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Shame, shame, shame. They never even interviewed Julian Assange or WikiLeaks.
6 June 2013
Director Oliver Stone has strongly come out against this "We Steal Secrets" film. Further, WikiLeaks is also quoted as saying, "it is a lie upon lie."

It's not a documentary. They never even interviewed WikiLeaks or Julian Assange. A couple of ex-WikiLeaks people that were paid off to do the film contributed to it. This film is crap.

Save your money and donate it instead to WikiLeaks to fight political corruption and help save humanity. Remember, it's because of Julian Assange's whistleblowing WikiLeaks website that the war in Iraq ended. The United States government is doing everything they can to help make crappy films like this to brainwash people against WikiLeaks. Don't fall for it.

If you would like to see a real documentary about Julian Assange, watch "Underground: The Julian Assange Story."
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Bravo Julian Assange and WikiLeaks !!!
2 April 2013

Don't watch, "We Steal Secrets," cuz that one isn't factual at all.

WikiLeaks Army

Calling on high What are we to do Countrymen lied but we had no clue Too busy making money to keep up with the Jones The land of milk and honey turned into dry bones

Yes, the land of the free and the home of the brave has spent all our money putting souls in the grave Our leaders have lied Stealth is their reason Their alibi we've all committed treason

They caught them and killed them engaged in denial but say it's all legal no need for a trial Spy on you and make you swear to God it's true Then tell you forget you not your business you're through

And this one killed that one and that one killed this so forever they'll kill more to make it all bliss And powers belong to the ones who have guns or the ones who own the biggest mansions

No more rights Some more laws Add some torture won't you No more truth Can't withdraw That's the best they can do And if you speak out for humanity's sake you ought fear for your life cuz that they can take

Who shall be bold to the world I do ask just me and my poems to fulfill this task Nay I say to you all there's an army out there so stand straight and stand tall for they are prepared

The invisible war being fought on mainframes is just a memoir of all their war games It's the truth of this matter that will set us all free and for that we can thank WikiLeaks army
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