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Poor Things (2023)
A movie which should never have been made
30 March 2024
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Poor Things (2023) while touted as a dark comedy and a tale of empowerment unfortunately delves into territory which is highly inappropriate and troubling.

Firstly, the portrayal of the protagonist, Bella Baxter, as a resurrected and liberated woman who has a mind of a child who indulges in a series of sexual escapades is problematic. The film's overt sexual content and themes of promiscuity are not in alignment with any functioning societies values and are unsuitable young people at all. The depiction of Bella's relationships is a veiled way of promoting kiddie diddling which is unacceptable and morally reprehensible.

Furthermore, the film's attempt to frame Bella's actions as a form of liberation and empowerment is misleading. True empowerment does not come from exploiting one's sexuality in a reckless and and self destructive manner. This message is harmful, especially to impressionable young viewers who may misconstrue this as an acceptable way of asserting independence.

The graphic content, combined with the underlying themes of manipulation and exploitation, warrants a stricter rating than what has been assigned. Poor Things should be rated NC-17, as its content is not appropriate for children or teenagers. Parents should be cautioned against allowing their children to view this film. This film is basically a "born sexy yesterday" often used by kiddie diddlers that praise their targets as being "more mature" than their age.

In conclusion, "Poor Things" falls short of delivering a positive message and instead promotes a dangerous and distorted view of sexuality and empowerment. I suspect Yorgos Lanthimos may have a dark and possibly criminal past that should be scrutinized. Sick, sick stuff. The fact it has "won" several awards is beyond disturbing. I say "won" in quotes because the DIE/DEI/ESG infection in entertainment makes true awards a thing of the past.
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TASOMN is a film that fails to deliver on all/multiple fronts
20 March 2024
The American Society of Magical Negroes T(ASOMN) is a film that fails to deliver on multiple fronts.

One of the primary issues with TASOMN is its lackluster storyline. The plot is riddled with clichés and predictable twists, making it difficult for viewers to stay engaged. The film attempts to tackle 'sensitive' themes but it does so in a superficial and often clumsy manner. The lack of depth in exploring these themes leaves much to be desired and results in a film that feels more like a missed opportunity than a meaningful commentary.

The performances in the film are another area where it falls short. While the cast may have had potential and if they did their talents are not utilized effectively. The characters are one-dimensional and lack the complexity needed to make them relatable or memorable. This is particularly disappointing given the film's attempt to address significant social issues. The lackluster performances fail to evoke any response making it challenging to connect with the characters or their struggles.

Furthermore, the film's pacing is inconsistent, with some scenes dragging on unnecessarily while others feel rushed. This uneven pacing disrupts the flow of the narrative and further detracts from the viewing experience. The dialogue often feels forced and unnatural, which, combined with the subpar performances, makes the interactions between characters unconvincing.

In terms of technical aspects, TASOMN does not fare much better. The cinematography is uninspired. The film's score is forgettable, failing to enhance the mood or add any emotional depth to the scenes.

TASOMN is a film that fails to deliver anything of value. Its attempt to address 'social issues' is undermined by a weak storyline, poor performances, and lackluster execution.
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A rare sequel - this one is actually better than the original.
2 June 2022
A rare sequel - this one is actually better than the original. If this was a stand alone movie it would be a seven/eight of ten. But as a sequel navigating the modern outrage mobs and other cantankerous spoilers and wreckers waiting in the wings to bring anything good down this thing is a solid ten. Tom Cruise doesn't look almost 60, he is in unreal shape for any age, but the work and dieting he must put in to look like this at 59 is nothing short of amazing. There is less cheese than was in the first movie, the music is great, and to see these people grunting and huffing while pulling real g-force maneuvers in real airplanes is so great. Tom Cruise had to take a huge amount of abuse to make this a reality - you can see the actors in planes sweating and suffering tunnel vision and black outs and redouts. One must have a healthy respect for Tom Cruise for being one of the very very few in hollyweird that actually cares enough about his craft to put in the work. I hope this kicks off a new wave of serious remakes that can even outshine the original if done right and I hope this kicks off a new wave of movies that skip the idiotic computer generated trash and get back to practical effects like this movie. This is basically an 80's movie done right - take all the good music and good looking people, reduce the cheese and come up with an engaging multi-faceted multi-layered plot that develops emotion and take it to eleven on a scale of ten. Even if the scenario and outcome is unrealistic nobody cares because the practical effects make it far more watchable than the hot garbage superhero movies and everyone is having so much fun we just want to see the happy ending. Great movie, exceptional sequel and if this thing had actually come out in the 1980s it would have melted everyone's face off in disbelief. For this practical effects movie to do so well in 2022 is a testament to its greatness. The people who made this movie earned a high rating and a big box office return. This type of movie could save the cinema and bring people back to theatres.
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Doom Patrol (2019–2023)
Has elements of perfection but...
2 November 2020
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Looks great, great actors. Could have been perfect. Distracted by lame woke crap, 'not sexy' sex scenes and characters which are not making nearly any progress.

Also not having tudyk/nobody sucked and Jane's personalities should all look more like her and not be different actors.

Main villain (the candle-idiot) sucked.

So close. Woke broke it along with bad pacing.
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The Witcher (2019– )
recommended changes for future seasons
6 January 2020
Despite some injections and some characters being swapped and some changes to the story which are not needed (magic eels as magic conduits, etc) this can be a great show.

for future seasons (1) stop the out of order storytelling (2) indicate dates on scenes - especially if out of order storytelling is being used (3) do not make changes to the lore (like the eels and the like) and (4) try to indicate location and a distance from somewhere to that scene's location. most of the cities and places are very non-descript and just generic backdrops.
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The worst of the worst.
20 December 2019
By far and away the worst of the saga. Terribly edited. Story is complete nonsense. It is a long, senseless McGuffin chase. Loads of broken canon. Looks like a rush job and now Abrams has destroyed Star Trek and now utterly destroyed Star Wars. This man has assaulted American mythology for what purpose? What did he gain by defacing our modern myths? Do not give your money to The Mouse or to Bad Reboot.
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Ad Astra (2019)
with so much good sci fi to learn from how is this this bad?
7 December 2019
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I mean cmon. do they screen these movies? this could have been good. but alas. they make crud space movies one after another. watch "apollo 11" by cnn films, watch gravity for some decent sci thrilla, watch apollo 13, watch "right stuff", watch anything. the martian was ok, how can movies this bad still be made? there is so much to learn from.

one movie i liked recently? PROSPECT (2018) - low budget, good world building, good space sci fi horrah thrillah. but this? i dont even know what ad asstra is. this crap reminds me of promethues. possible potential but rubbish in the end.
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One of the dumbest things I have ever seen
23 September 2019
This is pseudo-science, weak philosophy and quackpottery mixed with a few cult leaders. One could simply drop acid, psilocybin or get in the k-hole or do ayahuasca and you can experience the layering and complexities of the mind and yet even with those experiences you might get some new insights, new pathways, etc, but you aren't going to change the mind's operating system. Sure there are monks out there that can meditate to starve themselves to death or transcendental meditators like david lynch that produce crazy stuff like twin peaks.

None of anything discussed helps: 1 - cure degenerative diseases 2 - cure aging (cure senescence) 3 - work to make a practical fusion energy source 4 - cure cancer 5 - build larger space telescopes and stop speculating and making garbage up 6 - make space travel cheaper 7 - make new materials/crystals alloys.

This is so bad its hard to finish and the pace is slow as molasses.
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Terrible movie, terrible lead.
9 June 2019
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Horrible. One of the worst "superhero" movies ever. Sophie Turner is a pretty bad actor and should not be a lead.

This movie was boring and feels rushed, incomplete, predictable in places and poorly constructed.

The costumes were very bad and the CGI looks very cheap.

Dont waste your money on this very films-student-style and loaded with tropes movie.

I was honestly hoping they would end with a good send off considering it's the last Fox Studios X-Men movie. It was full of cheesy one liners and terrible direction. I was ready to leave the movie within 45 minutes of starting it.

Now that the Mouse is in charge we can expect nothing good ever again. Sad.
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Chernobyl (2019)
As good as TV is going to get.
5 June 2019
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I've been a person who studied the Chernobyl accident for a while. I've been to Pripyat. I'm no expert nuclear power plant operations but have a background in chemistry and nuclear science. This show is far from perfect in terms of history or science - but this is TV perfection. i think the historical and scientific inaccuracies could have been fixed but either way - this is excellent and there needs to be more shows like this. Many places in the show appear exactly as they do in real life. Simply amazing.
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well made and good movie with a huge agenda
17 March 2019
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This was a well made and good movie with a huge agenda. it could have been made without showcasing a mid-movie coming out sequence for one character and without a refugee. it sadly detracts from a purely human experience movie in that those characters could have been anyone but the film makers chose to inject refugees. however, despite the infection by social justice tropes, the movie was meritorious. my wife was bawling - too bad i dont get to be her version of ove despite walking the line with her and the kids kind of like ove.

and there was another review here that said 'who cares about car brands these days' - im half ove's age and yes, it does matter. where things are built and who builds them is how the world goes around. all the big tech big advertising companies who shall remain nameless who make all the "billions" take all the best, brightest and smartest people and they dont cure cancer - or make fusion energy a reality - or cure/treat autism - no, they shovel advertising in our faces. so yes it does matter what car your buy and where its made.

i thought the movie was well above average and was enjoyable even with subtitles.
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disappointing and not worth the money
8 March 2019
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Movie was meh. least accomplished marvel movie. only good part was stan lee tribute in beginning and stan lee cameo. i am worried about endgame - hoping not to see this loser character back for that. black widow would have been a better character to explore. this movie is not worth the money to see it. first third of the movie is not bad but after that it gets increasingly worse.

go see Alita: Battle Angel - a far better movie. save your ducats.
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This show could have been great. Not a 'period piece'. More soap than comedy.
9 December 2018
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Well rounded? She is completely ditching her kids! She is like the worst mother EVER. So excuse me while I object to her ever being well rounded. I do enjoy the show in fleeting moments of humor here and there. Most of it is contrived and hack but it still gets a chuckle. But the bulk of this is daytime soap opera garbage at this point. People want a lot of stand up acts and some show blended in. The folks here confused this and made a soap opera with some standup for 5 minutes every other episode. The language in the 1950s/early 1960s was never this horrible all over the place. Maybe dockworkers and low-brow gruff types but it certainly wasn't standard issue. Not even in NYC. The first F-word in a movie was late 1960s. And there would be no need to have this level out of place language to break the mold in 1950. I don't even remember this much foul language working in NYC in the 1990s! It happened but it wasn't something you would use without risk in front of a boss and never at a religious Jewish dinner. I really don't think the lack of structure and neglect of these children were standard issue in the 1950s/1960s either. Maybe in the lower classes but middle and upper class? Doubtful.

Susie is by far the funniest thing on the show. If it wasnt for her I would laugh 80% less. Most of the other comics bits are hack and stale. Writers should really be able to come up with better stand up routines than this. The France thing was ridiculous. The romance is terrible. The massive number of unfinished and unresolved threads is out of control... (why put it in there if its not important?) The protrayal of period men being frail, plastic shallow and needing constant "adult" supervision is nonsense.

This show isn't about for people who lived the 50/60s or know NYC first hand. This show plays with history like its a toy - rewrites whatever it needs to when its convenient and is basic opiates of the most basic people ever - the millennials and current 20 somethings - they are different (like everyone else) and this is the kind of garbage they seem to like. Too bad it has shards of hope - everyone likes comedy - but in the PC world of the NPCs I don't expect to see any real edgy George-Carlin level stuff.

One more thing - women looked so much prettier 'then' than now. The women of today dress like garbage and have man-ish disgusting hair. Its so nice to women looking like women on TV rather than tank gyrl.

This show could have been great. The second season is going in the wrong direction.
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This is an opinion - but this is so overrated in all its forms.
26 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pick a form: 1992, Knight, Princess or even Garrett Gilchrist's Mark 4 recobbled.

I heard all this good stuff about this movie. So I got Mark IV (4) from the official site (orangecow).

Story - This is a really terrible story. Horrible.

Animation colors - The colors are washed out, drab and look like puke.

Animation quality - On top of it all for a supposed animation masterpiece I do not see why anyone would waste time restoring this stuff. I have watched a huge number of animations from many countries and this is just terrible. There is a reason Disney never restored this trash. Its terrible.

I tried to watch this on a monitor with headphones in the dark to maximize the effect. I had to watch it at 1.5x in VLC to make sure I didn't miss anything but I had to get through it as fast as possible. I still cannot see how anyone would hold this in high regard.

I tried showing it to some older kids and they hated it. No laughing and no interest.

Poor Garrett Gilchrist is stuck wasting his life trying to do what Williams can be bothered to finish for good reason. Anyways, on orangecow dot org in topic 8502 there is a mega link to download this Mark IV/4 version. Terrible.

Respect to Garrett for trying to repair William's damaged goods.
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Standing ovation in theater
12 July 2014
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Dinesh loves the USA. You can tell that from his movie. So he has that bias. We The People should be biased towards our nation. The evil empires, China, Russia, terror states, Islamic-Fascist Theocracies play for their team against the USA, but the USA has degraded where sedition, treason and hatred of Christ is seen as OK, nay, cool.

Dinesh uses videos of the lowest scum sucking seditious traitors and lets them have their say. The he blows them away with reason.

He also shows all the good and awesome things the USA has done and how without the USA the world would be even more mired in darkness and evil.

We were also seen real US history without the self-hating teacher unions indoctrinating us in our Screwl (meaning screwing schools) system.

I think everyone should see this. I would also make a note of any people you know that don't like the USA or like this movie and know they work to destroy the USA and you should not employ these scum or do business with them.
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The Snowman and the Snowdog (2012 TV Short)
Total letdown. Music is now horrible. It plays as an advertisement for GB now.
28 December 2013
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I watched this with bated breath. I couldn't wait to hear the classic musical score again. I couldn't wait to be transferred back in time like the guy eating Ratatouille in the movie Ratatouille.

And then it started. The total ruination. The total hijacking of a masterpiece and a substitution with modern drivel, tripe. Idiocracy at work.

It saddens me that we want our nostalgia for simpler times to be edited away. That we should make new memories of us being crammed into cities and lose our awe for the northern lights and instead want to see a giant Ferris wheel that costs 25 quid in the long line.

The father has been subtracted out to show a modern shattered family? Not sure.

And now we have a death of a pet in a children's tale? And the house went from halcyonic, simple-life, low impact countryside to crammed into a foul city where humans are grown and stored under oppressive oligarchical collectivists, pan national corporations and vile banks?

I pine for the days when our nostalgia was for a purer, simpler time, not this modern rubbish drivel.

I am aghast at the denigration and devolution that has been going on in such a short time.
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Awesome. A 3 hour pure enjoyment journey
16 December 2012
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Song, cheer, epic quest, triumph over evil, deep characters, real plot, heavenly vistas, awesome dialogue, super long, took 6 year old and he sat through a 3 hour movie because this is awesome and fun to watch.

I liked the visuals, they were awesome the movie is like a series of SLR pictures. I also like the music, it was something me and the kid were humming all afternoon. I really liked how the characters were upgraded from then book - less bumbling and foolishness. All the complaints I heard before were dead wrong. The visuals were awesome. The whole thing was well constructed and totally worthy.

While the book can seem to be dragging out at times and light weight, this movie never drags. Its basically constant plot, character, action, lather, rinse, repeat.
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Max Payne (2008)
Way underrated. I'm glad to have this and hope there is more.
4 December 2008
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I'll take this. Sure I have complaints. But I liked the movie Hit-man, and I like this.

I thought that story should have stuck to the original game better, I also thought there wasn't enough shooting and killing to reflect the game's 600+ kill count. I also think that Max's super-human capabilities should not have been attributed from Valkyr - the original Max Payne seemed to only need "Pain Killers" to overcome bodily injury.

Where is the "Inner Circle" as well.

I thought Nolasco's Lupino was good - always happy to see him.

Kunis was a mis-cast, she isn't believable in a violent role.

I also thought the drug's side effects should have not been in the movie, I wanted to see a UberSoldat on a killing spree, and I didn't think it was fair to the Payne character to attribute the feats from a dug induced haze which clearly has too many initial side-effects, in order for the drug to have been gear up to the degree which is was (well past pilot and into live-trials), it should have worked well then horribly degraded - not give out hallucinations on the first 2 hits.

All in all, totally watchable, hot women, enough gun-fu to keep you happy, a decent movie.

I hope there a sequel, but hire me as producer/editor/director, I'll make an epic movie.

You know from Lord of the Rings it is OK to try and be true to the storyline and it is also OK for the story to be true to course.

All the low-life scum creeps who call themselves movie critics by giving this movie an unwatchable review are simply losers who never played the games, don't get film noir and couldn't even make a sucky home movie their families would even want to watch. I'm sick of all the "highly rated" trash getting through, and adventurous and alternative stuff like this get crapped on. These critic-losers seem to have either failed out of film-school or are on the payroll for the big budget movies.

Long live Max Payne on film!
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Religulous (2008)
Secular Humanism is a religion
11 October 2008
Interestingly, secular humanists (at least the very first) admitted that secular humanism is in and of itself a "religion," a belief.

Its just has hard to prove god doesn't exist as it is that god does exist.

Wasting time discussing religion while the world economies unravel (something Charles De Gaulle, Ron Paul, David Walker and Schiff have been warning about and predicting for over 20 years.) The true religion is green/greed, and people believe in anything that justifies their existence in a world where there is still much suffering and mismanagement and corruption that could easily be avoided by suppressing the oligarchies of the world.

As usual, Maher offers nothing in the way of solutions or in insightful thinking.
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Idiocracy (2006)
This movie is severely underrated
17 June 2008
This movie has a "B-movie" feel to it, it was mistreated by Fox, poorly marketed, filming was rushed due to budget cuts.

But the story, the dialog and the idea of this movie is first rate/first class.

It's scary to see the extrapolation of where things are headed, and this movie will possibly some day be seen as prophecy.

This movie is a must see, its required viewing, and if you don't laugh and enjoy this movie, get an MRI for a brain tumor.

I really enjoyed watching this movie more than once, which is rare for me.
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Hitman (I) (2007)
Horribly underrated. This is a good movie. Entertaining.
16 March 2008
All I have to say that if critics , Rotten Tomatoes and voters think Beowulf was better than this, there is some retard-inducing powder in the air.

This was a good movie, a watchable movie, a decent movie. It was not horrible. I can think of tens of movies that were acclaimed or highly rated that were crap, yet this one gets marked for death and its not bad.

I think most "critics" were too stupid to get the backstory, and were simply lost. There is no way this was significantly worse than the most recent blond-bond installment, which was good in its own right (slightly better than this on some counts).

Watch this movie. Its not crap.
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Starts slow, causes painful laughing out loud later.
4 September 2007
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Why 9/10? I laughed a lot and audibly, not chuckles, and not painful laughter, but for a movie, this was making me laugh a lot. It was frustrating at first to see the overstated idiocy of Bean, and it started a bit bizarre and slapstick-ish, but at about the middle of the movie, with the funny bit involving Bean miming some lyrics, it turned into clever funny relentless scenarios that make you laugh. The editing stunt at the end was priceless.

If you can sit through this with a frowny or straight face I'd be shocked. This thing his hilarious.

I put a "VIP Pass" in my wallet and showed it to people at work, and if you've seen the movie, people will bust out laughing.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
25 November 2005
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I'll give credit where it is due, like Monsters Inc. or Shrek (I) This is pure overrated cruft. This is the kind of movie you could see on an airplane to pass time, but beyond that, guff.

I've seen on DVD and I didn't buy it nor did I rent it. Thank goodness. Simplistic and doesn't stretch the limits of the super-animated genre.

This thing starts out with the typical "death of parent(s)" routine, followed by a long search for nothing. Enter the wholly unfunny Ellen Degenerate{sic on purpose}. If I was footing the bill for this animated tripe, why pay her, she embodies total overrating.

After a long search for nothing, we end up with some non-descript family reunion.

Anyone who sees this more than once needs to be banned from reviewing movies critically.
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Heat (1995)
Re: rinkenl "About HEAT "The storyline is absolutely not credible"
15 December 2004
Mann (the force behind Heat) talked to a cop, Chuck Adamson, who had a real life meeting with the real life Neil McCauley in 1963 just before Neil McCauley was shot to death 6 times by Chuck Adamson. They had a meeting over coffee, the works.

Also, the inspiration for the Character Vincent Hanna was modeled after a real life obsessed law enforcement officer that busts drug cartels.

The shootout was designed by consulting several people who have been in real shootouts.

The events are plausible more than any other crime portrayal by Hollywood. No one says they are plans for how to rob armored cars or branch banks on payroll days, but let's get real, that is the most realistic shootout ever, the main characters were based on real people - this cemented forever as a top 5 cops and robbers movie of all time.
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