
3 Reviews
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This should be shown more. A great film.
18 February 2022
A very good Batman fan film with a great low budget cast and crew. This seems to be going to places. Hope the director does some great things with this excellent piece.
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Bounty Hunted (2017)
****** Bounty Hunted review
6 March 2020
Marc and Mark, loved it! Thought it was great. As a fan of 80's action movies you did a good job . A great homage to what we used to watch. Sound issues however was distracting. But keep making movies dudes!
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Just weird wank bank material
6 March 2020
Not sure if torture is my way in but I managed to watch this on amazon purely because of its iconic title and was quite disappointed. Acting was bad and I was bored 10 minutes in. I won't be recommending this to anyone.
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