22 Reviews
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Good movie ( with reservations)
4 July 2023
I liked it. Thought the beginning half was a rehash of typical fight scenes and adventures. Nothing new unless you take into account the attitude and depression Indian Jones exhibits being he has aged and lost several important people in his life. It's a time of looking backward while trying to deal with every day life in the present. Indy's life is just ot as full or exciting as it used to be.

Background effects and music often obscure dialogue making it hard to understand.

The music is not much as we have heard the good stuff before and there seems nothing memorable with William's new score.

The later half buzzes with the old Indy magic and more bits of homage to previous Indy film adventures. Remember the train adventures, the snakes, the wild chase scenes, run in with Nazis, dark caves with hidden traps, etc. Kind of fun to realize them as they occur.

Not sure what one theory about continental drift has to do with time travel rather than locale, but if anyone thinks any of the super adventure movies make total sense they are living in a dream world. But, it's fun to watch.

The end is so touching it brought tears. Some of the jokes along the way brought laughs fro the audience. Good movie, timely ending, great rumination on aging.
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What fun
22 April 2023
We have the best reviews here because people that enjoy movies Don't try to show off as if they were movie critics If you are reviewing a movie from 1960, 60 years ago, you have to sit in the seat at the Director and the people that produced it, and the valuator from this movie has sold many stars that were stars even in 1969. To look at the special effects and then depth Tatian based upon what we seen nowadays in the 2020s is ridiculous from the lizard and the dinosaurs are stock film footage. The enjoyment just from seeing a popcorn movie that we used to be able to go to the drive-through or the drive-in I mean and enjoy two features and then evening is wonderful. Have fun with this movie and make some food and drink some beer and if you are an old fart like me just think back when you were nine years old and you saw this for the first time.
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Wanted to like it
29 September 2022
I have read every professional review of this movie. They blame the late release date, only him hours legal problems, bad acting, lapses in the story credibility, etc. But it all boils down to one thing. Kenneth Branagh missed the boat. Too many musical scenes, too many scenic scenes, lack of a murder until late in the movie to create any intrigue, and a long time spent on frivolous stuff before boarding the boat. The movies plot is boring and slow. We never feel the confines on the boat nor do I ever care for any of the characters. As far as I was concerned anyone of them could be murdered and I wouldn't of cared. Then again, maybe the opportunity was just not there as it was on murder on the orient express. I would not mind seeing Brenna's version of then there were none.
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It's ok, except for
29 August 2022
They absolutely horrible dubbing in English. Listen to it in Japanese with English subtitles and you will spare yourself the over acting and melodramatic dialogue.

The production values are not all that bad and the special effects are pretty good. But, oh there is horrible dubbing.

As far as casting it looks like they pretty much used all wannabe boy band members from Japan.

I greatly enjoyed the tongue in cheek names and nicknames of the characters once I realized they were not meant to be taken seriously.

Gather with some friends, break out the beer and popcorn, and visit as you watch. It's a pretty good experience.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Wonderful except for Maddie
15 August 2022
What a great show about police trying to do their best and yet trying to figure it out the cops who are dirty. This series is wonderful, except for the daughter Maddie who seems to understand very little, has a number of tantrums where she goes to her room and slams the door after cutting off conversation with her father, and generally exhibits a lack of understanding of what her father's job really is. Delvin deep enough into her character only brought disappointment and fast forwarding.
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It's ok and we'll done
18 April 2022
For some reason a group of reviewers decided to gang up on this animated movie. The thing that makes me suspicious is they all use the same wording to describe the voice characters of actors. First of all, the voices are not awful. Some of them are a little stereotypical in their effort to project a character, but they are far from awful. Next, the animation is just great and there's nothing wrong with it. The story itself, and the moral they are trying to teach in the story, it's very clear and deals with traditions brought from the old age into the modern age. For children this movie would be much appreciated and opens areas for discussion by parents . For teenagers it might not have the grab that some of the bigger studios have when they create an animated movie. I found the modernizations and some of the images and dialogue to be in keeping with all the other modern animated movies. So it is well worth a try and it is well worth watching by youngsters as opposed to the new red movie by Disney.
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Over the Moon (2020)
It's ok
16 April 2022
Once we get to the moon everything becomes one dimensional and frantic. For the most part, the song writers weren't able to write a memorable set of lyrics and melody. There are some great themes here but they are hidden within so much activity and frantic behavior that they come and go to quickly. A great celebration of Chinese culture, but that is about it. A message in words without heart.
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Cracow Monsters (2022– )
Not so great
21 March 2022
Not so great. The storyline is hard to follow as it seems to just take a lot of different pathways. The acting is OK. The sex scenes are pathetic. Overall the entire story could've been told in Hampton Manor episodes. There seems to be a lot of filler. If season two comes out I don't think I'm going to watch it.
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Sooo bad
11 April 2021
The acting was surprisingly good. The special effects with the dolls are terrible. However this movie is worth watching to see the worst old man make up I have ever seen in a movie. And it is one of the few movies I have ever seen blood flow that you can see through. Obviously more coloring needed to be added to the corn syrup.
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Berserk (1967)
So terrible it is fun
17 October 2020
So terrible it is funI just watched an entire circus segment with Joan Crawford coming in and out in and then leaving. Unfortunately Ty Hardin keeps reappearing. This is a horrible movie that is so bad it is a blast to watch
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Excellent fun
1 August 2020
What a pleasure to see Agatha Christie movies on TCM. Name Margaret is just slightly askew, but just enough to give us the impression that she has always been the inspiration for Miss Marple. The supporting cast is wonderful in the filming is excellent. The music stinks. I feel like I am watching an Austin Powers movie about hippie London. Basically ruins almost every scene in which it intrudes. However, the movie is still a fun romp.
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Cats (2019)
20 July 2020
Another Andrew Lloyd Webber movie mangled on the screen. Hollywood room Phantom of the opera. They ruined another great movie called Les. And now they have a ruined Cats. I am so tired of stars trying to read imagine the great songs and rules that we have seen on the stage. All the charm of the junkyard is gone. Actually, Bustopher Jones was quite good. But why does Hollywood gonna learn the bigger and got a year is not better.
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Dark (2017–2020)
A good view, but.......
30 June 2020
Not sure the age of the reviewers that equate this series as a 10. It is a good series, but there are glaring stereotypes and glaring probabilities that demand we suspend our disbelief.

Is there any family in this show that does not have hidden skeletons and children that are delinquent, rebellious, or weak? It seems there are no normal families in Winden.

There is a metal door in the ground covered by tree limbs, a door in a cave cordoned off by a single blue rope, and we are suppose to believe that over the years no one has ventured out or seen these things. The cave even has a door to a wormhole in it. I think not.

However, it is a well shot show, enjoyable to see the fashions change with the years jumped, and fun to try to piece the old and young characters together.

It is a time travel show, and though Penny Dreadful with Ethan Hawke is about fictional monsters and characters, its continuity made it more enjoyable to watch and suspend a bit of belief. Check it out.
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Beautiful movie
22 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lovely cinematography. Excellent plot. Much overacting amd melodramatic characterization that at times turned me off. Too much "drama" on creating an insane nun. This is an example of old style film makimng, but the gorgeous colors and story line make it worth viewing. Little Joseph is a gem. NOT Kerr's best movie by far.
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Good for the musical scenes
15 July 2019
Excellent star power and not for Jose Ferrer He is over done like a Mickey rooney movie. Those that say they do not get to know his background, etc are off base. It is not about what or where he came from as much as what he was creating. IN that sense it is not a biography as much as a discography of his most remembered hits. In that respect the movie is the greatest and showcases marvelous stars of the period in added in scenes. Marvelous music even in the Student Prince.....but not the best two numbers from the score. Worth a view on TCM or Netflix. Too limited for a purchase.
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What fun
11 May 2018
ALthough I gave this film only a 7 (because of the thin plot and trying to make Charlie into a solo character) it was a hoot to watch. Remember, humor was simpler back then and even spouses had to be shown sleeping in separate beds. To see Bergen and Charlie live along with other radio characters like Gildersleeves and Fibber and Molly (all three translating to the screen and a live performance just fine), spotting new young stars that later would go big time (like Ball and Holloway the soda jerk), and hearing not a swear word not seeing a risque scene was priceless. This was humor before it had to be off color. An added bonus was to hear Molly do the voice of the little neighbor girl from the Fibber McGee and Molly radio show. I never knew she was the one that did the voice. It is too bad Gildersleeves comes off as rather a cad on tv because he was much more likeable on his radio show. Want to HEAR more? Seek out Greg Bell on Sirius XM for old time comedy radio shows. We have lost a great deal when it comes to today's humor.
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Godzilla (1954)
Interesting old movie
4 April 2017
This is not a good movie for now, but may have been a good movie back then. Watch for scenes that are reused from different angles and just plain over again. Watch for Gojira's flabby skin covering......needs more gym time. Watch for the great interspersed real fire engines with cuts to miniatures with glued on figures. All in all, this is a fake movie, but exactly the kind of movie back then that scared the daylights out of me at the neighborhood theater. We went with 50 cents to cover the 35 cent admission with enough left over for popcorn and a pop from a vending matching. Not a great movie, but so fun to watch.
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Original, groundbreaking, and worth a view
16 October 2016
You walked out on this? Idiot. You thought it was so so. Fool. Shot with a Go Pro and almost entirely from the view of the main character, this is the kind of ground breaking stuff Disney tried and found not to commercially rewarding. Anyone remember the Black Hole that flopped and yet paved the way for future movie effects and filming?

Those that do not understand have a tendency to pan this type of material.

Give it a try and watch good effects, good acting, and an interesting....ah,.... point of view.

Despite the minor flaws, this is a major type of film style.
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Boring new version
29 September 2016
Barely watchable. Very insipid jokes and implausible actions. The original was fun and enjoyed its role. Female characters languish in sexy roles and lack of something real to do. Filming is dark on screen. Jumps in logic by the Turtles has no basis. Krang is a pure joke. Why was it there when Shredder was all we needed. Casey Jones is a hoot and the Falcon an embarrassment to any male. Okay for little kids, but so not for adults. Skip it unless you have lots of beer and nothing else to watch. Took me three different night viewings to finish. The falling apart of the Turtles was short and not enlarged upon enough to make it full of pathos or sympathy.
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Not bad, not great
21 June 2016
Too many people are comparing this movie to the original. Might be the same story line, but it is a different movie and worthy of watching. It is a slow moving movie with some strange picks for actress hairstyles and dress. But, the acting is fine, the camera work is fine, and the movie works.

If you view it, try not to have seen the original or at least judge it on its merits than what it does not do that the original did. Too many art house critics have weighed in unfairly on this movie.

Do not expect a lot of blood or violence. It is not a real action movie, but it is about a parent's loss of a child and the efforts of someone that carries quilt and love to sort out the truth.
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Good show
12 February 2014
Lon Chaney Jr does NOT play the Wolfman as a goof. Bela is over the top as Dracula. The monster is certainly not Karloff, but pretty good. A and B are very predictable in their interaction and the comedy routines.

Still, this is physical comedy and comprised of lots of pratfalls and gasping dialogue. What a great era and innocent movie. Enjoyed it a lot.

If you watch A and B you know the routines before they are finished, but what fun to imagine what the audience felt at the time. AND, by the way, this movie scared me away when I was little.

Well worth showing the younger generation the comedy of the past.
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Xanadu (1980)
Great glimpse of the 80s
26 January 2014
Watching Gene Kelly is always a treat and he fares much better than Fred Astaire did in his last movie Finnian's Rainbow. Kelly is firmly entrenched in the past and memories of his "muse," the same one inspiring Beck in the present. It's fun watching how studios create sets and the quick switches from era to era. This movie is over the top produced (like the original The Wiz). How could anyone expect it to make its costs back. Suspend logic. Watch the original: Down to Earth. This is much better. But, it is easy to see why disco and its attended style was a flash in the pan. Newton is young and charming. Watch it for a glimpse of the past.
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