other movies today, it makes you care about the stories.

My favourite part of a comedy is the part where I'm not sure whether it's a comedy or tragedy.

And while this movie doesn't necessarily deliver a much of that, it's a great movie.

A part of reviewing a movie where I mostly struggle, is being WORDY about it.

So apart from me not being wordy, and the movie not being good at tiptoing around tragedy, it's a great f#cking movie.

I love the depiction of characters, the rhythm of the comedy, and the overall subject. Most of all, I love an artistic piece laughing at making art.

You should definitely see this movie. And it's me that's been watching, not the wine.
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A very basic b-movie.
7 January 2023
Enjoyable if you like b-movies, and you probably know to steer clear of these if you don't.

In short: Some funny moments and a lot of bad acting and direction, but not that much more than in every other Hollywood movie.

I can easily understand why people wouldn't like the movie.

I kinda liked the dumb, almost numb representation of characters through the whole movie. It reminded of older soap operas and almost gave the movie an arthouse or an absurdist play like feel at times.

Bruce Willis's aphasia is clearly showing in his acting. It's not as bad if you are aware of it.

Some reviewers here are clearly not aware of it, or are just heartless.
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Wild stuff
13 July 2022
A unique comic with stories for days.

My only critique is that the show seemed a bit condensed. I'd heard her stories on some podcasts, so I wasn't new to some of them as stories, and as bits they seemed a bit condensed or even rushed.

There's a whole to unpack in her life's story that hope she gets it out in any form.
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